Chereads / Starship Troopers Alien Domination-Survival / Chapter 11 - 11 Chapter: Descent

Chapter 11 - 11 Chapter: Descent

Attention soldiers, we will be heading down soon, but there have been changes and we will no longer be going to drt6. Let's go to sff8 our objective is to go down and coordinate with other teams and clear the Zerg from the valley plateau in five minutes then defend the point so that the Moebius team can create a security point right in the middle of the conflict, if necessary after the advanced lines will retreat to this point. Someone has doubts.

No sir.

Well done soldiers, everyone fights.


Starting the personal descent.

Shoot anything that doesn't have a human shape.






Reentry was turbulent. It shook like hell, the newbies shook, but here we are.

Shoot, what are you waiting for.

pow, pow, pow,

• clean, clean

The cleanup was easy, I don't know why, maybe the Zergs don't even know why we want this worthless point, but so what, the fewer Zergs the better.

• 10 ,9, 7

Technical personnel arriving, defend the perimeter.

5, 4, 3,2, 1

The re-entry Powers broke through the clouds amid gunfire.

Pow, pow

Pow, boom

Soon everyone saw several airborne charges arriving in sequence, they were surprised when they saw the VCE leaving and even more so when they started to operate they were so dazzled that they forgot to shoot for a few seconds, they had never seen this type of equipment in the field and when they flashed a construction was being assembled cut welded in record time in a way that left them amazed.

Four hours later

Pow Pow

Pow Pow

Reactor arriving. The lights in the command center came on then, bringing light to the darkness.

Technical human cargo arriving.

VCE ready.

VCE ready.

Attention support point command is operating 100%.

Starting mining ready for construction, waiting for suggested construction points.

Radio: Attention, attention.

Safe point sff8 point.

Points rff6, off8 prepare to receive logistics support.

Received. rff6

Received. off8

An hour later, several steel guardhouses could be seen built around the command center, the lights brightened the entire area, allowing ideal combat conditions.

• Steel city built safe zone being expanded.

Life support home operating.

Attention Valley of death insurance.

Inform all rescue and combat units, safe point cleared. Safe loading and unloading area.


-Everything as planned, not even a serious flaw detected yet, folks.

Yes, but the other areas are not well, I don't know what the command will do. Share what you think.

-Certain battles have to be fought to understand the enemy and learn, unfortunately we will have a price to pay.

"Thinking about it, I'm already very happy with their performance in this battle, it's much better than before, thanks to my efforts the wool ball was loosened a little"

At the army operations center.

What do you think, will it be possible to take over the planet?

It's possible, but the price is very high, it's not worth it. The Zerg are sending reinforcements to other planets in the solar system, a new creature is transporting them. It's better to clean up little by little, this direct invasion was a mistake.

Apparently the only safe spot on the planet is Death Valley at the moment and that's where Moebius is, the Zerg are attacking but apparently it's a very solid spot.

00: Send the images.

We have no choice, it was my mistake but since this is a failure and we will retreat anyway, take the opportunity to test these fortifications and analyze their performance.


Command order

Prepare to evacuate, calmly focus on the safe point on the map.


Azienda: –Damn, tell the technical team to strengthen the valley as much as possible, don't hold back material, let's do it well. Use leftover flooring material at strategic points.


(sounds of battle shots and everything you can imagine)

We are here in Klendado bringing news from the front. Nobody expects this level of resistance from insects.

Bang, bang. Wow.

Help, my leg.

We are now in direct combat on line 253J, wait, wait, we have new news now we are retreating to a safe zone, yes safe zone apparently we are testing new equipment that the federation created.

According to reports from officers on the radio, in less than eight hours it was possible to create a steel city in the middle of enemy territory.

Bang bang – pow

Let's use the point to fight the Zerg.

 /Run, the Zerg will break through and are coming.

(Loss of signal.)

Want to know more?

 Pow pow pow.

We are now back from the valley of death with new news, apparently I haven't died yet, but that's not what we're here for, look at the defensive line created by the equipment developed by the Moebius project.

This place has become an unshakable anchor point on this planet, come explore the camp with me.

See the metal exploration and processing process done in real time, see how beautiful it is.

Plate, tling. Plate

Boom.( Background sound: Damn bugs. Air raid)

Apparently these plates can be used to make anything. See them in operation.

The camera angle changes and films the action.

Pow, pow pow, pow

All-out attack, be careful, the enemy is invading the bunker, hold the line, bombardment incoming

Pow pow. Boom.boom.boom.

Clean, technical team come and fix it.

See, this newly created invention the VCE is used to build, or repair any mechanical thing that is damaged including these bunkers, they are patched in seconds, a beautiful work of engineering made by the human race.

Air attack and massive bombing coming again take shelter.

. Until the next broadcast guys, if an insect doesn't kill me first.

Boom boom boom boom.


(Signal lost)


+The defensive lines are holding up well, guys, everything is as designed and expected, if we continue like this this planet will be ours, Azienda.

- Don't underestimate the Zerg, they have already realized that they have to destroy this point quickly, because the longer they delay the worse it will be for them, the number of casualties has completely reversed in this place so I think we will suffer a total attack in at most one hour.

- There's also something else, have you noticed how ineffective the troop's equipment is? If we're lucky, maybe we'll be able to resist.

Dr.Segum yes, the low damage caused by Morita weapons and armor has low defense against insects. I was thinking, I think it's better to stop the development of the command center in the future, and focus on the infantry plan.

- I was also thinking about this possibility, do you think it would be better to focus on building all the follow-up projects and then focus on improvements?

+It wouldn't be a bad idea, but I think it's better to focus on the basics first, if we can implement the ACE first and a suitable weapon, we would probably have already taken the planet with ease.

-Humrum. That's true, there's no point in being in a hurry, it's better to make progress on the key points.

Unbeknownst to them, the ship's operators are listening in on their heated conversation. And evaluating the information obtained without understanding some points very well but still leaving them surprised. With what they were developing behind the scenes.

Attention, several insect tunnels are appearing, someone blow up and cover these holes.

Bang bang, fire in the hole, boom. Boom

Fire Fire…

There are many tunnels, be careful when attacking the back. Be careful air strike. Attention Giant beetle on the flank.

*Acid was thrown on the soldiers.

Hahaa. Help. Splash.


Air support underway.

*Boom, boom, boom, there are a lot of insects, be careful, we won't make it.


Attention, defensive line broken, retreat to second line.


Second defensive line about to fall, prepare for evacuation. Evacuation imminent.

• Evacuation permitted.

-Get our technical people out of there, have them implement the broken shield plan, before withdrawing.

- Bridge: contact command, we will overload the nuclear reactor in 10 minutes.

 The bridge was startled when they heard it, and they didn't wait for the orders to arrive and ordered the pilots to quickly evacuate all personnel.

Headquarters gave permission. Dr.

- Notify evacuation, timeout in 10 do not inform about overload.



We are live again in the valley of death.

We are in retreat, the defenses have been breached.

Bang, Tata. Tata.

According to information, all the Zerg on the planet and in the solar system are coming towards us and the federation decided to retreat. We stayed with the last evacuation group to cover the retreat.

*The camera rotates.

Look at the number of insects, it's scary.

Someone pulled the cameraman and the reporter into the ship while he films the door slowly closing and rising, the cameraman heard the reporter speak change position, go to the rear window, go, go... Thus having a wide and privileged view from the bug-infested valley heading to the command center as the ship moved away.


Report: Evacuation complete.


Received, prepare for impact.




Hold on guys things are gonna shake




The cameraman filmed the entire valley being torn apart by the nuclear explosion. The ship shook, but withstood the shock wave and continued off the planet while someone screamed.

Ahah my eyes.

Hold on tight, help him

Ahem dn. End of transmission


A few days later.

New news:

The federation is in mourning, the number of casualties was enormous, approximately twenty five million soldiers died in this invasion.

The Marshal was dismissed due to a serious strategic error committed, the new Marshal took office and has a new plan that is already in effect. Dominate all planets, nearby asteroids isolating Klendador.

Funding for the Moebius project was increased by Marechal due to his performance in battle, the number of people involved in the development is now close to 20000 specialized people from the most varied fields.

For those who don't know, the research from this project was very important in this battle, it helped both in combat and in reducing the number of casualties.

According to my sources on the ship Roger Yang this project was suggested by Dr. Azienda this project is commonly known as SHIELD: Human Dynamic Logistics Infrastructure and Exploitation System.

Despite his young age, he is a genius that the federation gave birth to, look at his photo. But don't pay attention, girls, apparently he already has an owner, this is Dr.Li, look, she's older than him but has the right measurements.

Oops, I was getting off topic, according to our sources the next invention will possibly enable us to win the war, a unique combat armor that is under development.


j##$&+.???: translation: A new challenge.


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If possible, add it to the library and use power stone. thanks

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