After poking it a couple of times, I got a little addicted.
Sending a teddy bear to exchange for me, Li Mochan, you're really childish.
And copying the family rules for her, are you eager for her to get into trouble?
She reached out and grabbed one of the teddy bear's ears, dragging it over.
Seeing the clothes on the teddy bear, she curled her lips in amusement.
The next day, all the trending searches about Ji Mingqian were taken down, even the online gossip articles were wiped clean.
The sharp and decisive handling of the situation made people suspect that Ji Mingqian had some powerful backing indeed.
Just when everything seemed to be calming down, a new trending search emerged.
The protagonist was still Ye Jiuliang, but this time there was a change in the male lead. This trending search exploded across the capital, throwing everyone into complete disarray.