Chereads / The Divine Shadowhunter. / Chapter 38 - Epilogue: Celestial Dragon Cult.

Chapter 38 - Epilogue: Celestial Dragon Cult.

Due to the events of the monster horde my fame was much greater and many spies from the nobles wanted a lot of information from me detected by Rose, as even demons camouflaged as visitors were eliminated instantly. To prevent them from summoning another similar creature and to use the guardian knights along with the security personnel of the Devora mafia. In that sense I mobilized 6,000 girls to begin the elimination of demons, slaves and criminals, leaving 4,000 for the defense and order of the territory.

I do not leave my territory sending my clones to work to kill monsters, while I spent my time in my small village improving myself in my cultivation room, since Loise, Celeste, Natalia, Anastasia and Ruby when they are not attending to me are working with the staff to attend to the city with the projects. That is how I was passing the time.

Civilians were assured that their children would receive free quality education, without the need to build schools, since we only had to put Loise bracelets on them, and at defined hours from 9pm to 7am they would receive approximately 10 days of education and theoretical and practical training.

This was a complete basic knowledge training, different courses such as administration, accounting, engineering, medicine, languages, religion, martial arts, military practices, in case their divine powers awaken. It was only necessary to create an educational system that takes their grades and parents have information on all their children's activities with mandatory household chores.


Devora was with Celeste in a religious division of the city.

- This should work right?

-Yes, I think it should work-

There was a large statue of Dark covered in flowers with Dante at the base about 30m tall made of precious stones, with a black church with crimson where the members of the Dante fan club were giving out leaflets to the inhabitants of the city of the Celestial Dragon Cult. Devora and Celeste's idea was to take advantage of the same methods of collecting religious thoughts of the church of the goddess of sacred light only for the benefit of Dante to facilitate the use of the sacred army.

In reality, a lot of personnel were being enrolled in the cult, mainly the unfortunate people who were abused by criminals and demons in their clandestine businesses, many children, miserable teenagers who fell into the salvation and worship of the cult under the protection of the city.

The city of Dante was actually for ordinary people were receiving many benefits and comforts, practically all those documented received a flower on their wrists that they could not take off.

Children received education and vocational training while they slept, public services were great in terms of cleaning that smelled like roses, light, water, gas, transportation was perfect, cheap medical services, growth support and business investments to aspire to greatness. Even adults could learn courses for job skills in demand in the market of the dragon cave brand. People living in the city are in greatness comfortable and protected, to the point that many knowing about the cult of the celestial dragon knowing that they worshiped Dante was perfect for them.

The cult was not complicated or annoying in its activities, it was practically a Dante fan club and helped pass on teachings full of knowledge of values, morals and principles about being good people, the importance of personal development and growth becoming responsible, talented, skilled and capable men and women of society.

The children, teenagers saved by criminals and demons were excited with the information as well as the inhabitants of the city who signed up. Especially since Dante was a figure like a spiritual protector with enormous fame due to his actions as a divine hunter and participation in the monster horde. Celeste and Devora considered that if everything went well actively in the future.

The staff of the holy knights could actively stay in Dante's defense, the energy obtained from the collective thoughts would benefit Dante to improve himself divinely. Celeste was not against supporting Dante, since the cult was not looking to destroy the church and they supported each other.

- Do you think Dante would like it? 

-Surely she will be very embarrassed in many ways-

-I don't doubt it, although the benefits are greater-

-Let's put Ruby as a saint that way she will have an important position in her harem at the level of the other girls-


Devora and Celeste did not know, plus the cult of the celestial dragon, would have many members around the empire and outside of it mainly because the fame and recognition of Dante Black in the coming years would not be small at all, especially for dominating all the lower social areas of the empire doing social work to include them in the cult achieving a great influence on people like the religion itself.


Dante had personally promised to obtain a relatively high rank and personal power to protect himself and protect his loved ones so as not to repeat a similar event with the empress having the power to kill him. Therefore in his divine cultivation basement he was dedicating himself to his personal strengthening and development, while letting his clones work to easily obtain divine resources.


A month passed.

Dante's clone was landing on the central continent in a port city belonging to a nation of the moon empire, one of the many powers around the central continent that was about 10 times the size of the 4 continents north, south, east and west together. There were many governments around the central territory and dangerous areas full of monsters impossible to inhabit.

Dante released a clone of Linda in the port city letting this flower spread its roots heading towards the sea covering the distances necessary in time towards the Ferres empire, he had previously let Rose spread step by step to interconnect in case he needed to flee to other parts. Dante considered that with the distance necessary to connect both continents he would easily need 10 years.

Dante walked through the port city heading to the capital city taking about 4 days by land transport, in those days he was learning the language entering the capital of the sun empire which was a city with a culture quite different from that of the empire in infrastructure. It was a city of about 8 million people on a large island around a large lake of several kilometers, where its streets had movement through boats, many water fountains and natural beauty.

Dante studied the great lake noticing that there were in the depth of it, a large number of sea monsters and surrounding the entire lake was a large water serpent dragon 10 kilometers long and 100m thick sleeping coiled. It was the guardian beast of the imperial capital known as leviathan that each year end is offered tributes in exchange for its protection.

- (Human dragon what are you doing in my territory?)

Dante heard a female voice

(Who is speaking to me?)

(The dragon that you are staring at)

Dante watched as the dragon opens its eyes.

(My only reasons are to find some dead baby and start from 0 here, I have no bad intentions, I just seek to live and develop like any other human being who follows the divine path, since at home I have my own problems with some humans in power treating me as an enemy instead of an ally)

(Humans are always creatures that kill their own kind whether for culture, benefits, religion or territory, pathetic in many ways and wonderful in the same sense)

(You respect humans)

(I respect and admire your ability to be so weak, miserable and powerless among creatures, more incredibly there are beings capable of standing out to be impressive and powerful beings to even be a threat to me when combined)

(I do not seek to make enemies with anyone, miss, and even less with you)

(If you follow the path of divine power, you are destined to always create enemies, after all the world is very limited and all powerful beings do not want to give up their authority, territory and control to others who have over others and refuse to give in others, in short, if you want power you are destined to have others who do not allow you to obtain it)

(Do you want me to leave?)

(It's not necessary, do you want me to help you?)

(How does it benefit you to help me?)

(My descendants belong to the imperial family, having a half-dragon human to cross the blood in the process is not a problem)

(Are they dragons like you?)

(Dragons of my rank are very limited, rare and almost non-existent, simply scarce throughout the world, they are only crosses that have my blood diluted over time with humans that I protect as a guardian beast)

(I understand, how do you want to help me?)

(I can help you form another physical body, without having to desecrate the body of a dead baby)

(What would I have to do?)

(He jumps into the lake and reaches the depth of it to attend to you)

Curious, I go to the lake noticing a direct path to the dragon. The dragoness looked at me with her big eyes, I look at her feeling an unnecessarily great pressure. (It's too much to ask you to change to an easy-to-look-at appearance, if you don't want to don't bother, it's hard to breathe)

(I understand)

She transforms into a woman about 220cm tall, blue hair, white skin, beautiful and charming, wearing a top and shorts, plus some horns on her head. There was still that pressure but it was more comfortable to look at.


-Yes, a little-

-Well let's continue, you don't look like a descendant of dragon blood, but your soul has mutated into that of a dragon, in the body of a human, but you are just a division, your main body must be somewhere else-

-That's right-

-Ok, I'll just do something simple, instead of giving you a human body, I'll help you build a dragon body using your current mutated soul-

-How is the procedure?

-I'll give birth to you-

-Do you plan to give birth to me?

-I have an unfertilized, lifeless egg, it couldn't develop due to complications I had 6,000 years ago in a fight against demonic forces, I'll just put you inside and incubate you, you'll have a fully dragon body and dragon soul-She said showing it to me.

I tilt my head staring at her.

- What are you going to ask me in return?

-Just reproduce with my descendants of the current imperial family, their blood is diluting with the time that has passed-

- Isn't it simpler to just have sex with them again? Without offending or provoking them-

- Do you fuck your children? -

-… Good point-

- I'm going to put you in-

- Will it take long?

-About 1 year approximately-


The dragon pushes me directly towards the egg being absorbed by it leaving me in a state of

dream, where I entered my {Domain of dreams} I saw the dragon hugging me, supplying me with energy to fuse my soul to the egg. I could not maintain the domain of dreams for so long, although I prepared myself by making mental data in any case, as it was a nice and comfortable area to sleep, I just did it.

After the year I open the shell noticing the world, noticing the leviathan dragon from below and she stretches out her hands pulling me.

(Good morning, it's been a good dream)

(I feel like I'm no longer human)

(I'll pass you a mirror, you're practically a dragon

I showed my true appearance similar to Dark in appearance.

Name: Dante Black. Age: 1 minute. Sex: Male-Female. Race: Dragon

Element: Darkness/Death/Lightning. Level: 1 Rank: Bronze.

Vitality: 1 Divine: 1 Spirit: 1 Vitality: 1 Resistance: 1.

Constitution: 1 Speed: 1 Agility: 1 Precision: 1 Perception: 1.

Divine ability. Type. Class.

Shadow Devourer. Diamond Control.

Limitless Vision. Support. Diamond.

Divine Arts. Type. Domain.

Abyss. Attack. ?

Sublime Strengthening. Support. 100%.

Dream Mastery. Support. 100%.

Shadow Mastery. Control. 100%.

(I thought I would end up with your species)

(The body is the image of the soul in a way, your body instead of taking my race, ended up taking the corresponding race of your soul, some kind of shadow dragon dragon variant)

(Why does it mention male and female in my sex?)

(Dragons are creatures of both sexes, only some feel more comfortable with one sex than the other, taking an active preference in their favorite sex, in some cases in mating seasons they end up deciding with fights or by their own decision who would be the man or the female who would have to raise the eggs)

I will have to confirm with Dark another time.

- How do I get a humanoid appearance?

-You need to develop your body and energy to take the corresponding humanoid appearance, I will be helping you with that-He said smiling, caressing my head.

-I feel like you are treating me like a pet-

-You are my son currently, so do not be confused my son with the treatment, I will give you a dragon name and I will treat you as my descendant, apart from considering that you are now a baby and you have a curious semi-energetic constitution you will end up dying if you do not take energy from me-

-Fuuu, I am under your care then-I said somewhat uncomfortable.

- Are you upset to treat me like a mother? I don't think you have a better chance of having a mother like me, practically a rank 10, considerable to a divinity with the power to destroy nations easily-

-I'm an orphan and I never had a mother, I don't know how to treat, respect and honor a mother, the one I had at 4 years old couldn't do anything to protect me, take care of me or provide for me having to take care of me the 5 years after my account, I'm 10 years old currently in my other body-

-Well I will be your mother, I gave birth to you, I will take care of you and protect you to turn you into a respectable dragon-

-How will I do with your descendants to maintain your offspring if I don't have the same species?

-Don't worry about it son, among dragons, the female part will give children of the element it belongs to, if you have children in your male form the imperial descendants will keep the water element, if you have children of female offspring they will be your current element darkness, death and lightning, that way the dragons ensure their specific species and offspring-

-I understand, are there never mutations?

-There are rare occasions where there are dragons with several elements, generally the baby ends up dying, being an egg due to the elemental imbalance unable to form-


I stayed silent looking into her eyes and she smiled softly caressing my head.

-Don't worry, well let's feed you a little- She took out her breast feeding me directly, the taste of breast milk was strangely delicious while carrying my 30cm and 5cm thick serpentine body.

-Will it take me thousands of years to grow again? -

-Dragons do not need to spend years developing to obtain a large body, only resources, the question is the mental age for a dragon to develop a consciousness to what you would call humanoid could take tens, hundreds, thousands tens or hundreds of thousands of years-

- Why does it take so long?

-It depends a lot on the dragon's habitat, if a dragon is surrounded by beasts in a pure animal habitat of survival of the fittest, only with instinctive thoughts such as hunting, eating, drinking water, sleeping and reproducing, they hardly develop analytical consciousness and reasoning since they live simple lives, becoming beasts without mind and only being instinctive, they hardly develop the necessary reasoning, however, a dragon developing in a humanoid environment ends up obtaining information from its environment adapting to what it learns, that dragon has the possibility of learning humanoid customs, feelings, culture and even taking the respective appearances naturally-

That would explain why Dark is not able to talk to me in his life he was only a killing machine despite being a being that practically reaches divinity. Thinking about what Leviathan mentioned to me, I concentrate on taking a humanoid appearance with my entire body, even if it sucked all my energy out of me. Slowly my snake body took the appearance of a male newborn, although he had blue hair and eyes like hers. Leviathan raises his eyebrows and smiles cutely pulling my cheeks.

-You turned out to be very cute and adorable, although why do you have a double male member? -

-It's like that naturally-

-Well considering that dragons are dominant and prominent beings among males it could be considered good I think-

-I have 5 girlfriends-

-At your 9 years-

-It's complicated how things end-

-Male dragons are lustful and perverted beings, it doesn't surprise me too much either, well let's put some clothes on you and teach you to be a respectable dragon-He said smiling, taking me to an improvised house.

I didn't know that I would truly end up becoming the image that they draw in my cult.

Meanwhile the original Dante Black was sitting on a throne in his city palace, for a year he has not been able to receive the transmissions of his clone, he has given main focus, he does not know anything about what happens on the other continent. He does not know if his clone is alive or dead and Rose has to cross a lot of sea and land to connect both continents due to the great distance between continents having to reach the seabed and then advance in a straight line lengthening the trip, the only thing she knows is that he is alive due to the last electronic message from World Hunter getting to enter and meet a dragon.

-It would be better if that dragon had not eaten my clone or she will have to deal with me-