Chereads / 'Seed of Chaos' System / Chapter 26 - Oh Where, Oh Where Am I?

Chapter 26 - Oh Where, Oh Where Am I?

Alesha's heart jumped in her chest. She had forgotten about Dennis again! Opening the settings tab (her HUD was still on), she navigated to the only place where she'd seen her brother's username, "Server Admin: xXxBlackDark666xXx." To the right of that she found a little scroll and quill icon. Yes! She had missed it earlier since it was so small, but now that she looked for it specifically this time, she found it! 

Clicking on the icon revealed a prompt, "Would you like to make a report to the Admin?"


Instantly, a semi-translucent scroll appeared in front of her, a floating keyboard in front of it. This was also partially see-through. 

Alesha quickly typed her message: "Hey BlackDark, I can't seem to find the chat function so I'm messaging you here. I made it into the game! I'm a Dark Elf like you said, I even made myself your little sister. You're welcome. But I didn't spawn in your castle. I'm in some kind of huge forest. There isn't much sunlight and the most notable thing about this place is a distinctive bird call I don't think exists IRL. Oh, and the giant parasitic vines with scary big thorns. Do you know where I am? Lotsa love, ~~Phosphorescent_Feline"

She sent it off, then placed her hands on her hips and turned around, examining the forest once again. 

"They say to stay put if you're lost, but that really only matters when someone is actively searching for you in your same general area. In my case, I have no idea whether I'm in Dennis's area or not, but I bet finding some sort of landmark would help," Alesha muttered to herself. She really was getting too used to speaking her thoughts aloud.

[Not my fault, that's something you picked up of your own accord.]

There wasn't anything particularly noteworthy in any direction, so, picking the direction that seemed to have the lowest quantity of thorny vines, Alesha started walking. 

[Hey! Are you ignoring me now?]

"Not necessarily. I just didn't feel a need to respond to that," Alesha assured.

[Well, just for that, I won't warn you.]

Alesha stopped. "... Warn me about what?"


Continuing onwards but on high alert now, she pointed out something. "You do realize that telling me you're not warning me about something is almost the same thing as warning me about something, except indirectly?"


"Haaaa… be like that, then, I guess. I'll just be extra-aAAHHH!" 

In the middle of her sentence, a disc-shaped something about the size of a basketball, sporting a lot of legs, fell from the branches. As it fell, it came so close to her face that she could feel the breeze. It bounced off her leg as it swung forwards mid-step, traveling a couple feet midair before flipping end-over-end once and coming to a stop. Alesha backpedaled hastily.

"What is that?!" She asked, heart pounding from the jump scare and pulling out her knives. 

As the creature righted itself, Alesha got a better look at it. It had a wide, flat ovoid shell and 4 pairs of insectoid legs. The front pair looked like a cross between crab and spider legs, while the back pair looked a lot like grasshopper hind legs. It was mottled green and brown all over. A pair of thin, whiplike tails came from its behind, and a turtle's head with a wickedly sharp, sawtoothed beak peeked out of the front. Its beady red eyes shone with malevolence. The carapace of the creature was bumpy with small, sharp protrusions. It was about a foot and a half wide and three feet long, but only half a foot tall.

[Ding! New Monster Encountered!]

Above the thing's main body, a floating purple display appeared: [Baby Cragulok Lvl. 1] Below that, a red health bar visually displayed its HP, and numbers underneath that proclaimed [6/6 HP]. 

The monster was skittering from side to side as it assessed her strength. Making a decision, it jumped forward and up, coming chest-height before Alesha slashed at it. The game's Motion Assist made it easy to follow the recommended trajectory of her knife. Though, it helped greatly that she was already skilled in maximizing Motion Assist, having played several Fantasy MMORPG's (massively multiplayer online role playing games) that used the feature before. 

With her first slash, she took half the creature's HP. "Ha! Take that, Baby Cragulok! That's what you get for scaring me," she enthused. 

The Cragulok jittered all its legs in annoyance. Clearly it had not expected the carefree Dark Elf to be able to defend itself. 

Suddenly, the little monster leaped backwards, traveling a full 6 feet back in that one shallow jump, then stopped and breathed in deeply. "eeeeEEEEEEEEEEE!" It cried, the ear-splitting screech literally causing Alesha's ears to bleed.

[-1 HP]

If that were all the screech had done, Alesha would have shrugged it off and laughed. Instead, she found herself in a far worse situation than before as Cragulok after Cragulok began falling from the trees above. 

It had called for help.