Chereads / Dungeon God World(DGW) / Chapter 14 - Chapter 14: Goblins attack!!!, Part 1

Chapter 14 - Chapter 14: Goblins attack!!!, Part 1


Dungeon system: The thousand realms

Owner: Knox light

Level:2 (150/400)

Mana 850/850

Dp:100 (Dungeon points)

Protectors: 6


Abilities: Mana manipulation, vassal creation,

Dungeon shaping, weaken willpower


The goblin was sat at the top of the stairs, it was staring down at Draco, Cabbage, Hollyhock and Sage.

They saw that it wasn't moving, it seemed that the goblin was scared of the number advantage, which the other side had.

Draco spoke demandingly.

"Lets move, we can whittle them out sleep along the way".

The four kobalt's charged up the stairs.

Draco made it up first, making eye contact with the small goblin, Draco properly outsized the goblin.

As Draco charged forward towards the goblin, he tripped and fell to his knees….

He looked down and saw that the goblin had used it's foot to knock him over.

Draco saw that the goblin whos face showed a large grin.

Was now charging forward with a punch, Draco seeing this quickly rolled out of the way, narrowly avoiding the powerful punch.

As the kobalt's were quickly advancing forward trying to help Draco.

Draco grateful for some backup,

Turned his feet and ran backwards, he moved quickly backdown the stairs.

He found that his followers were now beside him, so they all started to charge the goblin together.

Hollyhock moving the quickest grabbed the goblins arms and held him down using all of her power.

She barely could hold the frenzied goblin down, as the goblin was constantly trying to bite and rip at Holly.

The goblin was beginning to over power hollyhock, it even bit a chunk out of her ear, leaving her bleeding profusely.

Sage seeing his older sister in grave danger, put his fear far behind and charged forward….

He delivered a strong blow to the back of the goblin's head using his trunk-like stick.


Sage looked down at what remained of the goblin….

It's head was a mangled mess, Sage had hit it so hard that, that the goblin's head had caved in, and had spattered all over the four.

Sage, Hollyhock and Cabbage extremely felt sick seeing this scene for the first time in their live's.

Sage began throwing up, he felt nauseous, and could no longer hold back his stomach.

Sage screamed loudly.

"Oh, I can't believe I did that, ew ew ew".

Sage tried to clean himself, but he only felt even more sickened, cleaning the goblin blood off himself.

Sage began to have tears welling up in his eyes.

Hollyhock looking at her saddened younger brother, mustered her strength.

Hollyhock spoke to her younger brother.

"Little brother, look at me, and listen to me, please Sage look at me".

Sage looked up at his sister, wanting to hear what she had to say.


"I'm proud of you little brother, you have done what was needed".

She then said to sage.

"You have protected mother and sister, just imagine what it would've done to mom?"

Sage hearing this gulped, he knew that if he was weaker, the goblin would've happily eaten him.


Knox's perspective.

Gained 50 xp

Dungeon system: The thousand realms

Owner: Knox light

Level:2 (50/400)

Mana 850/850

Dp:100 (Dungeon points)

Protectors: 0


Abilities: Mana manipulation, vassal creation,

Dungeon shaping, weaken willpower

Knox was proud and thought.

"Just look at little Sage, he's got the heart of a lion".

Knox was watching as his Kobalt's confronting the goblin, and he studied the goblin the whole time, hoping to observe his strengths and his weakness .

Knox thought to himself.

"We should be alright for now at least, with the strength of these goblins, they can't put up much of a fight".

Knox focused back on his kobalt kin, hoping that nothing would go wrong.

Draco yelled at the three kobalt's.

"Alright let's move, let's try to get to the rest before they can get down here!!!"

And so the kobalt's quickly adjusted their minds, and got back to the battle on hand,

As they knew that waiting above them, were more goblins, all hungry willing to eat anything possible.

They quickly marched up the stairs until they reached the top, they stepped through into the old core room.

They looked around and saw that, none of the other goblins had made it this far yet, so that left them with some time to ready themselves.

It was quite lucky for them, as they had time to gather stones to throw.

Draco to Sage, Holly and Cabbage

"Everyone, pick up as many stones as you can and follow me".

And so they did, they had learned to trust Draco's leadership, Maybe it was the courage he had shown?

The Kobalt's followed Draco through the passageway towards the entrance room, with their stones in tow.

As the reached the entrance room they saw something quite comical, the goblins were having an incredibly hard time, scaling the incline.

The mix of the inclined slope down and the sharp rocks, didn't work well with the goblins short legs.

One of the goblins was stuck hanging from a stone protruding from the surface, it's lung had been pierced leaving it long dead.

Ding gained 50 xp

Another goblin had slipped down the incline, and had landed butt first onto a spike…

Ding gained 50 xp

Knox watching the scene thought.

"Wow he must have had negative luck… who did he piss off in his previous life"?

Cabbage looking at the goblins deceased body felt sick, and immediately began throwing up, he emptied his whole stomach onto the ground.

Cabbage trying to look away from the impaled goblin.

"Ew that's disgusting , don't they know how to die with honor"?

The rest of the goblins were slowly making their way down the stone incline, their small hands were obviously not useful in scaling such an angle.

Draco spoke very loudly, alerting all of his followers.

"Alright everyone, throw your stones at the goblins, aim for their heads".


Dungeon system: The thousand realms

Owner: Knox light

Level:2 (150/400)

Mana 850/850

Dp: 100 (Dungeon points)

Protectors: 0


Abilities: Mana manipulation, vassal creation,

Dungeon shaping, weaken willpower


Thank you for reading, and I'll see you all in the next one ;)