Chereads / Werewolf: Sword of Anubis / Chapter 1 - Chapter 1

Werewolf: Sword of Anubis

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1


The early morning sun cast a warm glow over the city of Los Angeles, the City of Angels. Adam slowly awakened to the enticing aroma of breakfast wafting through the air. The moment he opened his eyes, they were silver pools that gleamed like moonlight. Blinking a couple of times, his eyes turned hazel and lost their magical sheen.


He glanced at the runes carved into the side of his bed. These carefully inscribed symbols acted as a shield against involuntary transformations, providing him with a sense of control over his true nature. Despite the protection they offered, he could still feel his body yearning to shift into his war form.


Adam shook his head and got his feelings under control. He rose from his bed and surveyed his room. The grey walls were covered with runes invisible to the naked eye. His bed, made of sturdy black wood, bore the same protective carvings. A simple desk, positioned by the window, held a laptop and a few ancient books written in a language most people didn't know existed.


Near the window stood three pots of poison hemlock, carefully arranged in a triangular formation. Each pot was adorned with mystical symbols and runes, resonating with energies invisible to most. Adam didn't feel the need to draw any Gnosis from the hemlocks right now, as he felt mostly full.


He walked over to a mirror with a wooden frame adorned with engravings depicting wolves running around its perimeter. He checked his reflection.


Adam was a seventeen-year-old with albinism, making his body completely colorless. He was tall and muscular, standing a bit taller than most kids his age. His eyes were shifting between hazel and silver. Willing them to stay hazel, he ran his fingers through his short white hair. Naked, he could see a claw scar on his stomach and a circular scar around his left arm. Though he had healed from these wounds long ago, the spiritual nature of the fight had left lasting marks.


Adam grabbed a metal pendant with the sign of a crescent moon from a drawer in his desk and wore it. Holding the pendant, he felt the presence of a spirit inside. Commanding the spirit, Adam soon saw his scars covered with an illusion.


He then walked to an antique wardrobe beside his bookshelf. Inside, a mix of baggy streetwear and more formal attire hung neatly. Adam selected a black t-shirt and cargo pants, both very baggy, and put them on.


His room was on the second floor of the two-story house. The ground floor contained the study, kitchen, living room, and other common areas.


Getting out of his room, Adam followed his nose toward the kitchen. As he walked, he heard the cheerful voice of his older sister, Lucy.


"I'm telling you guys, moving to L.A. was the best idea!" Lucy's voice rang out. "The vibes here, the opportunities, it's like a whole new world compared to where we were!"


When Adam reached the kitchen, he saw his adoptive family gathered around. Lucy, his older sister, was a girl in her late teens, nineteen to be exact. She was of medium height with an athletic build, her wavy auburn hair reaching her shoulders and green eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. She wore fitted leggings and a grey tank top.


The next voice belonged to Adam's younger brother, Jessy. Jessy was only a year younger, shorter and thinner than Adam. He had shaggy black hair, black eyes, and wore goth makeup. Almost as pale as Adam, though not an albino, Jessy wore a flowing black t-shirt paired with slim-fitted jeans, accessorized with small chains and necklaces that Adam wasn't sure were magical or merely fashion choices.


"Yeah, Lucy's right." Jessy said with a nod. "I mean, I never thought I'd say this, but I'm kind of digging the whole West Coast vibe. It's got a different energy, you know?"


"And the weather! I mean, seriously, no more freezing winters. I love it!" Lucy continued.


"I'm glad to see you both settling in and enjoying your first week here." Faith said. "L.A. is indeed a unique place with a lot to offer. Just a small piece of advice, it's always good to be cautious, especially in a big city. Different neighborhoods, different dynamics."


Faith had an ageless beauty. Lucy and Jessy knew her to be in her forty, while Adam knew her to be older than two centuries, though she didn't look a day older than thirty. She had long blond hair and mesmerizing grey eyes. She wore an earth-toned blouse paired with well-fitted jeans and a sun pendant around her neck that exuded a feeling of power to those attuned to the unseen. She was of average height and very fit woman.

"Come on you have to agree the city is good for us." Lucy said.


"Absolutely, but it's just…" Faith took a deep breath. "There's more to the city than meets the eye. Different circles, different things happening. Just stay aware of your surroundings, okay?"


When Adam approached the table, he saw Faith's gaze holding a touch of concern. She brightened up a little when she saw him.


"Morning, everyone." Adam said.


"Morning, sweetie." Faith responded with a smile.


"Morning." Jessy echoed.


"I'm sorry, morning?" Lucy said with a mocking smile, then made a show of looking at the time. "No, I don't think you can call it that. Maybe afternoon or night but not morning."


"Nine in the morning isn't that late." Adam said.


"Scientists say otherwise." Lucy retorted.


"Scientists who say that can su…" Adam began, but stopped at Faith's death glare. "They probably aren't real scientists."


"Have a seat, Adam. I made omelettes and pastries," Faith said.


"Oh, I love that. Thanks, Mum." Adam said.


"You say that about everything." Jessy remarked.


"Well... I do love food, so it's true for everything." Adam said, sitting down and starting to eat. "So, what were you guys talking about?"


"Mum was just giving us a heads-up about L.A., you know, exploring but keeping our wits about us." Lucy explained.


"Yeah, just city stuff. But we're good, right?" Jessy said.


"You don't have to worry about us leaving the city any time soon." Faith assured.


"Great." Jessy replied.


"I didn't get to leave the house much this past week." Adam said. "I was really busy getting my things in order, so why don't you guys tell me how the city is."


"It took you a week to do that?" Lucy asked with a small laugh.


"Well, you see, I got caught up finding this book." Adam said. "It's like a treasure hunt, you know? Always having a book on the shelf that you've never read, then finding it and starting to read. So yeah, I didn't really get the chance."


"I thought I was the shut-in." Jessy said.


"I'm not a shut-in." Adam retorted. "Neither are you. You go out a lot. You actually go out so much that it makes it weird you're this pale."


"It's an aesthetic choice." Jessy said.


"How does that even work?" Adam asked.


"Someone with no sense of fashion wouldn't know." Jessy said.


"My fashion choice is practical." Adam countered.


Adam and Jessy continued bickering. Lucy and Faith seemed amused but had their own conversation. After a while, Jessy finished his food, got up and went to his room. Lucy followed, but returned with a jacket on, carrying a gun on her belt, planning to explore the city more. Faith stayed behind, cleaning the dishes as if waiting for something.


"Things are not good, Adam." Faith said once she was sure Lucy and Jessy weren't listening.


"Okay, that sounds worrying." Adam said.


"It is." Faith responded with a sigh. "Lucy's sorcery is getting stronger and so is Jessy's psychic and magical abilities are both improving. I don't know how much longer I can protect them from the truth."


"I still don't know why you keep things vague for them." Adam said. "I know things and I'm doing fine. I think they'll do great too."


"Our minds are more powerful than people know." Faith said. "When you don't know about something, your mind offers some protection from it, not great but the protection would be there. If I tell them more about the supernatural, the limited protection they have would be lost and they would always be pulled to supernatural events. You didn't do that great either, you lost an arm once, remember?"


"I was hunted because of my birth." Adam said. "I don't think people would have a reason to hunt Jessy and Lucy."


"That's true." Faith nodded. "But you're forgetting one detail, you're a werewolf, a Garou, Gaia's war machine. Threats that you see as a fly buzzing around can be deadly for them."


"That's fair." Adam conceded. "Is there anything I can do to make sure they're safe? I'm mostly asking who I can kill."


"Killing can come in time." Faith said with a smile. "For now, I want you to scout the city. You still have a couple of weeks until school starts, so I think you can cover most of the city. By then, I'll have a good leg in the city's underground and maybe I'll tell Lucy and Jessy about things."


"I can do that." Adam said. "Do you also want me to keep an eye on your competition? I can take some out without anyone knowing I was even there."


"Not now." Faith said. "I want you to keep an eye on things but it's a little too soon for killing. For now, keep an eye on the dealers in the city, but stay away from drugs, they're not good for you."


"Don't worry, Mum, I'm not stupid." Adam said.


"A lot of addicts said that before trying it once." Faith said. "I promise you, if I learn that you're doing any form of drug, I'll lock you up somewhere no one can find you until you kick the habit. I'll also exclude you from all of my work. Also keep an eye on the vampires, I heard something is happening tonight in Hollywood."


"I understand." Adam said.


Adam finished his food and got up. He went back to his room to grab a few thing, his keys, wallet, phone and a small notebook with a pen. He also picked up two fang daggers and secured them on his belt, hiding them under his shirt. Using the spirit in his pendant, he cast an illusion over the daggers, ensuring they remained unseen by others.


These daggers were once his own fangs from his war form. After they had been ripped off, his fangs regrew and rather than waste the old ones, Adam used his shamanic powers to imbue them with spiritual energy, making them exceptionally deadly. The handles were crafted from oak wood, adorned with intricate carvings.


Adam started to leave the house. As he walked toward the exit, he could feel the expertly crafted protection spells surrounding the house. The house itself was decently large, providing ample space for these enchantments.


Stepping outside, Adam immediately regretted it. The sun's brightness was harsh, made worse by his albino lashes and hair. He quickly ran back inside to fetch his sunglasses, then stepped outside again, now protected from the sun's glare.


As he began walking, Adam used a gift that wasn't natural to his birth but one he had stolen, the Blur of the Milky Eye. This gift belonged to the tricksters of his kind, those born under the new moon. Normally, he shouldn't be able to learn it and other Garou would see it as an abomination if they knew. But the gift was perfect for avoiding attention.


By walking at half his usual speed, Adam could activate the Blur of the Milky Eye. This gift allowed him to compel people around him to ignore him, erasing his presence from their awareness. It required focus and a slower pace but didn't drain any energy. With this power, most people wouldn't notice him or remember his face.


Adam began his exploration of the Westwood neighborhood. While there weren't obvious signs of supernatural activity, he did notice that birds avoided flying over a couple of streets. He made notes about these streets in his notebook.


Heading toward Hollywood, he saw more and more graffiti that wasn't made by mortals. These graffiti tags were signs of vampire activity. From the markings, Adam deduced that the Hollywood area was likely controlled by the Toreador vampire clan. Known for their beauty, sensuality, seduction, emotion, and glamour, the Toreadors were also incredibly fast and had the power to control emotions. Although vampires were usually weaker than Garou, Adam knew better than to underestimate them.


With Adam forced to walk slower, it took him much longer to reach West Hollywood. By the time he arrived, it was noon, so he called his mother, Faith, to let her know he was fine. He decided to grab some street food. Although the food was a bit more expensive than what he was used to, it was quite good.


Adam was, as usual, too focused on scouting the city to appreciate its beauty. Attractive people, interesting buildings, these were all things that might interest Adam, but he remained focused on his task.


As he continued his search, Adam began to notice signs of Wyrm activity. The Wyrm is a celestial spirit that went mad long ago and now seeks to destroy the world to rebuild it in its own image. While the Wyrm itself cannot leave its realm, its servants are active and very powerful. Among these servants are Bane spirits, which act as intermediaries between the Wyrm and its other followers.


Adam's attention was drawn to a beautiful woman selling drugs. This might have seemed normal, but Adam sensed a large amount of Wyrm taint on both the woman and the drugs she was selling. Whispering an incantation under his breath, Adam activated a Hedge Sorcery divination spell, drawing on the energy connected to his human nature. The spell granted him a vision of the dealer, revealing her true nature as a Fomori Enticer. Fomori are humans corrupted by Banes, sometimes becoming mere husks possessed by these spirits. Enticers are shapeshifting seducers, some of whom are husks, though the dealer was not.


Adam knew he could easily kill the Enticer without drawing attention, but that would be premature. He needed more information about the Wyrm activity before acting. Using the Blur of the Milky Eye, Adam made himself less noticeable and continued to observe the Enticer's activities.


The Enticer's drugs sold rapidly. Once she ran out, a van drove up to her, taking the money and supplying her with more drugs. What alarmed Adam was that the van was driven by a Black Spiral Dancer, werewolves corrupted by the Wyrm. Spiral Dancers are known for them having horrific mutations from time to time, which they hide with their powers. Adam could see through these gifts and noticed worm-like growths on the driver's face.


The Black Spiral Dancer, a man in his twenties, seemed to sense he was being watched and started looking around. Not wanting to be seen, Adam moved toward a nearby empty alley. Unfortunately, he lost focus for just a moment, which was enough for one of the Spiral Dancers to spot him. They sent two of their own to follow Adam.


Adam glanced at the buildings around him, noting that they were tall but he could climb them. He spotted a fire escape on the side of one structure and made his move. Positioning himself beneath it, Adam began to shift.


Born in his war form and having shifted for the first time at the age of six, meant Adam had a long time to hone the ability to partially transform. Concentrating hard, he altered his legs and back just enough to enhance his strength, bent slightly, and leaped. Mid-air, he exerted immense willpower to halt and reverse the transformation.


The shift bolstered Adam's jump, propelling him to the fire escape. He grabbed hold, clambering up while focusing on his gift. As he ascended, he saw two Spiral Dancers enter the alley below, searching for him. Keeping his attention on the gift, Adam ensured they overlooked his presence.


Reaching the rooftop, Adam crept to the edge and spied on the van parked nearby. After a few moments, the two Spiral Dancers returned, had a brief conversation and then got back in the van, which began to drive away. Adam decided to follow.


In his Homid form, though one of the weakest for Garou, Adam was still more capable than most humans. He was exceptionally athletic, even by his kind's standards. He began running across rooftops, making calculated leaps from one to another, keeping pace with the van.


The afternoon sun cast long shadows across the cityscape as Adam continued his pursuit. Though the daylight offered less cover, the relatively empty streets provided anonymity. The echoes of the city -sirens, traffic hums and other sounds masked his strides.


The van stopped near other Fomori Enticers. Adam took careful notes in his small notebook, recording their locations and behaviors.


Half an hour after sundown, the van moved to a building south of Hollywood Hills. Perched on a vantage point, Adam observed the van's approach. The building was a house with a spacious courtyard, guarded by armed men and additional vans, raising the stakes.


In the dim light, Adam noted the details in his notebook, location, number of guards, their appearance, and the aura of the area.


The courtyard air was unnaturally heavy and still. No birds, no distant chatter, just an eerie quiet that felt deliberate. Adam's instincts, sharpened by his Garou heritage, sensed the corruption. The very essence of the Wyrm seemed to pervade the surroundings, creating a void of normalcy.


With his notes complete, Adam closed his notebook and began to withdraw. Forced to return to the streets as he neared the area, he focused on the Blur of the Milky Eye to remain unnoticed. He maintained the gift for about fifteen minutes, ensuring he moved undetected, before picking up his pace again.


Moving through the shadowed alleyways of Hollywood, Adam's senses tingled with a heightened awareness. The Wyrm's taint still lingered in the recesses of his mind, a reminder of the malevolent forces at play. As he navigated the city streets, a new phenomenon got his attention.


Now that the sun was down, Adam would see people that didn't seem to be breathing and had a weird feeling to them. Adam knew them to be vampires. The vampires seem to be all talking and moving the same direction for some reason.


Adam recalled his mother mentioning an event happening that night with the vampires. Deciding to investigate, he grasped his amulet. To create a more intricate illusion, he had to transfer some Gnosis to the amulet, enveloping himself in a deeper disguise. His hair turned black and his eyes shifted to brown. His features altered significantly, though his paleness remained. Adam closed his eyes, taking deep breaths to steady himself, slowing his heartbeat until it was barely perceptible, giving him a vampiric feel. Feeling sufficiently disguised, he set out to find a vampire.


"Hello, can I ask you something?" Adam approached a young-looking vampire.


The vampire was a handsome man with a charming smile, silver hair groomed to perfection and sharp blue eyes. His face was cleanly shaved, and he wore a red button-down shirt with the top buttons undone, revealing a few gold chains around his neck. Adam noted the vampire's lack of breath and the familiar, disorienting aura typical of vampires.


"Yeah, I know what's going on." the vampire said, checking Adam out. "You've got that look, ya know? Like you've seen more than your fair share of the night."


"Not that many nights." Adam replied.


"Don't worry, I know what's going on." the vampire repeated. "All the kindred are going to meet the Baron at a nightclub he owns. He called every kindred in his domain."


"Is Kindred the V word?" Adam asked, then realized his mistake. "I didn't mean vagina by the V word, I meant the other thing… you know."


"Yes, I know." the vampire said with a toothy laugh, flashing his fangs momentarily. "The Baron's calling us all in. Rumor has it the Sabbat's sniffing around. Real troublemakers, those ones. You look new, so it's good for you to meet the Baron too."


"Sabbat?" Adam inquired.


"Oh boy, you are really new." the vampire said with a smile. "Oh, you're in for a treat, my friend. The Sabbat, they're like the bad boys of the vampire world. Chaos, anarchy, the whole shebang."


"That doesn't sound so good." Adam said. "Hey, am I also invited to this meeting? I really want to learn more about the Sabbat."


"Yeah, I did say you should come." the vampire confirmed. "I'm Lorenzo, by the way. I am of the clan Toreador, if my beauty didn't make it obvious."


"I'm Adam, and I have no idea what clan I am." Adam said.


"You're Caitiff? How have you been surviving?" Lorenzo asked.


"You know, traveling around, avoiding problems, shit like that." Adam replied. "Hey, that Caitiff thing you mentioned isn't going to be a problem, right?"


"Nah, we're Anarchs." Lorenzo said, patting Adam's back as they continued walking in the same direction as the others. "You probably don't know this, but there's this group called the Camarilla. They're the elders who created a society and they might not like your type. Us Anarchs believe that all of us are the same, clan, age, all that bullshit doesn't matter."


"You aren't going to ask me to kill, are you?" Adam asked, his tone suddenly serious. He was prepared to deal with Lorenzo if the answer was yes.


"No, that's the Sabbat." Lorenzo said with a chuckle. "We still have rules like don't kill Kindred, don't kill random people, don't fuck with the Masquerade, and don't be a dick."


"There are stages of being a dick. How many stages can I go without breaking the rule?" Adam asked with a smirk.


"Just be polite, you'll be fine." Lorenzo said.


"I can do that." Adam said. "By the way, where's this meeting? Is it too far? Should we get a cab?"


"No, it's close by." Lorenzo said. "There's a nightclub around the corner. Tonight is a special event, and only people with our type of invitation can enter. There are probably some mortals there too, they're special guests you can feed from, but you can't hurt them. If you hurt the mortals, the Baron will cut you to pieces."


"Wait, I have a question about the nightclub." Adam asked. "Is there an age restriction? I don't want to be Mr. Obvious, but I do look like a teenager."


"You don't have a fake ID?" Lorenzo asked.


"No," Adam admitted.


"You should get one soon. Clubs are where you can get blood easily." Lorenzo said. "As for your question, no, you don't have to worry. There is an age restriction, but the bouncers are ghouls. They know to let us in."


"Ghouls?" Adam asked.


"Where have you been living all this time?" Lorenzo said, shaking his head. "When you give your blood three times to a mortal, they become blood-bound ghouls. They get some of your powers and won't age as long as you continue feeding them. Speaking of, don't drink Kindred blood. Once is fine, twice can get messy, and three times you will be blood-bound, basically a pet to them."


"Oh, thanks for the info." Adam said.


The two continued walking, engaging in small conversations. Lorenzo kept probing for information about Adam, who skillfully deflected, managing to avoid lying while not revealing too much. After a while, they arrived at the club.


The club's neon lights glowed in the night, casting an inviting yet mysterious aura. The entrance was flanked by imposing bouncers who, upon closer inspection, had an otherworldly air about them. These must be the ghouls Lorenzo mentioned, Adam thought.


"Here we are." Lorenzo said, gesturing to the entrance. "Just follow my lead, and you'll be fine."


Adam nodded, feeling the weight of his illusion and the importance of maintaining his cover. As they approached the entrance, the bouncers gave them a once-over before nodding them inside. The pulsating beat of the music and the dim, atmospheric lighting created an almost surreal environment.


Inside, the club was a mix of mortals and Kindred, the latter easily distinguishable by their predatory grace and an almost palpable sense of power. Adam scanned the room, noting the various groups and their interactions. This was a different world, one that required caution and cunning to navigate.


"Welcome to our little slice of chaos," Lorenzo said, his voice barely audible over the music. "Let's find the Baron and introduce you. Stick close, and remember, don't be a dick."


Adam nodded, his senses on high alert as they moved deeper into the club. This was his chance to gather more information about the Sabbat and the Anarchs and he intended to make the most of it.


As they walked, Adam focused on the gift, blur of milky eye to make the vampires ignore him. Lorenzo already walked with him so it was going to be a little hard to make him ignore Adam.


The Nocturne Sanctum, the destination club had a fusion of Gothic decadence and modern club feel to it. There were a lot of people gathered in front of the club and the bouncers seem to only allow some people inside. Among the people allowed to enter were people that had vampire feeling to them.


 As Adam and Lorenzo stepped into Nocturne Sanctum, the vibrant symphony of music and the pulsating lights of the dance floor enveloped them. The air was thick with excitement, and the eclectic mix of immortals engaged in conversations, laughter, and occasional whispers.


Lorenzo led Adam through the crowd, effortlessly weaving between dancing couples and mingling vampires. As they moved deeper into the club, the ambient hum of conversations melded with the hypnotic beats of the music, creating a sensory experience that blurred the lines between the mundane and the supernatural. There was a second floor, the VIP area. In the VIP area all were vampires and seem to be better dressed than others.


Despite Lorenzo's enthusiasm, Adam felt a subtle discomfort in the crowded and lively atmosphere. The pulsating lights and the rhythmic dance of the kindred created a dissonance with his more solitary nature.


Soon an imposing walked to the edge of the balcony like area on the second floor, overlooking the dancefloor. He was a tall and lean figure is wrapped in the elegance of a perfectly tailored suit. He looked to be in his mid forties with a pale complexion. His piercing blue eyes had a hypnotic feel to it.


"Is that the Baron?" Adam asked.


"He is Isaac Abrams, Baron of the Hollywood." Lorenzo said.


"Can I meet talk to him?" Adam said but Lorenzo held a hand up to hush Adam.


"Greetings, kindred of Los Angeles." The baron spoke and his authoritative presence casting a subdued hush over the gathered kindred. "Tonight is no ordinary night. We face a threat that has stirred the shadows. Some of you know about this threat so I will tell this for those who are unaware, the Sabbat have returned. There is also the threat of the Second Inquisition, mortals armed with knowledge and technology that can pierce our immortal secrecy, is on the rise. Our haven, our traditions, everything we hold dear is at risk."


A murmur of concern rippled through the crowd, the awareness of the dual danger.


"But fear not, for we are not defenseless." The baron continued. "United, we stand against the tide of the Sabbat and the watchful eyes of the Second Inquisition. Each of you has a role to play in safeguarding our city. I invite you, one by one, to meet with me and report any Sabbat or Inquisition activity you may have observed."


The Baron's gaze swept across the crowd, his eyes locking with those of the kindred gathered in the club.


"Knowledge is our greatest weapon." Baron said. "Tonight, we shall arm ourselves. Your cooperation is crucial. Do not let fear cloud your judgment, for we are the enduring children of the night, and we shall prevail. Tonight, my fellow kindred, is not only about vigilance. It is also about revelry. Enjoy the night. Find solace in the companionship of our own. Let the rhythm of unlife carry you away on this eve of both challenge and celebration. But also remember, tonight you connect with your allies and ready yourself for the coming problems."


With the words done, the baron moved back to a throne like area, visible from the first floor. Kindred started to walk toward him to give reports and ask for favors.


"I need to talk to the baron." Adam said. When he looked toward where Lorenzo was, he was gone.


Lorenzo seemed to have left Adam and was hitting on some pretty girl. Adam shrugged and looked around. He was extremely uncomfortable in crowded areas. He slowly moved toward the area the baron was.


After around fifteen minutes of slowly moving around trying to find the stairs leading to the second floor, chaos erupted. Inhuman and monstrous sounds started to come from the entrance of the club. Soon both vampire and mortal started to run away from the entrance. Instinctively, Baron Abrams and his retinue sprang into action, rallying the kindred and guiding them towards the club's back entrance for evacuation.


As the chaos of the attack unfolded around him, Adam stood firm, his gaze focused and determined. Amidst the panicked rush of fleeing kindred, he took a deliberate moment to ground himself. With a calm demeanor, he began the process of shedding his human guise.


First, Adam meticulously removed his shoes, a subtle signal of the transformation that was about to unfold. In contrast to the frenzied atmosphere, he approached the metamorphosis with a serene concentration. The unfolding events, though alarming, failed to elicit the customary surge of rage within him, meaning the transformation was going to be slow.


As he stood barefoot on the pulsating club floor, Adam's transformation commenced, each change unfolding slowly and with a sense of deliberate control. His frame elongated, the subtle growth of fur and the elongation of limbs occurring without the usual strain and pain associated with the rag filled Garou shift.


The air around him seemed to shimmer as Adam's features gradually transformed. His face stayed human but features sharpened and his teeth turned to long sharp fangs. The emergence of claws was a meticulous process, a testament to the disciplined focus he applied to each aspect of his Glabro form.


The form changed his facial features to a point that it wasn't recognizable but it also shattered his illusion. His Hazel eyes no pools of silver as the veil of secrecy was not needed anymore.


The baggy clothes, adjusted to the changes without tearing. Adam always loved his baggy clothing as it allowed him to take the Glabro form without tearing them apart.


Now, standing in one of his four forms, the Glabro form, Adam surveyed the chaotic scene with a calm intensity. The attackers, yet unseen by him were going to be in for a deadly surprise.