Chereads / Ricki Tucker's High (Season 1) / Chapter 1 - First day at school

Ricki Tucker's High (Season 1)

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Chapter 1 - First day at school

A foot steps out of a car, door shuts and a deep breath followed by a strong exhale. It's Ralph, fully Raphael Kleinheiser, stepping out of a taxi.

Raphael Kleinheiser is a 15 year old 9th grade student born to a chemical engineer John Kleinheiser and a lawyer Tiffany Kleinheiser. Dad John is always away in a routine that sees him have dinner once in a week with his family. So Raphael therefore has his mom and an older maid named Rosalia, who's in charge when Tiffany is away.

Raphael steps in the school structure while looking around and to his surprise, he sees his old kindergarten friends..

"Oh snap! You guys", says Raphael.

"Hey Ralph, or should I say pretty boy", says Kurt and they all chuckle.

"Been a while, where'd you been hanging at?" Miles asks

"And the fact that you just got dropped off by a taxi? D'you even pay for that?" Troy says.

" that your type of welcome?" Ralph asks Troy

"Dude that was savage",Cody says to Troy

"Yeah totally! I'm not the bad boy I was back then", says Ralph

(Voice coming from the school speaker) "New student Raphael Kleinheiser, please report to the principal's office"

At the principal's office;

Pr. Drew: You're so welcome to this community and I can tell you had the right choice and you're in the right place here at....Ricki Tucker's High!...

Ralph: Thanks! Tho I met a couple of jerks on my way in.....

Drew: Oh that's brilliant! I'm Mr. Drew Heckingbottom your principal and the lady behind you is Mrs. Alexa Moss....your class teacher and she'll take it from here (he smiles).....Enjoy

(Bell rings...)

Ralph's old friends are;

Miles and Troy Hardon, twins though hate to be called so. Miles is a huge basketball fan, very much unfriendly to girls and Troy is the opposite. Then there is Kurt Hornswoggle, troublemaker, much talkative estimating atleast a word every two seconds and finally Cody Henderson, an equal troublemaker.

(During class)

Mrs Moss: Good morning ninth grade, as you may have noticed we've been joined by a new student today....To make him feel at home, let's all stare at him as he tells us about himself.

Ralph: name is Raphael Kleinheiser and I'm fifteen years old. We just moved here so....

A kid from the back interrupts, "What type of name is Dude you should've chosen a better name" (Loud laughter)

"Shurrup! Any name is better than yours.....I like his name...and his lips too", says Megan Benson.

"Woooooo.." students react to Megan's words

"Um...just gonna sit down", Ralph says as he walks and sits.

Deskmate: Not so unusual for a first day here

Ralph: (chuckles) Oh yeah?

Deskmate: Yea....most new students go through it... I'm Jessa

Ralph: Oh nice name....and I assume y'know mine already (They shake hands)

While Ralph is conversing with Jessa, Kurt bumps in "Hey pre.....I mean PB, come let's go show you around".

"Stop that!" Ralph whispers while following his lead

They move down the hallway and bump into a short, black boy with one shiny tooth in his mouth.

"Damn who in the hell is this pretty lookin' kid?"

That shot hits Ralph pretty bad and he fires back, "Look I might be new here buh that doesn't mean I can't kick your a**!"

"Kick who's ass?" Says a much bigger black boy and he pushes Ralph. Kurt quickly takes Ralph's hand and apologises to the black boys as they move away.

Ralph: Damn I felt like a car hit me when that....Big show pushed me

Kurt: Look, those guys back there, they're in a group called Only Homies, shortly abbreviated as OH

Ralph: Huh?

Kurt: The shorter guy, Belton She'd, who calls himself Mutha Forker leads OH and the two big guys are his muscles... they're known for grabbing lunch boxes, car keys and taking free rides and bullying

Ralph : (stunned) Er....

Kurt : Relax that's only one of many groups around here....Lemme walk you around and introduce em'..... There's the Skywalkers, known for drugs, money and being high all the time. And then the MNB which nobody knows exactly what the full name is but rumors say it is MN-Bitches with the MN yet to be revealed by their leader Hazan Keshal, other members are Salihan and Maryse.

Lastly the RS which truly means Riot Squad though disguised as Right Side, responsible for protests, riots all over the school

Ralph : A hell of a school it is.

"Ay boys! What's it with moving around so much? Come run with the big dogs", Cody says as Ralph and Kurt joins them.

"Hold up! Where's Troy?" Miles asks

"Dude we're supposed to ask you that" says Kurt

(Meanwhile Troy in the bathroom) Troy breaks the flush handle in the bathroom. While panicking he tries to tie it up so that it looks like nothing happened only to break another handle and water splashes all over, "Oh shit!" He says. The janitor is approaching towards the bathroom while whistling with headphones on and upon entering in, he is shocked, puts off his headphone "Ah hell nah!" he exclaims.

Troy hides behind the curtains of the bathroom.

Shortly after, Troy approaches the boys, "Yo guys, I just choke slammed the flush handle in the bathroom and I got away with it smartly" he (Troy) says.

(Principal on speaker) "Miles Har.....sorry Troy Hardon.....I mean the both of you report to the principal's office"

At the principal's office;

Pr Drew: So who of you messed up the bathroom? I mean there's crap all over it

Both Miles and Troy point at each other. The janitor walks and whispers to Pr. Drew's ear then walks out while grinning.

Pr Drew: Oh splendid!....Both of you are cleaning the bathroom.

The twins complain Indistinctively as the janitor gives them the cleaning bucket.

(At the bathroom) Miles complains of what Troy has got him into yet he knows nothing about it. Suddenly Kurt pops in, upon seeing the two boys cleaning, he bursts into an uncontrollable sarcastic hysteria. Miles and Troy kicks him (Kurt) out of the room.

(Bell rings).... Ralph sits outside waiting for his taxi driver while looking at his wrist watch. A mini-cooper car slows down infront of him.

"Get your broke ass in!" It is Kurt shouting. He(Ralph) enters in and sees Kurt banging his head while listening to Mia by Bad Bunny

"Since when did you become Latin?" Ralph asks.

"Shhh....." Kurt him to be quiet

They reach Ralph's home and upon dropping him, he comes out sweating and gasping for breath, "Damn dude that was a reckless one! You could have us killed" he (Ralph) exclaims.

"I let you in my Airforce one, got you home covering a distance of thirty minutes in thirteen minutes, about four times faster than your driver and all you do is complain? It marks your last to ever taste my Airforce one ( Referring to his Mini-cooper car) and vroom!!! He drives away.

"What a prick" says Ralph

During dinner time;

Mom: was your first day at school? Was it fun?

Ralph: It sucked....

Rosalia: He means it was great ma'am

Mom: Exactly Rosie, I think he loved it

Ralph: Yea whatever