Tang Jin blinked repeatedly.
"Because I've realized that Grandpa knows about many things."
Xie Ci's eyes were serious.
"From doing business with the Tao Family, even though Grandpa didn't know exactly what tricks they pulled, he acquiesced to letting them send someone over who gave birth to a child with Feng Shui Metaphysics Talent. He also had some knowledge about Xie Yun's situation; he even felt guilty and wanted to rescue him when he heard that Xie Yun was taken."
He had never received any affection before and always felt like the unloved child.
Receiving the slightest bit of kindness from Grandpa, he subconsciously wanted to give back more.
So he tolerated his father, tolerated the Xie Family.
Pride and inferiority seeping from his bones left him at a loss during conflicting times.