Chereads / Origins of Fate / Chapter 123 - 61. Big Announcement (part 1)

Chapter 123 - 61. Big Announcement (part 1)

Character : Nathan Fiore, Big Announcement





The powerful wind force began to grow calmer by the second, and the crowd quickly realized the unfortunate opponent had disappeared.


"H-Huh!? Where did she go!?" From the speaking device, I spoke with such confusion. 


At the announcer room above the spectator's seat, I can see the whole arena from here. However, it is still impossible to find where Lily went.


Everyone turned their eyes around to find where Lily had gone, and they all turned their gazes up. Light can be seen piercing the dome, and they all realized that the hole wasn't supposed to be there.


"O-Oh… did she blast through the ceilings!?" I continued with the rambling confusion, and the crowd also started getting confused.


The medic team can be seen running around the spectator's area, trying to reach the exit that is above the seats. And seeing them doing their best to reach the exit, it seems like the search party for Lily is already on their way.


"Hang on. The medic team is going to look for her. However, this does mean that she is out of bounds, so…


W-Winner by default. Winnyssa Al-Heath Vaico, with yet another one shot to her opponent!!" I excitedly announced through the speaker, and I can hear the muffled sound of the crowd going crazy up there getting louder and louder.


"Everyone just loved a strong silent individual. Right?" From behind, a familiar voice was heard, and I turned around to find a beautiful princess.


Looks like she made it out of the arena. Her appearance looked fine, so she didn't get hurt one bit. She also managed to sneak back inside into this announcer room, and I wondered if anyone saw her come in here.


We're the only ones in this room, at the moment. It's fine for us to be saying anything as long as the speaking device is off.


"Mm-hmm~. Anyways, are you hurt?"

"I'm fine. I punched through the ceilings with my hand. Look." Lily lifted her fingers that looked quite red after punching the dome's ceiling, and sure enough, it looked painful.


"Ouch. Nice acting, though. The crowd loves it."

"How long do you think the medic team is going to look for me until they realize I'm here?"

"Hopefully not forever…" I answered after thinking about it, and Lily only laughed. Those guys could search for her forever…


In the arena, Nyssa didn't even bother leaving the arena. Instead, her next opponent has already started approaching her.

"Lily, get ready. We'll move right after the battle ends." I quickly said after realizing both Eric and Nyssa are already on the battle ground, and Lily panicked.

"O-Oh, that quickly!?"

"Yes, just get prepared."


"O-Okay… Don't turn around. I'll change on the corner."


Hearing that, I very slowly turned my grin to her, and Lily let out a sigh.

"If you look, you'll have to date me--"

"Come on, Lily! No time to be joking around!" I shouted right away before turning my gaze back to the arena, and she turned around as well.

"I'm not joking though…" Lily mumbled with such a low voice, and I bet she thought her voice was so little I didn't hear it.


This damn princess is just going to rope me into a contract marriage one day… she's dangerous.


Nevertheless… the most dangerous thing at the moment is now in the arena.


"People, it is time for the greatest battle of all time! The final battle of the two contestants who have done their best to make it all the way here! Which hopefully will not be so boring~!


It is the champion, the favorites, and the strongest! Eric Axwell, the best student of the first years!


Facing him… is the challenger, the heartbroken, and the goddess of wind herself. Winnyssa Al-Heath Vaico!!!" I excitedly announced to the crowd, and everyone still cheered despite the disappointing previous battle.


After all, this is the final match. If this gets boring, then this whole event is boring. The stakes were also quite high considering what I put on the line.


"Are you done changing?" I asked with the mic turned off, but there was no reply.


I forced myself to turn around, and I found Lily just leaning her body to the wall, as if waiting for something. She's already wearing the combat outfit that Frisena prepared for her, quite a similar set with what we wore during our battle against Zero and the headmaster.


"Yeah, since a while ago. I'm just wondering when are you going to turn around." She answered calmly, but she looked so disappointed.

"D-Do you actually want me to see you without clothes on!?"

"Forget it. How's Nyssa doing?" Lily asked as she approached me, and I only stared at her as she arrived next to me by the window.

"W-What?" Lily muttered after she realized I was staring at her.

"Sometimes I wonder whether or not you're a princess."

"Are you serious? You want to have this conversation without realizing your own position?"



I quickly closed my mouth as I realized her point, and Lily pointed her finger towards somewhere in the arena.

"Does Jonah know about…" Lily said while pointing to the crowd, and I'm so glad she didn't continue this topic.

"The timing or the hidden war?"

"The timing. I don't think anyone really knows about that other one right?"

"Yeah. I think Jonah has already been informed by Frisena this morning. Hopefully he knows when the signal does come."

"That's great. Then, shall we?"

"Yep." I picked up the mic again, and I pressed the push to talk button.

"Ladies and Gents, it would seem that both fighters are ready! Then, let us begin… the final match of this year's battle tournament! Begin the countdown!










Immediately right after my countdown came to an end, a blast of lightning struck from the clouds above.




The lightning strike struck the center of the arena, and everyone became quite shocked at how powerful it was. Certainly, no one expected such a powerful technique to be casted right off the bat, and no one except for Eric can cast such a fast and powerful lightning strike.


"Let's go greet the others. Have you met the other two?" I asked Lily, and she chuckled as she too headed to the exit.

"Yeah. They're weirdos."

"I think the girl's pretty hot."

"… Do you wanna die?" Lily said with such a menacing tone, and I can tell she felt genuinely annoyed by that joke.


I only laughed it off while she punched my shoulder multiple times. If anyone saw us, for sure they would think we're dating.


At the arena, the battle has only turned fiercer. In fact, this is definitely the fiercest battle of the whole tournament.


The goddess of wind has descended from above, releasing her wrath onto the world below her. However, the champion lightning king stood against her, and the two are battling evenly.


Wind origin is meant to completely counter lightning origin. Because if the wind is far too messy, then no lightning can be casted, since electricity is created using the friction of wind. However, there are still cases when the disadvantaged origin is too strong to be held back by measly things like that.


The case when I beat the blue knight called 'Five' even though he had water origin… this case is more or less similar to that.

Nyssa's talent is definitely one in a million. She is incredible at her wind origin, and no one is ever better than her, not even the weird colored knights from the dark republic.


However, she is facing a monster. So monstrous, that he is fighting on equal grounds despite his origin being disadvantageous. Even when Nyssa is fighting this battle as if she was fighting Zero and the headmaster...


Eric… he is just a different breed.


"HROOAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The thunderous scream of the lightning king was heard throughout the arena as hundreds of lightning strikes struck from above, and Nyssa can barely hold on.


Her wind origin protected her from a single electricity ever touching her, but when so many lightning strikes are attacking, such things won't be so easy to defend.


However, Nyssa herself is attacking flawlessly. With her origin having the upper hand, any attacks she throws at Eric will absolutely demolish him. Her wind spears threw Eric off his balance many-many times, but his lightning speed movement allows him to dodge almost all the deadly wind assaults.


And Nyssa's positioning, she is flying in the air like a genuine wind goddess. Wind tornadoes are forming surrounding her, protecting her from the endless lightning strikes that Eric casted.


With such a natural disaster of a battle, the arena cannot hold out for much longer. The ceilings have long since collapsed, but thanks to the invisible barriers protecting the spectators, no one was harmed. Although some attacks did pierce through the barriers, it only did minimal damage due to the damage mitigation from the barriers.

"The barrier is working… No one is going to get hurt." Next to me, Lily muttered as she watched the battle of natural death happening in the arena.


The exit door was opened widely, and many of the students were rushing out. They couldn't handle the power behind the battle that can't even be contained within the arena, and they decided to flee before it became worse.


Sure enough, that was a good call from them.


"Nathan. Nathan, can you hear?" From the communication device on my pocket, Frisena's voice can be heard. I took out the device and placed it in front of my face.