"Ladies and gentlemen of the audience, now entering is contestant number one from the Atlantic City division of the Miss America pageant, Shannon Parker, a contestant of French descent."
Shannon Parker is 22 years old, 167 centimeters tall, weighs 112 pounds, with measurements of 98, 55, 99, which one could say is a perfect ratio, especially Shannon Parker's thighs which are no less than 90 centimeters long....
Shannon Parker is currently a student at Drexel University in Philadelphia, and her childhood dream was to make her own contribution to the development of Atlantic City after graduating from university...."
On the T-stage in the hall of Block Tavern, Shannon Parker appeared in a one-piece purple swimsuit, with its most striking feature being the absence of the traditional skirt found in swimsuits, reducing the fabric around the waist and exposing parts of her fair skin.
"Eli, aren't you guys from the public safety department going to step in and stop this?"