Chereads / HP: Spirit Talker / Chapter 309 - Chapter 155 Girlfriends

Chapter 309 - Chapter 155 Girlfriends

Saturday morning was spent moving out of London. I had overlooked a lot of little things, like the fact that I actually lived in a magical world, and that I wasn't lacking in magic myself. To make a long story short, I was really nervous, upset, and not sleeping well, so I really got stuck on the idea that moving meant loading and unloading all the good stuff by hand, and that it was a long way from here to there, even though I didn't think twice about it.

When I arrived in London in the morning, Gwyneth was the only one awake, and she gave me some herbal tea to drink, so I recovered a little, and then we slowly used the reduction charms, packed the few things we would be taking from here, had breakfast together, and then traveled through the prepared portal together. It was embarrassing. Honestly. Luckily, no one but Gwyneth would know about it.

What followed was a very funny scene of the two girls getting to know each other. No, at first Momo jumped out from around the corner and greeted me with a loud "Welcome back, Master!", but then she stopped abruptly and looked at Kiriko with all her eyes. The pointy-eared girl holding a pot of strawberry tree was staring at her in the same way. We froze, watching with interest from the sidelines.

Momo cautiously began to take small steps around Kiriko in a circle, and she only watched them warily, but did not move. After a full circle, the house-elf froze in front of the pointy-eared girl, looking at both the girl and the tree in her hands. For a minute, the two kittens studied each other, until Kiriko pulled two lollipops out of her pocket, deftly unwrapping one with one hand and sending it to her mouth, while handing the other candy to the house elf.

— Hi, I'm Kiriko. Let's be friends! — the girl said, not too expressively and not too loudly, but confidently enough.

— And my name is Momo. — Zashikiwarashi carefully took the candy, unwrapped it, looked at Kiriko and only after a nod from her, hesitantly put the lollipop into her mouth. For a few seconds, her eyebrows furrowed in an amused and concentrated manner, and then she began to smile, her eyes sparkling. — Come on!

One of the most interesting scenes I've ever seen. And I'm very happy that I will be able to relive this memory more than once. Next, I was raced. In the sense that Gwyneth and Momo agreed very quickly, almost instantly, and Lizzie, Afiri and I scurried around London until nightfall, buying what we needed according to the list, with priority marked with a red pencil (and where did they get that?).

Morally and physically exhausted, I ran back to Hogwarts for the night, only to be met on the way to my flat by the young heir of the Potter family, who informed me of Black's appointment. For tomorrow. Noon. I didn't complain to the teenager, because it wasn't his fault, it was his godfather's. ....


POV Parvati and Lavender Patil

For the past three years, Parvati had found breakfast to be one of the quietest periods of the daily chaos, one that she still enjoyed. Her active nature demanded movement, and the Indian didn't even think about slowing down or putting on the brakes. Not to say that she was dumber than her sister, who had gone to another faculty, no, but it was more about the personal values of each incoming student.

The twins even had a theory, very close to the well-known statement about what factors are used to select the faculties. It doesn't matter whether you are naturally cunning or kind, it's more important what you are closer to, that is, if you want to become cunning in your heart and strive for it, you have every chance to try on a green and silver tie. It is true that you should not forget the social structure of British society, because of which you have to accept compromises and go a little wrong.

But Parvati is not worried, because Gryffindor can be called a truly European faculty, that is, there is complete freedom of both opinion and action. Again, we remember "public opinion" and the science of sociology, and then we take into account McGonagall's lack of interest in closer communication with her charges, as well as the general disorder and fermentation among the school's leadership, and as a result we get a faculty of impetuous, reckless, hyperactive teenagers with the freest of views.

Many say that the Gryffindor faculty is the fiefdom of the Headmaster and his propaganda. This is true, but only in part. There are always ideologues and fanatics everywhere, and by some law of the universe they always have a well-tied tongue and a tin throat. That's why they always scream and shout and howl cult songs louder than others, so that no one else can hear them. And then the most impetuous and energetic join the banners of the screamers, simply because there is nowhere else to put their energy. If there were something else, some alternative, the myth of the "manual faculty" would have been dispelled long ago.

So, breakfast. Until recently, though, it's been more than a month, so it would be a mistake to put it that way. Okay, let's put it this way: breakfast used to be a quieter, more relaxed activity. Now it's different. Girls have always been, are, and will be sweet-toothed, it's part of the laws of nature, constants of the universe, so breakfast has become a new field for investing girl energy.

The point is that before breakfast was not distinguished by refinement, so it remained a simple meal, but at one fateful moment everything changed. A society of the beautiful, the lovely, the wondrous, the charming, the graceful, etc., etc., etc. Their fangs and claws hissed, sharp horns of all shapes and sizes emerged from their disheveled hairstyles, and spiky tails beat out rhythms in all planes. The male part of the faculties sensed the danger and tried to stay away from the eerie threat.

Everything was used in the fight, from the most trivial "pretty eyes" to the glue in the shampoo. Truly, do not awaken the female volcano of passions, and you will not be sizzled by a stormy, uncontrollable flow of scalding, all-consuming passion!

But the prize of this race and competition of cunning, craftiness, and cruel calculation is also a lottery. No one could ever know in advance what was at stake, so one had to rely on fate, luck, Merlin, the favorite perfumes of the "Disposer and Giver," and the presence of cleavage. Sometimes, a single grace and a beautiful phrase were enough to win the coveted award from the Dispenser.

It is worth mentioning that at the meeting of representatives of all faculties, i.e. the female part, it was decided that the "Giver" was untouchable and could not be played openly. The law was passed unanimously and the game began. No faculty was left out.

Today, the stars were aligned in such a way that Parvati and Lavender knew they would succeed. And that's exactly what happened. A few completely unexpected coincidences, oddities and even spatial anomalies that ended up putting Parvati and Lavender in the most "trumped" places by the "Disposer".

In addition, the stars once again bestowed their grace, and at breakfast, where the usual oatmeal, toast, fried bacon and eggs, a few tomatoes, pumpkin juice, black tea and sour compote were placed on the tables, there was a small gap in the plan of the tempting inferno, the mere sight of which caused dizziness and flushed cheeks of all dieting girls.

In the center of the "breakthrough" Inferno placed a beautiful three-tiered structure of three plates on which were skillfully placed multi-colored, devilishly tempting small cupcakes. A vase of fruit attracted little attention, but several transparent vases of jam and honey literally drew many glances.

Another deep vase was filled with muffins — light with raisins and dark with chocolate. Sliced soft bread, several kinds of cheese and some meat did not interest the ardent warriors of the word "at all". "Disposer" always cordially offered all these riches to those warriors who managed to snatch one of the few places of access to the "tempting fruit".

Let him then have to squeeze himself for food to keep his figure, let him, but that will come later! And now this, wonderful, wonderful, smelling of vanilla and raspberry fudge ....