In the year 3028, twelve enormous towers mysteriously appeared across the globe, pushing humanity to the brink of extinction. From these towers emerged creatures knows as "Seraphs", which ravaged the world, decimating nearly 90% of the human population and plunging Earth into a state of near-total collapse.
Yet, facing the imminent threat of annihilation, humanity discovered a way to fight back. Through a process called H.A.L.O. or the Harmonious Link Optimization, humans learned to harness the power of the "Seraphs" as their own. And those who could do it have became elite warriors capable of fighting back and tasked to protect all of humanity.
Raden, a 15-year-old boy, have always dreamt to become a warrior. However, during his first ever mission, Raden stumbled upon something he shouldn't have: a mysterious black halo...