Chapter 96 - Return of Zap

Chapter 96 Return of Zap


Aleshia stood over Dahdin's body, considering how to wake him up. After a minute, she had an idea: she could use her lightning ability called [Zap] to shock him. Since the power of that lightning was weak, she felt comfortable using it on Dahdin. Even if it caused him some pain, she knew it wouldn't be fatal.


Aleshia stepped back a few paces and prepared her magic, aiming at Dahdin's body. Once she confirmed her target, she released her magic, and in an instant, a small bolt shot from her outstretched hand and struck Dahdin. When Aleshia looked from her outstretched hand to Dahdin, she instantly noticed that his fur stood straight up, making the wolf look puffy, with his fur swaying in all directions.


At the sight, Aleshia let out a small giggle that soon became a full-on laugh. Once her laughter subsided, she attempted to use her lightning magic again. This time, instead of aiming it at his fur-covered body, she aimed it at his nose. She reasoned without any fur to counteract the magic, it might be more effective. She released the spell, and a small bolt quickly struck Dahdin's padded nose. A visible twitch ran through Dahdin's body. Encouraged by this reaction, she increased the power a bit more.


Once she had charged her magic, Aleshia readied herself and aimed. She released the spell, and it shot straight toward Dahdin's face. Unexpectedly, it was too powerful and scorched the fringes of his fur. "Oh no, that might have been too much. Please don't wake up," Aleshia silently pleaded.


Just then, a howl of pain escaped from Dahdin's maw. Enraged, Dahdin slowly got off the ground, standing up. Dahdin wobbled a moment before catching himself, firmly standing on all fours. "What is this pain I feel on my face and neck?" he roared.


Aleshia shrank back, making herself smaller, sensing the anger in his voice. However, Dahdin caught this movement in his vision and prepared to attack the intruder. However, as the haze in his mind began to clear, he suddenly remembered who the girl shrinking away was.


Dahdin reflected on everything he had experienced leading up to his last memory. He recalled that the final thing he remembered before losing consciousness was the argument between the girl and the witch about whether they could see something in the distortion. It was then that Dahdin remembered what happened after he had stared into the distortion.