She kissed me, then screamed.
"You know, Zera, they say... two women and two men are behind it... I might be the next target, boohoo," said Dela.
The five of them hugged me. I didn't even know who to hug back, haha...
"Really?? You're just so pretty, Dela, haha... How old are these kidnappers?!" I asked.
"They say they're around 19... they always wear purple masks and hoods, according to those who have seen them," said Ore.
I hugged the five and kissed them on the cheeks.
"Zera, you're making me feel giddy!" Jen exclaimed.
"Me too! I think I might pee myself!" said Honey.
I just laughed.
"Hahaha... Do they disappear at a specific time?!" I asked.
The five hugged me and sniffed me. Thankfully, I had put on some perfume.
"Around 10 to 12 midnight, Zera... Zera, do you have a boyfriend?" asked Jen.
"Yeah, just give us your Instagram," said Lay.