Chapter 80 - Realm Shift

Chapter 80 Realm Shift


Aleshia spent some time studying the slab, hoping to find something useful. However, after several minutes of struggling to understand the blurry images it produced, she reluctantly gave up, realizing that the complicated way it conveyed information was beyond her comprehension.


As Aleshia's gaze left the slab, she noticed something odd. The luminescent daggers were closer to the slab than before. Aleshia was confused because she thought the strange realm was always still unless she interacted with it, causing her to consider the possibility of somehow having entered another plane of existence when she crossed the threshold. After having this new realization, Aleshia reflected on the odd movement of the clumps of dirt, which stopped once they neared a certain point. This realization sparked new ideas and theories in her mind. "Perhaps this realm has time dilation," Aleshia muttered aloud.


When she spoke those words, the realm shifted again as if confirming her words. Instantly, an even brighter glow than before bombarded Aleshia's vision. In defense, she shielded her face from the bright light with her forearm and strode a distance away to find refuge to save her eyes. Once she walked a distance that let her see without shielding her eyes, she brought her forearm down. Then, she began trying to locate where Lucia and the wolf were once more. When she saw them again, she noted that they were close but still at a distance. There were many thin luminescent lines around them, accompanied by what she could tell were the daggers she saw that made up the previous beam of light.


After taking a closer look, Aleshia discovered that the glowing lines next to the daggers were serving as containers to hold the daggers. After experiencing the previous beam of light and learning about this process, The new evidence led her to speculate that the daggers were instantly transported to the ominous slabs using the luminescent lights.


Aleshia wanted to gain an understanding of the situation, but she was unsure how to approach Lucia and the wolf. Since everything was unmoving, Then, an idea struck her. "Perhaps by using the force of the dirt balls, I might be able to cause one of them to move," She said, exploring the idea. After walking towards them, she began digging up the dirt and shaping it into clumps of balls. Once she had gathered some balls, she threw them into the air. The first few throws missed the target, but eventually, one landed directly above one of them.