Chapter 129 - Chapter 129


Ishar uttered a single word that reverberated across the whole Ganidan Plain, weaving its way through the souls of man and beast alike, diving deep into the mind and stirring the silt at the floor, dirtying the mind's clarity and bring to the surface an opaqueness that blocked out reality's meaning.

I'm certain Guthriel is fucking my wife, certain of it. The way he keeps bringing her name up and flashing me a knowing smile. Yes he is fucking her! A heavy infantry Legionnaire dropped his shield, twisted around and drove his sword into the helm of his fellow Legionnaire. "Fuck her from beyond death then." He said as he lifted his cheek guards and spat on the collapsed body of his comrade, Guthriel.

This is a battle of the Gods, I do not belong. An Archer withdrew a curved dagger from his belt and drove it into his neck, right through an artery.

I placed a red flower into your dark hair and a kiss upon your forehead. I told you to wait for me, to wait until my hunger for battle's glory was sated. My love, now I know it was not worth it. I should have stayed with the flower. I should have stayed with you. I'm coming beloved! The light infantry Legionnaire brought up his sword and started hacking at everyone around him, seeking to clear a path to the south, back to Binoria. "I am coming beloved!" He screamed.

I wonder whether there's life after death? Damn I want to find out. The Legionnaire tore his vambraces free of his arms, took a blade and parted flesh along his wrists. He squatted on the ground and watched as blood dripped down his finger tips to feed the Centala flowers at foot. He smiled with eagerness at the thought of what is to come after death.

Ishar sat on the back of Vayin Vigon's corpse, forearms resting over his knees with a dismembered lower jaw in his left hand, his eyes fixed on the blood spreading out to where his feet rested just beyond whatever's left of Vayin's head. Blood made a steady trickle down from the severed head he'd attached to the tips of his horns, creating crimson runways upon his face. He loved the feel of the raw flesh beneath him, he could feel the slow deflating of the Binorian King's lungs, never to take in another breath. A manic smile was fixed on his face and the amber glow of his eyes cast a barbaric shadow upon his face, highlighting what he was.


Ishar danced within their minds, lifting a hand into the murky water that once held the clarity of lucidity and bringing forth the slime that was often ignored for being too illegible. He would polish the slime, spread it upon his blue tipped fingers and etch a word using it. And they would read it and believe it to be the only thing of clarity that existed, so they acted on the word.


 Thousands died. Some killed each other while others set to work on themselves. All the while nobody dared to step into the wide circle around Ishar, no one was even aware of the deep chuckle emanating from the Kolotian as he witnessed the birth of chaos.

She recalled the bleeding gash below Ingah's navel. The meaning of what castration entailed to both of them literally and figuratively. The animosity of men who considered themselves superior, the barbarity of existence. She wanted nothing to do with that which butchers love, she would rather exist in a world without both love and that which could destroy it. Edda took her sword to the throat.

Rehny brought in his hand just in time to intercept the blade's thrust. The sword pierced through his palm but it had served its purpose to slow the blade's tip from piercing Edda's neck. With his other hand he grasped Edda's arm. "Fight it! Fight it!" He screamed at her, saw the faint amber glow within her eyes. Saw as his words registered no effect. She was lost to him. All around him people died, Binorians and Talisi killing each other in the thousands. The line between friend and foe no longer existed, each and every person served a singular purpose that varied from person to person but was themed the same.


Edda brought up a knee, slamming it into Rehny's groin and the former Commander suddenly understood why armor was a thing of importance. Edda sought to tear the blade free of him so as to impale herself on it as his knees buckled under the pain. Suddenly, a warmth where he'd been hit erupted to smother the crippling pain. Rehny was able to let go off Edda's arm and bring a fist upon her jaw that ensured she toppled onto the ground unconscious. He freed her hand of the sword's hilt and pulled the blade free of the gash it had formed within his hand. Rehny flung the blade aside and turned to face Ishar.

"You're naked, Commander Rehny, quite the sight. I like it, it is bold and sends a message. It says 'Look here, what is decency but a mirage we coined so as to fashion comfort? We have no need for clothes! Look at my balls! Marvel at their pearly nature!'" The Kolotian said with a smile, his amber eyes turning to Rehny.

The throbbing gash in the middle of Rehny's hand burned as it closed. Thousands of pink lights floated to him from the severed ropes of the dead and dying. The lights burned magenta as they landed upon his body and mended all that had been torn, but even as his body healed his soul cried out at the weight of loss felt by thousands of the loved ones of those whom death embraced upon the Ganidan plain. And still the numbers of the dying grew.

Was it a hundred thousand dead? Two hundred thousand? Too many memories with their accompanying emotions bombarded him, too may names of loved ones and the numbers kept growing. Rehny knew that within him somewhere Nyawe dwelt, acting as a dam to hold off the full effect of the tide. But regardless of her efforts he still felt like he was drowning.

"Speak to me in your voice, Ishar. Cast aside the God's manipulation." Rehny said.

Ishar flung the dismembered jaw in his hand aside, it whirled through the air and impaled someone's breastplate. Ishar tilted his head back and laughed, his cackling laugh carried out into the breaking dawn.

Mairek couldn't draw his eyes from the Talisi behind him, those who'd failed to run when he'd commanded them to. Those who were now killing themselves and each other. He watched as a Talisi Soldier masturbated over the corpse of his fellow Talisi soldier who had a knife sticking out of his eye. "How do you like it now that it's your turn?" The man kept repeating the words until he came to orgasm, spilling his seed onto the dead man's face and giving him a satisfied grin right before a Legionnaire's sword was driven into the back of his head to shatter the grin.

God's! Upon the Ganidan Plain time had been infected with a cancer that was void of reason. And reality itself bent to annihilate this part of it that was foul and in so doing gave birth to conflict and that in turn fed the cancer's flame. A wave of annihilation was born that would soon engulf the realm if Ishar wasn't stopped.

He heard the laugh then, riddled with chaos upon Ishar's cheery voice and turned to face the horned Kolotian astride a dead king, the Kolotian who was the reason for the madness he was bearing testament to and the only one who could put a stop to it. His friend who had set into play the death of thousands with every passing second. Thousands that were not just Binorians. Mairek started a cautious walk towards Ishar as the naked former Commander of the Legions did the same.

"Ishar, she is not dead." Rehny said, palm held before him as he slowly approached. "The war is won, Ishar! We have won. Niada is okay, she is safe. I promise you that. Please put a stop to this." Rehny waved his other hand to all around him where baseless slaughter was taking place.

Mairek watched as Ishar reached out a hand to remove the severed head attached to the top of his horns, flinging it aside to come to land before Mairek, he stared at its greying scalp and wondered at the omen.

"Damn thing's been dripping blood and gore onto my face, it sure loses its symbolism when irritation joins the play." Ishar said and wiped his face with his palm. Ishar turned his amber glare to Rehny. "Listen to the screams, are they not different?" Ishar stood up, his legs parted with the King's dead body between them and raised his hands. "Do you not hear or see? They aren't crying out for their lives. No they are not. They are stating reasons as to why they no longer want them. Listen to the music. Ovek learnt this from watching Locha play with that string and oh how my God has taught me how to pluck it in turn! Listen, Rehny? Try and see, dawn is here to aid your sight. See the release I give them."

"Ishar." Mairek said and watched as his friend turned to face him. Mairek whirled his spear wielding hand to rest behind him, seeking an approach to Ishar that wasn't offensive. "It's madness Ishar, madness. They are dying. Half of everyone is already dead by your hand for Niada's death yet she is not dead! Niada is not dead! Your God is lying to you, she is not even upon this Plain. How has Vayin taken her life if she isn't even here?" He pleaded and felt as the sweeping tendrils of chaos ceased their thrashing. "The only reason I'm not dead is because time ignores me even when affected by chaos, Ishar, if it wasn't the case you would have lost me today." He added, hoping it would have a deeper effect.

Rehny lowered his palm, eyes still fixed on Ishar who had his head turned to Mairek. The Talisi young man was getting to him. "We'll go to her Ishar, you'll see that she's okay. You'll see."

Ishar laughed once more, a laugh that heightened the touch of madness upon the Ganidan Plain and quickened the deaths of many. The sounding screams doubled. "Rehny the naked man and Mairek the sheep wanker." Ishar said. Mairek withdrew his spear from behind him, placing it in a defensive guard running diagonally before him. "Both of you trying so hard to stop the music I'm composing, do you fear it? Does it drive you to do the obscene? Such fear! Turn your back on your protected pasts and face the unknown, can't you see this is a lesson born of love? A love I no longer possess!"

"It's madn-" Started Rehny.

"Oh shut up! Such a one sided conversation! Have you no other argument?" Ishar asked before yawning. "I'm tired of this conversation, either fight me or wait until I've purged this realm of life for me to sit beside your corpses and have a different one sided conversation."

"Ishar. Don't make us do this." Mairek straightened the spear shaft at Ishar with both hands and Rehny crouched with his arms spread out to the sides.

Ishar raises his face to the sky and closed his eyes. "This moment, when friend and ally unite in tandem against a fellow friend and ally. It is poetic, is it not? Chaotic even with its warring simplicity and complexity. Yes. Beautiful, I love it. Now let's be done with this so I can seek out other beautiful things."

And Rehny and Mairek closed in on Ishar who stood smiling with his eyes closed, face turned to the ever brightening sky.