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Solider of Love: I regret nothing (Well...mostly nothing)

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(A EARTH-23 Escapade straight from the Elder Age!) My name is Kali of the Bloombergs, well formerly of the Bloombergs. I have elected to participate in the current war between Androcien, Goddess of Knowledge and Erosa and Narvath, The Goddess of Love and War respectively. I hope to make a name for myself and prove that i can be a warrior. Just like my grandfather. ......... I really hope this isn't all a big mistake.

Chapter 1 - Her name is Kali

Somewhere...on the outskirts of Nevaris. The gaudiest and most lavish land in the Elder Age. A young woman cladded in leather armor from head to toe stood in formation with a thousand other soldiers. They were awaiting the arrival of the semi-famed and fairly new God Of War and Destruction. The one simply known as Narvath. Soldiers among her was talking amongst themselves, all of them having their own gossip about this particular god.

"Look just be careful around this one."

"You should be careful around all the gods, even the "good" ones."

"Well yes, but this particular god is quick to anger." 

"So is Miriam, my sister found that out the hard way when she was knocked up by Shangor." 

"Oh....sorry to hear that."

"Did you hear about Narvath destroying a mountain in MotoCin?" 

"Serbronco can do the same thing, shit i think most of the gods can do that."

"Not Winfrey!"

"Dare her to do it and she will find a way, trust me."


I winched when i overheard what happen with the man's sister. everybody knows the Goddess of Marriage despite appearances can be pretty terrifying. Although it pisses me off to no ends the travesties Gods can get away with, I kept my tongue. I do like living after all. Narvath will be personally commanding us in the fight against Androcien, the Goddess of Knowledge in Baharbor, a land that is soaked with blood...literally.

The lands that the Gods once fought the Titans in their final battle before utterly banishing them from this plane of existence. 

Afterwards The Gods began to use the lands as their own personal battlegrounds. There was so many fights of Gods over petty or major grievances in that area "or so i was told by a friend" that the blood spilled by them radically changed the landscape making it unpredictable, it could be a blizzard in one area and a severe lightning storm in another area not too far away. 

I really hope that he was talking out of his ass about that legend. I adjusted my armor and sighed as i looked around at the other soldiers in my vicinity. Some of them was wearing gold-plated armor which baffle me but i guess even in the midst of a upcoming war, Nevarian soldiers had to show off their wealth. I don't know what the hell i gotten myself into, the realization was crushing down on me like a...very big rock. By the Gods I'm so nervous i can't even think of good expressions anymore. No this is what i wanted. I wanted to make a name for myself, at least that what i told everyone else when they asked, but the truth is a little more complicated than that. But when is it not?

A loud explosion interrupted my jumbled thoughts , and dust flew out toward us, The sky which was once a serene, calm blue became a devastating red and amber color. The dust got into my lungs, i began to cough violently, i heard my fellow soldiers all around me, cursing, screaming, or coughing like me. A beautiful voice full of lust and desire filled our ears.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, you have decided to lay down your lives for my Narvath, and that deserves a blessing, wouldn't you big, strong soldiers agree?" She said as she floated above them as the dust instantly cleared.

The cheering became deafening, i could feel my armor vibrate with each chant of her name. 

I looked up to see her...There were no words to describe how beautiful she was, it made my heart jumped. I have seen depictions of her alongside her mother Aphros but they didn't compare to the real visual.

Her long blonde and pink hair that flow with the wind, her white lacy dress that...actually left very little to the imagination. It showed her taut and chiseled stomach that i could break rocks over. The bright pink and red roses adorning the handcrafted outfit bringing the whole ensemble together. Those long, thick legs. her toned body and...

I shook my head, i couldn't afford to be attracted to a Goddess. Especially one that with the God of Wa- 

A loud boom filled my ears, some soldiers were swept off their feet, the force was incredible. I was staggered, i adjusted my vision to see the man of the hour.

His frazzled curly black hair that was, as my mother told me about my life several times, a complete mess. His powerful black beard gave him a aura of leadership, though i do think beards are awesome so maybe i'm being biased. His black and golden armor shined brightly, a red cape adoring it. He had a strong chiseled jaw and a thick neck.

"Welcome my brethren and sisters.." His deep, booming voice said, it was a voice that seemed...calmer than i expected from a God of War.

"I've come to make an announcement, Androcien is a BITCH ASS MOTHERFUCKER!" he yelled out in an guttural outrage. Ah there it is. The voice is much more fitting, it was like he ate sand for supper and washed it down with broken glass.

I cringed internally, that pit of sadness and regret inside me had been growing more and more. I suffocated it for now. No time to focus on that. Nor did i want to.

The God knows how to make a statement, i give him that.

The cheers once again became deafening as Narvath smiled widely and Erosa clapped with delight and proceeded to kiss Narvath on the cheek. He seemed extremely flustered and moved away from the Goddess who just simply smirked at her current lover.

"He right, fuck that know it all bitch." One of the soldiers said to the right of me.

"Careful, i heard she has ears everywhere." Another solider responded.

"Yeah she can hear this. Erosa is better looking." The soldier to the right of me said again as a owl pooped on his armor causing him to curse.

"She walk arounds thinking she better than the other gods, that she above their level of pettiness, didn't seem above it when that girl beat her in a sewing competition and she turned the poor girl into a spider. I can't stand Gods who abuse the weak." A female warrior said to the left of me, disgusted.

I looked at her, her long and pristine red hair tied up into a practical bun, she had a sword and shield, the symbol on the shield was a lighting bolt striking a tree causing it to bloom. Along with her pale skin, this woman is clearly from Temporal. Known to many as "The Land of the Clouds." She look like she stepped out of a epic book about legendary heroes that i used to read as a child. The armor she was wearing was light with fur coming out the collar, she had silver knee guards and silver greaves and arm bracers as well. She caught me staring at her.

"Praise to Kai, may his lighting strike our enemies down and show us the path to victory." She said outstretching her hand to me. I shook it and smiled.

"My name is Chie Plexia, a pleasure to meet you!" Chie said to me. I like her already, best not to get too attached though. We could all be dead by tomorrow. 

"My name is Kali, of the Bloomblergs" I said, Chie looked at me weirdly, i could tell why. Bloombergs were known for their long and extravagant blonde hair, but mine was a short dark and normal brown. my height was just shy of average. While most Bloombergs was tall and sturdy. Chie spend some time looking in my eyes. my sharp face with piercing green eyes. I was mocked by my peers back home, they called me Kali the Cat, for my usually skittish nature and features. Oh how they would laugh at that clever nickname. Cats are amazing so i refuse to take any offense, in fact that was one of the few times i took their insults with pride.

The Bloombergs was located out of Nevaris, They specialized in trades from knitting to politics. They was always involved in something, the clan of Bloombergs had spread out, each descendant carrying the name with pride as they followed their own family-approved course in life.

"Now what a royal lady like yourself doing out here?" Chie said curiously. "I had heard of the Bloombergs, one of them is my neighbor. Nice fellow, a bit touched in the head but that'll happen when you get a mace to it by a invader." Chie said casually before realizing she was talking to one of his family members.

"But i made sure that invader got what was coming to him! He still alive and well, running a successful clothing shop." Chie quickly amended which i appreciate.

I nodded with a smile as i thought of Cousin Dirian, he was one of the very few in my family who was always real nice to me. Well at least he still alive.

"Thank you Chie. I owe you one." I told him

"Don't mention it. Now back to my original question, what brings you to this war?" Chie asked me again.

I swallowed the lump in my throat. 

Now that was a tough question, as there is a reason i left my family and noble status behind to possibly die in this foolish war. But in all honesty. It's really selfish, the more i think about it, most people who join war on whatever side they choose to do it for their country, for the somehow more honorable glory, and because it was either this or a slow, painful death in the case of some criminals.

But for me?

"I ran away from home, my father and mother had me arranged to marry an man i didn't know. When we did meet, he was clearly ten years my senior. I felt nothing for him and quite frankly was a little disgusted at my parents. I was more interested in fighting and proving my skills so i can one day be a knight, something that my family abhors, saying no lady should bloodied her hands. We fought and argued all night, my mother then snapped and slapped the seven hells out of me, so i shoved her. Hard. Her head hit the glass causing it to shatter and while she lived. She was now permanently blind in one eye. I was disowned on the spot. So then, considering i was no longer their daughter that they so reluctantly raised, they called the guards on me. So i ran and here i am."

I hastily explained, feeling a large weight being taken off my chest. And feeling a slow burning dread and shame coursing through my veins.

By the Gods it all came pouring out, i think i was the verge of crying but i blink back the tears. I can't afford to show weakness. Chie looked at me surprised but she nodded and was about to say something but Narvath spoke again much to my relief.


"That bitch has done injustices to all of you, not least of all me and Erosa." Narvath said, earning a large round of approval from the crowd of would be soldiers. Erosa started to snicker, putting her hands on her mouth to cover it because she knew the true ridiculous reason why these two was fighting. 

"But i don't care, i want to humiliate that woman for having the audacity, THE AUDACITY TO CALL ME! ME! A SLUT!" Erosa thought, seething. She had a diverse set opinions on her fellow gods that ranged from people i like to someone that i like to see get their innards ripped out before me while i make love to their significant other, And Andros is especially in the latter category. Or she would be, if that bitch ever actually got her damn face out of a book long enough to have a lover. Erosa shakes her head at Andros being a useless virgin.

"Now i know i had done things that have messed with a few hundred if not thousand of lives." Narvath admitted as the crowd was hanging on to his every word.

"But what set me and the love of my life Erosa apart from her, is that i have the guts to to admit that i mess up. I don't see her taking that stick out of her ass and admitting that she not as smart as she think she is. For those of you who is confused about their fate and is looking for a Goddess to truly follow. Erosa is someone who you should be worshipping, she is one of the most kindest Goddess in existence. I lost count of how many times she help her little doves. That what she call her followers, she helped me out as well. For that I'm indebted to her." Narvath said sincerely, his rage mixing with his love for the Goddess besides him as Erosa looked at him, Wide eyed at what he just said about her.

One single solider can be heard clapping, then a larger amalgamation of clapping that can shake a building followed soon after. Kali could feel her armor vibrate. 

Narvath put his hands up and the crowd became silent once more. "For a relatively new God of War he certainly a good speaker." I thought to myself. Although Krania was better at rallying her troops and getting people who was on the fence to join her cause. There was certainly something to be said for his energy and passion.

He gestured over to Erosa who smiled seductively at Narvath. She wrapped her arms around him and made out with him, his arms slowly wrapped her waist, their tongues battle for dominance, at last they broke the kiss.

"Love of your life, huh? Erosa questioned flirtatiously, her eyebrow raised, biting her lip.

Narvath coughed.

"I said what i said." He replied casually, hoping she wouldn't noticed the rapid beating of his heart.

She placed a hand on his chest and playfully winked at him.

Erosa turned to the crowd of soldiers, mercenaries, mages and some escaped criminals.

"Like i said before, my sexy comrades, for helping us take down that stuck-up virgin Andros? That deserves something special!" Erosa said, striking a over the top pose. Lot of the soldiers hearts jumped. She sure was something else, Narvath was lucky to have her.


"I wondered what the reward would be?" I wondered out loud to myself. Happy to be moving past what might be the most embarrassing moment of my life so far.

 A nice sum of money wouldn't hurt. It would be nice to get my own place and not have to be in inns all the time. Half the times it smell like somebody recently have sex, jeez would it hurt for the local inns to do some cleaning? Half the times my boots get sticky and i'm too afraid to check what might be making them sticky.

"If i had to guess, we're all going to sleep with her sexy servants." Chie theorized, I had to laugh to myself.

"Can't say i would refuse, mostly likely because Erosa would take that as a offense." I replied back to Chie who nodded her head in agreement. I liked Chie, but mentally scold myself for getting too attached to someone who might not make out of this.

But who to say I'm going to be making it out of this? Can't afford to think about that now. Besides a good army is comprised of people who understand each other and know each other every move.

"So for every battle you win! You get treated to a special night with my servants!" She exclaimed, striking another dramatic pose. 

"HA! TOLD YA!" Chie loudly said to me so i can hear over the sheer eruption of cheers. I smiled at her. Now truth be told, i was still a virgin, so at the very least, this war won't be completely pointless for me. 

"Okay soldiers, i'm assuming you brought camping equipment, if not. TOUGH SHIT! Nah, i'm jest in good faith, we brought tents and blankets for you all, who says i don't have a sense of humor?!" Narvath yelled to the crowd as Erosa draws closer, laughing slightly.

"You would make a excellent father Narvath!" Erosa exclaimed, warmly smiling at her current lover.

"Why? Are you pregnant?" Narvath asked, nervous because he barely can function as a God of War much less a father. Although he do like the idea of starting a family one day, when he a little bit less of a complete disaster.

"No, unless you want to have children, i wouldn't mind." She said joyfully, he blushed. Narvath was so cute when he was flustered, like an angry Pitbull who loves tummy rubs. She loved teasing him, it was almost as good as the act of love making.

"Ok! We march out!" Narvath yelled out. All of the soldiers stepping in line. Took a minute to find the rhythm but I started watching Chie movements and matched them without too much difficulty.

I went in step with my fellow soldiers, on the path to glory, or a abysmal end. But I'm trying to remain optimistic here.