Chapter 11 - chapter 11

Aight months have passed since I entered the academy, and now I am six

my only improvement in the past days was doing the wind breakthrough jutsu without hands sign

after that I stared training the fire ball jutsu after borrowing a scroll in the library as Iruka transformation

my only problem back then was were would I train the fire ball?

I trained my water walking in a river nearby, that has many trees around blocking the view so I didnt have any problem

but the fire jutsu can cause steam and that will attract attention for sure

so I started searching for forest with a river wich I found after so much pain, I started training my fire ball jutsu for three days, till I was satisfied with it

but in the third day, my training was interrupted. I was surprised to see a canon character

it was genma!

now I am happy for choosing this forest, it was totally worth it, who wouldn't want to have a special jounin as their teacher?

from there I have decided to make him my seisé

since I will ask Hiruzen a reward for graduating early, genma will be my reward, and I decided that I will graduate after the massacre and after learning at least three wind and fire jutsu, because dying in my first C rank mission is laime

with that in mind I started my routine and got to the academy, deciding to ask Iruka to train me in throwing kunais and shurien seeing how my aiming is sucks

oh I forgot to tell you;

those bitches are racist as fuck!

after six month we finally started 'practicing to be a ninja' more like cheering for boys who are training the academy taijutsu style and throwing shurien & kunai

while us, girls are doing kunoichi classes wich consist of flower gathering and story telling

the fuck? I won't shut up about this unfairness for sure! no wonder the kunoichi are so weak!

I only attended the first lesson then I started skiping

if they dare asking me about the kunoichi classes I'm gonna launch at them

do you expect us to be a ninja by gathering flowers? don't fuck with me I really care about my life!

away from that, I decided to stand for myself and asked Iruka to help me with the kunais and shuriken throwing, which he did gladly, though he asked me why, but once he saw my glare he shut up

well, it took me two weeks to know how to aim properly, but not in the bullseye

though I am good in kunais more then shuriken.

after I was satisfied with my aiming, I started doing the academy taijutsu style, but with adding chakra in various part of my body whether to increase my speed or to strength my attack

I restarted practicing the fire ball so I cam do it without hands sign

you see, I don't learn any new jutsus until I do the one I am learning without hands signs

as they say 'don't fear the the one who can do thousands jutsus, fear the one who practiced one jutsu thousand times'

so yeah...but knowing my surrounding I wasn't able to decrease the number of hand sign because to be able to, you must do the jutsu many times

it's a particular case, and that's why I moved to the next jutsu:

Wind Release: Gale Palm

'A Wind Release technique where the user either increases their velocity, or by the user clasping their hands together, wind is compressed and transformed into a powerful gale, which has enough force to knock over a person'

yeah that one was pretty easy so it didn't take time for me to perform it without hands sign


with that, one year had passed with me training my ass off

the jutsus I mainly use were wind, since I have no were to train my fire jutsu

that didn't stop me but slowed me down.

I learned some C rank genjutsu and how to break free from it, I didn't focus on it since I am not a genjutsu type, oh well be worry then be sorry

now that I am ready, I will start my movements

'here where the real story begin, my story'