Chereads / Allies's Vishnu / Chapter 13 - Family murder

Chapter 13 - Family murder

After My mother died everything changed,my father become a founder and great detective.

He founded Allies in present this company also control police.I am happy but the company have great past.Which people also got Killer past.From that past my father got many nickname like detective killer, greatest detective in decade,Allies king etc.

First time in history of Allies all OG member of Allies arrived in a meeting which was top secret.

Name of story-Allies's Vishnu

Samar:Sir I think we have to hide this from Young kal.

President:Yes I think we should do this,but how we handle media the news is already out.

Samar:I think we can hide the Identity.

President:Yeah I think it will work.

Cutting the call Samar slide his phone inside his pocket.He was standing in a house.The whole family was been murdered,the youngest child was missing and the harsh truth it was his colleague's big brother family.The family of Young kal(Om).

They all discussed and then decided to keep it secret from Om.He is famous cricketer who already debut for India.Being part of Indian team made his schedule messy but somehow he manages to work for Allies.

Samar phone rang second time it was President.

He walks toward scene the body was already sent for postmortem report.He jump to cross barrier with do not cross written on it.

The room was messy,floor was coloured in red,vase where broken,wall are also in contact with blood.He walked toward table and pick up a family photo.

Samar:(Mind) Something is wrong,this child wasn't in scene.

Staring at photo he noticed that they have a child, around 10 year old.He was thinking that it might be there son.But If he is not here then where he is.Probably gone to play.To confirm he leaves room and starting to look for child.He was not here even the police who was here before him didn't say that they have child.

For confirmation he knocked the neighbour house.

An girl came outside she named herself as Radhalaxmi.Her mother came followed her.Instead of wasting his time he asked her mother.

He takes out the photo and asked her who is he.

Lady:He is krishna the only son of Mr.Raj.

Her eyes soon becomes teary.The girl also looked Sad but she was small and didn't understand what was going on she didn't cry.Her mother's tear was enough for her to be Sad.

Lady:He usually played with Radha.

Samar:Thank you Mam.

Thanking her he wanted to leave but suddenly he realised something,he leaned,put back family photo in pocket.

Samar:Take care of your mother Little Miss.

His big hand was enough for girl head.She nodded in weight of his hand.

Samar:Mam I am sorry to make you cry.

Lady:No you were just doing the work.

He leaves without waiting,it was part of his work.To take care of every civillian.Allies didn't work like police.If he was in police he was still making her cry.But to him it didn't matter,he would try to calm her.

He then went to another house and he got same reply.

House person:Hmm no I don't think.

Samar:Okay thanks.

It was the last house,he already asked everyone in neighbourhood to get information about Mr.Raj son and about their family.

But they only answer same thing, Walking in night.

Samar:(Mind)He is....

Samar ran to him but it was to late he was not there but his mind know what to do?

He rang the bell of house, someone open it looking at him he guessed he was drunk.

Man:Ohj.who ar yu?

Samar:Oh I want to meet Ms.....


Samar: It's important and secret

Man grab his collar and shouted on him.

Man:Hn Are you her secret boyfriend?You both are cheating on me.

Hearing shouts the lady came running and surprisingly it was Radha's Mom.Not surprisingly because Samar had seen her with Missing son of Mr.Raj.

Radha's Mom:What are you doing honey?

Man:You are here.

Leaving collar he slapped her and start shouting on her.

Man:Is it true You ar cheating on me.Say you bitch head.

Samar:(Stoping Man's hand by grabbing in air)No,She is not.

Man:(Try to punch him)I will you both.

Samar dodged punch by moving his little bit.Before he can pull his hand back Samar catches it and twisted it behind his back.

Mam: Aaah

Radha's Mom:(Interfering) Please leave my husband.

Samar:Sorry but I have to knock him.

Holding Man's both hand by Right hand he release his left hand and hits on solar plexus near diaphragm.

Because he was drunk and Samar hitted him in solar plexus he got unconscious.Samar just pushed him causing man fall on tiles.But before he can hit the tiles he was saved by his wife.

Samar:You sure care about your husband miss.

Radha's Mom:(In anger)Why are you here?

Samar:Well you know it.

Radha's Mom:What?

Samar:You don't need to act.

Samar:I will carry him.

Carrying the unconscious man he start to walk and dropped him on large sofa.

Radha's Mom:!!!!

She was standing filled nervous and fear.

Samar:You just have to answer my questions.Do not fear from me I am not bad man.

Dropping him self on sofa Samar then continued.

Samar:Where are your daughter and Mr.Raj's Son.

Radha's Mom: They're sleeping.

Samar:Well good...I can ask freely without any fear.

His Voice started to make her more nervous,her body started to feel fear.

Samar:Just Like I said I am not bad guy, Don't fear from me.

Radha's Mom:(Looking at his husband)Is...true.

Samar:(Leaning)Oh!He was just pain in ass.I only wanted to talk in personal.He was drunk and is not listening to what I have to said.So,It was just good step.And He was beating a woman in front of me.I don't think you have done any mistake.