The master once said that one must not harm the innocent when descending the mountain, or else she would come down and haul them back up herself.
Originally, Chu Yi had thought that if he really couldn't adapt, he would just find a deserving commoner to harm and then return to the mountain directly.
But now, he couldn't bear the thought of hurting any of the beautiful women everywhere!
"Don't rush things, I'll wait right here."
After reassuring the security guard with these words, he sat down next to Wen Ya and asked, "Are you alright?"
Wen Ya turned her head away, a bit afraid to look at him.
Remembering the scene where Chu Yi had broken through the door, her heart fluttered slightly.
"Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere?" Chu Yi asked again.
The flutter in Wen Ya's heart intensified, and she said in a low voice, "No, I just feel a bit weak, I'll be fine after resting for a while."
"That's good then."
"And you?"