Terry found himself on the ground. The blast had not only put a hole in the front of the suit, but it hit him so hard that he fell into unconsciousness. He found himself outside in a neighborhood. A guy, who just came out of a store, saw that Batman was on the ground, so he walked over, and it turned out to be a criminal. He was ready to take off the mask to see who was under it, but when he was about to remove it, he fell to the ground. Max Gibson had taken a can to a garbage can and hit him on the head. She just stared at the body. Not sure what to do, she slowly walked over to see the body. Max had put her head against his chest and heard a heartbeat, indicating he was alive. She sighed in relief before she Looked around to make sure no one saw. Max takes his body to bring him inside her apartment. Lucky for her she was home alone. Max had laid him on her bed before figuring out what to do. She wanted to call an ambulance, but before she decided if that was what she was going to do, she slowly removed his mask, wanting to know who it was. She was stunned to learn who it was, "Terry?" Max was shocked. Her best friend from elementary school was the new Batman.
Max decided to put away her phone, not wanting Terry to get in trouble. She instead removed his shirt to see a bruise on his chest. Curious what happened, Max decided to take care of him herself, so she went to get a washcloth to keep Terrys temperature down. She also tried her best to make sure he was as comfortable as possible, worried when he could wake up.
Meanwhile at the cave, Luke rushed over as soon as he had gotten the news about Terry, "What do you mean Terry is gone?"
"I ordered him to return to the cave until I lost contact. I am searching for him now through the suits tracker" Bruce was by the computer trying to track where McGinnis could be.
"Was he attacked?" Luke asked.
"Hold on, I am trying to track him. Bruce made it clear he didn't want to be distracted. Almost ignoring everything Luke is trying to tell him, "Found him. Looks like he is on the south side of the city"
Bruce was about to go, but he stopped, having his hand against his chest. Luke sat him down and gave him his medicine, "I will get. Just stay here" without any argument Luke had left to get Terry.
Back at the bottom floor of Wayne Enterprise the green skeleton had walked in. Looking at himself in the mirror before lying down on the table. Doctors came to help him with radiation, "Evening Mr. Powers. We were wondering where you were"
"Sorry everyone had to take care of business. Just help get the skin back on and I will be on my way" he then glanced at his assistant Willie, who had just walked in, "Willie report"
Willie adjusted his glasses before speaking, "Don't worry sir everythings taken care of. The police had left"
"Good. Hopefully now that pesky Batman won't be troubling us anymore. Soon the city will know Blight"
Back at Max's apartment, she sat by Terry's side for most of the night. If she wasn't she was doing her best to keep his temperature low and take care of him the best way she can. She was still surprised that Terry McGinnis was Batman, which explained why he hasn't been around lately.
Max and turned her head. Terry opened his eyes, slowly getting up, still in pain. She stopped him from falling, "Easy. I found you outside my apartment. Brought you here. Don't worry its just us"
Terry then quickly turned his head, realizing what just happened. He looked at the shirt of the costume by the chair and a Batman mask on the desk. He quickly looked at Max, who calmed him, "Relax, your secret is safe is me"
Terry gave her a slight smile before laying back, "Thank you Max. I am sorry I hid this from you"
"Its alright, I understand this is a big secret. Speaking of Batman, what happened anyway?"
Terry let out a sight before trying to recall what had happened, "Honestly Max, I don't know. I was flying through the city and I got hit by something. Next thing I know, I am here"
Before any more words can be exchanged there is a knock on the door. Terry hides while Max checks to see who it is. She went to open the door to find Luke Fox staring at her. Max is instantly confused, "Hello? Can I help you?"
"I know that you have someone in here"
"I don't know what you are talking about"
"I know you have Batman, I tracked the suit. Now tell me where he is" Max was ready to throw a punch, but before she could do that Terry came out, overhearing the conversation, "Its alright Max. Lukes a friend" he slowly walked out of her room, still injured. Both Max and Luke catch him before he could fall, putting him in a chair.
"Its okay Luke. Max is a friend, she found me before anyone else could"
"That's good to hear. As soon as I heard something happened, I came racing to the cave. We were able to track you through the suit"
"Well I am here"
Luke turned his head towards Max, "I trust you will keep this between us?"
"Of course, don't worry" the two helped Terry into the car before taking off, leaving Max behind.
Luke gets Terry to the cave, where he is receiving medical treatment. Bruce is analyzing the suit, seeing there is a big hole in it. He then walks over to Terry, "What happened?"
"Honestly the last thing I saw was a bright green light, then I found myself at Max's apartment" he kept his mouth shut accidentally telling Bruce someone knows his secret. He however stayed quiet before putting the shirt in the machine to examine it. There is radiation being shown just like at the break ins at the Wayne Tech, "Well turns out there was radiation found on the suit"
Terry is confused, trying to get up, "What are you talking about"
"The shirt was hit with radiation. Powers was exposed to radiation. Do you remember?"
"Yeah that's right, I threw nerve gas at him. What does this have to do with him?" Terry pointed out.
That is when Luke came to a conclusion, "That makes sense now. Terry goes in and attacks Powers, then Powers turns into a blight and attacks Terry is what you are saying?"
Bruce nodded his head, then he and Luke looked at Terry, who was still confused, "So you are saying I turned him into that?"
"That's right" Bruce said, but Terry didn't care.
"Good" was all he could come up with. Bruce and Luke just stared at him like they were annoyed.
"What, he had my parents murdered and all he did was get away from breaking the law"
"Even so we need proof that Powers is stealing from the company as Blight, then we could bring evidence to the police to take him down" Luke suggested.
Terry shook his head, "No. I want to bring him in myself"
"How are you going to do that? You could barely move" Bruce pointed out, sticking his cain towards where the bandages are.
"I don't know. I will find away" Luke helped Terry get up, determined to go back out.
Bruce just watches before stopping him, "You will need a new suit. Until then get some rest. You need to heal" Terry was reluctant, but gave in. Walking upstairs.
Meanwhile, Bruce goes back to his computer. Still trying to investigate what has been going on, seeing how it connects to Powers.
"What are you thinking about Bruce?" Luke asked him.
"I don't know. Just thinking, Powers, Wayne Enterprise. I spoke to Barbara when you were out. She detected radiation in the facilities"
"So you think Powers is the one that broke into the companies?"
"Perhaps, but the question is what could Powers be building?"
Powers was in his office, back to his regular skin. Looking at the view, he takes satisfaction for what he did to Batman. Derek took a sip of his wine before Willie came in. He looked at the young skinny man in his gray suit, he was shy. Powers got up to meet with him.
"You called me sir?" WIllie asked, stuttering.
Powers tried to hide his annoyance with a smile, "WIllie, glad you came"
"I heard you needed me sir?"
"That's right. Tell the engineers that they can start to work on the project"
"What about the core?"
Powers turned back to the window to smile, "Just leave that to me"