Chereads / Arc Blazers Year Two / Chapter 10 - Spirits of the Past:Flashrunner

Chapter 10 - Spirits of the Past:Flashrunner

Flasrunner woke up in the preparation room of the old race track on his plane and a man walked up in a race suit. "Rise and shine kid," said the man, giving him a bag of breakfast food. "Dad," Flashrunner said, "Yeah it's me Jake ''his father said "I need to know the wisdom of past Flashrunners," Jake said. "I figured as much I was young just like you are now I was always wanting to go fast, so one day I ran-up to this house that was on fire.I rescued the people in the house, but because I didn't pay attention the fire spread to a forest which burned down a village in the forest killing many innocent lives his my wisdom for you in combat you must think about the outcome, before a terrible decision is made" his father said as he faded away. Jake soon woke up in a press box at a race track and standing in front of him was a man in a black dress suit with black hair. "Who are you?"Jake said, getting up "I am Flashrunner Wallace, and come over here I would like to give you my wisdom," the man said. Jake walked over to see the race "Why are we here"Jake asked."Look over there you see that first car in front of all of the other cars" Wallace said as he pointed the car "Yeah he's going pretty fast"Jake said "Yes he is, but the real question is how will he stop"Wallace said pulling out the brakes from the car. "What did you do, "Jake asked "I cut the brakes to his car, so as he's going if he had these brakes he's gonna be able to make that sharp turn ahead, however without these brakes he's got a serious problem,"Wallace said. The race cars came down the track coming up on the sharp turn he tried to hit the brakes, but it was useless. He crashed into the side of the track causing an explosion so big it killed half of the spectators in the stadium. "Nice work you got him," Jake said "Nice work you say, because of me I just killed innocent men, women, and children'' Wallace said "You had no choice, "Jake said."No choice I could have killed him before he got into the race, I could've never taken the job at all, but I wanted the kill to be explosive for all to see, "Wallace said. He walked over and put his hand on Jake's shoulder "That was the choice I made. What will you make in preparation for the choice you will make? I leave to you this wisdom if you are presented with the opportunity to kill your enemy on the spot without mercy" Wallace said as he faded away.Jake woke at the bottom of a tower."Come on, kid it's time to get up" a man said he woke to see a man in a black outfit with blue hair "I was hoping that you and I could have a race up the tower"the man said. "Against me, prepare to lose, "Jake said when the race started Jake raced up the stairs while the man simply walked up the stairs as he ran up the stairs tripping over the stairs over and over. By the time he reached the tower the man had already made it up to the top. "How did you make it up before I did?"Jake asked, "Because I simply walked and noticed the bumps in the stairs," the man said. "Hey are you hungry," the man asked. "Yeah I could eat, "Jake said. "There's some fruit on the other side of those swinging logs the man said "Is that it that's easy, "Jake said. He ran through the logs, but every time he kept getting hit by the logs. "It's no use I've ran through this thing several times it's impossible, "Jake said "Really it"s not impossible the object to get through is not to be as fast as possible it's patience," the man said as he ran through with great speed waiting to patiently to move through and returned with all of the fruit. "Who are you, "Jake asked "I am Flashrunner Ren and I leave to you this wisdom you must learn patience in order to become a complete warrior," Ren said as he faded away. Jake woke up in a laboratory where in front of him he saw a woman with black hair in a black outfit with a white lab coat. "It's about time you came, I've been waiting for you," the woman said "Who are you?" he asked "I am Flashrunner Sarah I gather that you want to know the wisdom of past Flashrunners," the woman said."Yes" Jake agreed. "In my life as a child people overlooked me as different, but my friends and family saw greatness in me the greatness that I myself could not, and because they greatness in me I was able to see the same greatness in myself and in others here is my wisdom for you see the greatness in yourself and you will be able to see the greatness in others," Sarah said as she vanished away. Jake woke up on a gambling floor in a casino in a black suit. Casino guards walk up to him to know why he was on the floor. He thought he was gonna half to fight until a man in the same black suit with black hair and beard came to call off the guards. "Whew you're lucky they would've killed you Jake," the man said "Thanks for your help, but who are you, "Jake asked. "I am Flashrunner Kai," the man said as they walked over to a Black Jack table. "Look at all these poor people, it's a shame that they only have about twenty minutes to live, "Kai said."Wait what happens in twenty minutes, "Jake asked. "In this city, the people were controlled by a mob boss some of his men are mixed with all of the innocent people on the floor I saw them plant a bomb in the back I ran back and captured one of them, but I hesitated to stop the bomb which caused the death of all of these people here's my wisdom for you never hesitate to save innocent lives," Kai said as he vanished. Jake then woke up in the middle of an open plain where he saw a man in the same black jumpsuit as him the only difference is the man had red hair "Who are you"Jake asked "I am Flashrunner Lance the original Flashrunner ever since I became Flashrunner I have always believed that true power has always been has always been from true unity and true unity is born of love always remember that Jake" Lance said as he vanished and Jake became consumed by a bright white light.