The market bustled with all sorts of distinct cultures and people. Hundreds of stalls all selling uniquely different items.
"Come buy the best pastries in the Southern District!" advertised a small woman.
"Take a look at these antique trinkets!" exclaimed an old gentleman.
"Come try these fresh vegetables from Veniesa!" advertised a foreigner.
Arthur soaked up all the sounds as he rode atop the horse, slowly trotting back to his home. The knight taking him back to the manor stoically sat in his finely made saddle, not making a sound, even as much as a heavy breath.
The two hunters behind Arthur, situated on either side, carried on with a conversation.
"Did you 'ear?" the left hunter asked, a thick Southern Raemelia accent permeating throughout his voice, "'arry got given a secret assignment."
The right hunter sounded surprised: "Harry? That dog who can barely do any of the tricks his master commands him? How did he get a secret assignment and not I?"
"Mhmm," the left hunter nodded, looking just as displeased, "Jakob over'eard 'im gloating about it to a few of the girls. 'e seems to think it could be an assassination, although that seems unlikely, doesn't it?" He frowned slightly.
"I mean, to give Harry some credit, the bugger could sneak up on the Head of Intelligence himself if he tried!" The right hunter smirked, "Nevertheless, he's as a slow as a snail upstairs so it still baffles me that they chose him…."
Arthur thought about what the hunters were saying. He knew of this Harry. He was the older brother of his classmate, Jonas Eastwock; a boy he disliked greatly.
The three horses neared a massive metal wall, reaching thirty metres into the sky – this was the border, splitting up the districts into five zones: North, East, South, West and Central. Directly in front of them was a gate, reaching up to about fifteen metres.
Beyond this gate would be the Central District, a predominantly middle to upper class area where the King himself presides and additionally, Arthur and his family.
The Southern District was a severely impoverished area, mainly relying on factories to keep the economy going and keeping families from starving.
The Eastern District was the most impoverished after the South, being at least able to rely on agriculture and factories, instead of only the latter.
The Northern District was the most wealthy and well-to-do district of Gargenfeld, even more so than the Central District. This was because all the traders from the neighbouring ally country, Canfesceria, go through this area.
This allowed the district to thrive off trades and wealthy businesses, as well as playing a large part in agriculture and technological research that has made Gargenfeld so notable.
Finally there was the Western District.
Arthur knew very little about it other than the terrible pandemic that washed over the entire district nine years ago, leading to the erection of the walls that now split up the city as a way of quarantine.
Arthur watched as the three horses passed through the gate and had now entered the Central District.
About ten kilometres in front of them, sat the castle, directly in the centre of the city. It was positioned high above every other house, radiating that sense of superiority to all of the king's subjects.
Directly in the middle of the castle, sat a massive tower. Reaching high up into the sky, past the clouds. A marvel in architecture.
The atmosphere was very different compared to the Southern District.
There, the streets were crowded with working class individuals, making their way to the factories or trying to find odd jobs for extra money. Buildings were run down and black with coal. Homeless lined the insides of alleyways and begged in crowded streets.
But in the Central District, it was far from that. Nobles wandered the streets, chatting and browsing items from the shop window. Children chased each other in the park, often roleplaying as knights, mages and hunters – most choosing to play as a knight.
Arthur saw these groups of kids often.
It inspired a sense of regret being so secluded, often wondering what life would be like if he made some friends and went out more. But that was pointless in the end, he'd already made those choices and there was nothing he could really do to change it.
Before Arthur had realised where he was, the horses had passed through the front gates to his family manor. He tilted his up to the sky, the morning sun, now nowhere to be seen, was replaced by a gloomy dark grey sky.
In the road leading up to the manor, there was a large garden.
Hedges and flowers arranged in a wonderful display, decorating the garden. However there was only one tree, situated directly in front of the entrance. It had many red leaves, appearing like a bushy head of ginger hair.
Underneath the tree, sat a middle-aged woman – Arthur's mother.
She look melancholy but blank, like she was stuck in a limbo between worry and hope.
She wore dark brown hair, untied and hanging all the way down to her hips.
Her eyes were a grass green, piercing but soft. Her skin was smooth and pale, looking almost fragile, like a vase.
His mother noticed the soldiers and her eyes filled with anticipation. That melancholy expression quickly washing away like wet paint in rain.
As the soldiers neared, she noticed Arthur sitting on the rear of the horse. She struggled to contain her happiness, unable to correctly process her emotions.
She felt happy that her son was home, excited to talk to him and give him a big hug, but she was also angry and confused. Angry at her son for disappearing and confused at what emotion to take priority.
Arthur felt similar emotions: he was excited and happy to be home but worried at the punishment he may receive.
Those worries quickly vanished though as he saw his mother's painfully large smile, no longer able to contain her emotions any longer.
The horses stopped in front of the tree, directly opposite where his mother stood. The knight gestured assistance to dismount but Arthur declined, ushering his hand away before swinging his leg over and stepping down off the horse.
He walked up to his hysterically happy mother, feeling her emotions infect him.
Arthur reached her, standing no less than half a metre away. He stared up at her, wondering what to say.
But before he could speak. He felt a burning sensation on his left cheek and saw his mother's hand raised.
They both stared at each other silently, that once whimsical like moment of reunion, vanished into the void.