(Main storyline)
Zhu Wencong stood on the deck, his gaze fixed on the approaching Port of Saint Petersburg, the farthest view dotted with the distinctive architecture of Tsarist Russia, tower spires standing tall one after another.
Su Yanqiao felt the biting cold wind onslaught and wondered, "Is this the Tsardom of Russia built on the snowy plains?"
At that time, the Tsardom of Russia was a super empire that spanned across Asia and Europe, with much of its land inhospitable to human habitation and undeveloped.
There were many foreign merchant ships docked at the port, with American merchants having taken the lead before Zhu Wencong's arrival, followed by the English.
They were not only heeding Zhu Wencong's call but indeed came to make a fortune, everyone firmly believing that greater risk led to greater profit with their adventurous spirit.
"Tsarist Russia! I have arrived!" Louis yelled excitedly, having finally said goodbye to his London cage, finally venturing out.