That was a fear born out of the basic instincts of living beings, irresistible and inescapable.
A brisk cold wind scattered the remaining glow of the sunset, and even the sky felt that sinister aura. Dark clouds piled up overhead, and outside the gate of the Witch Garden, the leaves of the parasol trees whimpered in the chilly wind. Even the mountains seemed to bow down before the feet of Her Majesty. The birds and beasts scattered, and all creatures fell silent—the city fell into utter stillness, with only the River of Life slowly flowing.
Besides this, the only sound in the world was the light footsteps of the witch, swaying at the edge of dusk, shaking every Chaotic Citizen's heart.
The entire world fell silent in the face of this malice.
"Who is she?" asked An Su, witnessing the grand spectacle and awe-inspiring presence.