Chereads / The Dusk of Macabre / Chapter 4 - McDonald's

Chapter 4 - McDonald's

"Ugh.... What am I even thinking... How the fuck is it even possible for me to time travel..... I should get help from someone.... But from whom???.... I'm damn sure vick isn't gonna believe me... I need someone who can help me without knowing all these details." I said all these things to myself because that's all i have right now for me. I got in the car because I

was really hungry... I know I'm really in a fucked up situation but gotta stay alive to Solve this mess. I drove to the nearby mcdonalds and for some reason... It was crowded on a working day... I mean could this day get any more stranger?....only one table was less occupied, she looked like an indian...she was eating alone on that table. I asked her if I could sit there and she said yes with a little smile. I was eating the burger but in my mind these things were repeatedly playing on loop and i couldn't get a logicak explanation for all these by myself. She noticed that i was disturbed and asked me if I'm ok.. "Yeah... Yeah sure" but my answer wasn't much convincing her. She asked me to look at her "I don't know what's going on with you but it's gonna be ok alright? Everything will be ok at the end... If it's not ok at the end then it's not the end" for some unknown reason her words really made me feel better. "You're from India right mam?" She nodded and said "yeah ,Tamilnadu" I have never heard about that place in my life so i just wanted to know more and i always wanted to learn about india but all i know is that they all speak hindi. "Tamil nadu... So you speak hindi right?" "Ughhh dude... Only a part of India speaks hindi we have a lot of other languages in our country" that was a brand new information indeed so i asked her more about it. "We in Tamilnadu speak tamil language and it's considered as the most oldest language." "Cool.... I've heard that you guys have a lot of celebrations and special days" She nodded again. "So you don't go to your country for those celebrations?" She took a pause and said "well... I used to go to my country for celebrations and special days like... I've never missed our independence day but i stopped going there 10 years ago... It's been 10 years since I have visited india" I was soo surprised to hear that i was curious to know what's wrong. She looked really disappointed after she said that. I asked her why she isn't visiting india anymore and she looked at me in the eyes and took a huge breath and said "You know.... this year is the 78th independence of india but still in India a woman can't safely go out alone...everyone would say... India has developed so much women are working at nights and they're going out at night and stuffs but deep down every single person knows that in India not even a girl child is safe to go out at night. 78th independence they say and yet women aren't free there. You knew...the number of rape incidents in India in per 100,000 citizens is 22,172 as of 2020 with 1.80 rape rate. For you it might just look like numbers but for me... It's disgusting to say such things about my own country but it's the truth. It's not at all a safeplace for woman. No matter how much developed india is... And this isn't only about women anymore... Boys aren't safe anymore too... Every single day at schools, tuition classes, playground everywhere boys and girls without any discrimination aren't safe anymore. The idea of going back to India just makes me hate it more. We can say a country is fully independent and free when every single citizen of that country is safe and free... So according to me it's not independent yet. Woman aren't even safe in their workplaces not even in public transports... Can u believe it." She wiped her eyes and continued "A 23-year-old physiotherapy intern was raped and assaulted by six men inside a bus in south Delhi on December 16, 2012, before being thrown out of the moving vehicle.... In a fuckinf moving public transport... Can u believe it??... And recently in kolkata a doctor was raped and killed in her own workplace and nobody did a fucking thing.... People started protests and fought for it but nothing.... The police caught some random guy and closed the case but every single person of the country know that he didn't do it... And a lot of people with huge hold in the government has done it... The country's official didn't move a finger about a woman... I really hate to go back to my country" I didn't know how to make her feel better I jst sat there and looked at her. "Mam... I'm sorrry i didn't mean to spoil your whole mood... I didn't knew india had so much of problems for women. We foreigners only know about your different cultures, beautiful artforms and tasty foods but i didn't knew it was this much worse..... " She nodded and said "it's ok... Nobody wants to know about these stuffs and mostly everybody will forget these issues once they get a new one to post ig stories and protest for." "Yeah... I guess that's true." We both sat there for 10 minutes without saying any word and then I asked her where does she work "oh I work at florensce tech... I'm sort of a scientist you could say" Florence tech was one of the top tech industry all around the world and for Some Reason i thought she could help Me.... "Oh you're a scientist?? What do you specialize in?" "I does most of my research on quantum Physics and the possibilities of time travelling and stuffs related to time travel..." fuckk... Time travel that's it... This is my hope, she could help me to figure out all these mess. "Your name mam?" "I'm Anika... Anika morgan and you?" "Peter Frankson, I'm a data analyst" She got up from the table "Well... Peter it's was nice to meet you. I hope. I'll see you around" I was planning to ask her to help me from this mess but I didn't if she would help but anyway it's my only shot. "Anika... I need your help" She looked at me confused "help? What kind of help peter?" I asked her to come out side with me and we went near my car "I know this may sound crazy but I think I time travelled.. " She laughed and said "Peter..... I thought you were really gonna ask me some sort of help and now you're making fun of my job" "No no nooo.... I'm serious listen to me" I said here every single thing happened and she was sooo shocked to hear all those. "So you think you time travelled... Huh... Come with me" She got in her car and asked me to get in. She drove me to her house. "I have a basement lab here. Let's get you checked up" "Checked up? I don't think there is something wrong with my body" "No that's not it... If you have time travelled then you'll have a rare element in your body... When you time travel your physical body will travel 100 times faster than light but it's impossible for human body to travel that fast but it is possible when you whole body is powered by an element called rathadium chronate. Come in I'll explain you more" we went to her basement lab and she asked to step under a green light as soon as I stepped in her computer connected with the light source started to show some kind of strange reading. She was awestruck on seeing that. "Peter... Your body has an enormous amount of rathadium chronate.... It's impossible for a human body to have it in this much of amount. Our body uses carbscarbs, oxygen and other components for energy to. Move do stuffs but your body somehow acquired ratahdium from somewhere and your body used rathadium 100% for every single movement and thus you were able to time travel." All of this was new for me and it took me a while to process all of these. "So can i use the same energy to go back to the time where I came from?" She looked at me and placed her hand on my shoulder "Peter... This rathadium can only help you to travel to the past and you aren't capable of controlling it right now." I didn't understand what was she trying to say... "What's that mean Anika??" "It will travel back in time again without you even knowing at any moment and you can't go back to the time where you came from. You can only travel to the past and not to the future. You're really in a pathetic situation right now peter. You'll never know when you're gonna travel back to the past again... You gotta be careful."

To be continued(final draft)

Aswin das