The AAGS is formed of 5 components
1. The spinalis Recol
2. The 2 gear boxers
3. The 2 handles(holding the spinalis Recol and the gear boxes together)
4. The air condenser
5. The speed adjuster
The Spinalis Recol.
This piece of the gear goes to the back of your spine under your clothing this allows the user to make it so the gear is just like a piece of your body that you have to learn how to use the waybit works is by pushing energy from your brain cells into the gear
The 2 gear boxes.
This piece of gear is shaped like a circle to make it feel like a jetpack and so when you slide it produces sparks to burn any Yaknir's this provides the necessary energy into The air condenser
The air condenser.
If you didn't know the air condenser is located under the gear boxes so when you lead forward it pushes the condensed air to maximum power allowing the user to fly the circuits are hard to understand and place as they are jam packed
The 2 handles.
By far The 2 handles are the most important as they hold together the Spinalis Recol & 2 gear boxes this can morph and twist so when you move it doesnt stay in one place the way it was achieved was by making the 2 gear boxes twistable while screwed together
The speed adjuster.
The speed adjuster controls the output of Condensed air you release