In warm and comfy house lived two little boys who were playing hide and seek with their parents a and as the boys hid in the living room closet did they hear a knock.
As the man of the house their father went to open the door and there he saw a strange old man holding something sharp as he tried to hide it on his back,the strange old man was quite tall and muscular as he also had a beard so long as if you can pull it
Marcus,the twins father who had a blonde hair with golden eyes and about 6ft tall asked the old man "What can i help you with?umm...sir?"he asked as the old man didn't answer and dare not to utter a word.
Marcus tried to ask the strange old man again but as he was about to speak the man suddenly slit his throat with the sharp object he was hiding at his back a while ago.Sol,the twin's mother was shocked but managed to grab a kitchen knife and dash to get to the man as she attempt to stab his chest which was succesful but that made the old man angry and stabbed Sol multiple times as the Children in the closet witnessed it all.
They watched as their mother was stabbed multiple times with the sharp object which was a sword now with their parent's blood.The little brother was about to scream when the old man spoke"come out you little peasants"but his brother stopped him and told him to keep quiet as they are not safe.
"Look at me"the older brother said which was Artemis,a boy with blonde hair and golden eyes which he inherited from his father that is now lying on the floor with blood coming out his mouth
"We're going to escape so calm down"Artemis whispered to his little brother while looking at his red eyes as if telling him they'll be alright.Apollo agreed and kept quiet while looking at their mother's eyes that was still open,he saw his mother's red eyes as if it was worrying about their safety.
Apollo was really trying hard processing everything that had happened and so does Artemis.
"I know you're both in that closet you little shits,come here i won't hurt you"the old man told them trying to convince the little boys nevertheless the two boys didn't listen as they were scared and they know for sure they'd be dead if they ever thought of coming out the closet(😏).The old man was planning to kill the children as they saw everything that he did but changed his mind as he knew no the kids could do nothing.
The old man approached the closet to open it,just then the brothers kicked it open and ran away but Apollo was injured in the eye as it was hit by the old man's daggers,Apollo slipped on the blood that was all over the floor but Artemis saved him in time.
The old man just let them go as they were just kids as he thought they couldn't do anything to cause harm.He watched as they run away like cowards,the old man was quite suprised as the kids thought of a way to escape after witnessing all that.
The two boys ran for about an hour and stopped as they realized that the old man wasn't following them,just then a nun approached them and said"Oh my,are you two ok?"she looked at them with a worried face.
They stayed quiet as they were still catching their breath and processing what had just happened in their house and their parents."Well then,would you like to come with me to the orphanage?as i can see you two have no place to go".The nun said and smiled.Artemis just nodded and they followed the kind nun who was really worried as she saw the kids was covered in blood and looked shocked as if something really bad happened to them.
A week had passed since the incident and the two boys was still recovering from the shock nonetheless they were in much better condition and Apollo's eye was treated but he was now blind in his left eye.They came to know that the nun's name was Mary,they were thankful and really did their best to help the nun in every way as a way of repaying her kindness
"Well hello to you all i would like tell you all that the Goddess Roa will come and pick one of you tommorow"the nun told them while smiling.The two boys was confused as to why a Goddess would like to adopt one of them just then,"oh my sorry about that Artemis and Apollo i didn't tell you about this,it's just that The Goddess would like to have someone she can take care of as she feels lonely being alone in her mansion,she told us that she can't have a child so she decided to want to adopt one"the nun explained which answered their questions in mind.
The day has come and all kids prepared as they were excited to meet the Goddess and be chosen to be her child,well not really everyone as the two brothers never really like the idea of being apart from each other.
The bell rings as it indicated it was time to gather at the hall for the Goddess to pick.The Goddess came in and all children was mezmerized at her beauty,her wavy brown hair,her green eyes and fit body and they were happier because of the good aura emitting from the Goddess.
The Goddess,Roa scanned the kids and picked one in just a moment,"I would like to adopt him please"the Goddess told Mary while smiling at her which made Mary blush(🤨🏳️🌈?).
"Okay everyone the picking is done you may go back to your rooms and Artemis stay.Mary said which the kids followed while having a frown on their face,they were jealous because who wouldn't want to be a Goddess's child?
Well everyone did go to their rooms except Apollo as he can't accept that his brother would be away from him,but he was happy for his older brother though,but the thought of being apart can't stop him from feeling extemely sad.
"So your name is Artemis?The Goddess asked and Artemis just nodded."Why are you sad?do you not want to come with me?The Goddess leaned in and whispered "Well you don't have a choice,i'll take you wether you like it or not"Roa said threatening the boy,which made Artemis feel chill down his spine.
"Oh well i see so you have a twin,hmmm that's why.Roa said while looking at Apollo who was standing near the door.
"Well then say goodbye to your brother and...there is a chance that you won't see him again.....Artemis was taken aback as the thought of leaving his brother alone in the orphanange made him sad as he can't protect him anymore.
"Yes Ma'am"Artemis said to the Goddess as he made his way to his little brother.
"Im sorry Apollo,take care of yourself 'kay? Brother can't be here with you anymore and...this might be the last time we'll see each other but im gonna find ways to so that i can see you,you just need to wait hmmm? Artemis said to Apollo while tears were now coming down his face,he hugged his brother one last time and kissed his forehead.
"Brother im gonna take care of myself now im a big boy,you're just 5 minutes older than me i can do it and i'll wait for you". He cried while saying those words and they cried while hugging.(This is not gay it's just brothers who can't be apart from each other and duh they are twins and they have been together since they were born)
"Artemis let's go"Roa said while looking at the scene of the two brothers.
Artemis let go of his brother and they bid goodbye to each other while moving towards where the Goddess is."Im sorry little boy but i need you". Roa whispered to the air.
Roa carried Artemis which made him quite stunned as he didn't expect it."i'll take care of you okay?
They left the place leaving Apollo alone as he can just watch while his brother was taken away..........