The weather was clear, and the air was filled with the songs of birds and the scent of flowers.
Luo Shu and Yang Muxue were strolling in the yard. After Wang Fei's wedding ceremony ended, she had come to the Divine Doctor Family. Since it was only a matter of a day or two, it saved her the trip back to the Guard District. She had already arranged to meet up with Hanmo here. Yun Han was also supposed to arrive at the Divine Doctor Family this afternoon; they would all head to the Qiushan Mountain Realm together tomorrow.
"We're going to the Qiushan Mountain Realm tomorrow; it will be my first time visiting the True Cultivation World," said Yang Muxue with a hint of longing on her face. Although she would stay in the space all the time when she got there, she was still a bit nervous.