In a luxurious villa in the heart of the Inner City of Silver Sword City, a young scholar bent over his desk, completely absorbed in the complicated formation half drawn before him.
The young man's office was decorated tastefully with several fine paintings and graceful works of calligraphy. On the wall directly opposite the desk, calligraphy of the words 'Wisdom' and 'Love' were displayed most prominently next to a painting of a beautiful garden decorated for a wedding. A window on one side of the office overlooked a well-tended garden, filled with dormant blossoming trees that slumbered under a heavy coat of winter snow.
"Husband," a delicate, feminine voice called, interrupting the Scholar as he bent over his work. "You've been working on that for hours," she said, walking into the room. "If you don't come away from it soon, dinner will be cold."