"Is everyone here? This coal mine now belongs to me, and if you want to work for me, stay; if not, get the hell out!"
Uh... Next, this coal mine is going to be sold to foreign businessmen, and your salaries and benefits will change significantly," Hyena felt Sergei's warning gaze and quickly changed his tone.
The miners all looked up at Hyena, well-accustomed to such developments; fights over coal mines were nothing new.
As the lowest-level workers, they had no choice but to move from one coal mine to another if they left.
Some seasoned miners recognized Hyena; his coal mine had been lost this way before, falling into the hands of an even tougher boss.
New miners, however, were filled with wild hopes about foreign businessmen, who, unlike local employers, actually treated them like humans and not beasts of burden.
"Why don't you talk to them! I'm not good with words!" Hyena stepped aside, acknowledging his own crudeness.