At this moment, the double-headed man was crouched on the floor, his body quivering slightly. Faced with the scrutiny of the dark shadow, his gaze dared not wander in its direction.
The shadow only glanced for a moment, then turned away and continued toward the direction of the staircase.
That eerie breathing sound started up again. The double-headed man was no longer trembling, but he still did not dare to look at the shadow.
As the shadow neared the staircase, it was no longer as ethereal as before, gradually becoming almost corporeal, but it still gave off an indistinct feeling.
It was the silhouette of a man, dressed in a black cinched coat, with hair that seemed to be golden, but because of the shadow's haziness, it was hard to discern clearly.
The man proceeded unhurriedly up the stairs.
Restricted third floor.