Chereads / bakugou katsuki x ash my oc / Chapter 1 - the beginning

bakugou katsuki x ash my oc

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Chapter 1 - the beginning

I was in fourth hour at school and suddenly we heard a loud bang we all ran outside and then a portal opened up. Then Mr.aizawa pokes his head out of the portal. I look at him in shock. I say to Mr.Aizawa what are you doing in our dimension. He said that he is taking the portal lures and he grabs my hand. When he pulls me in I close my eyes then I open them up and I see the portal closing. I scream for help and he tells me to be quiet. Then I look around and I see All Might,principal Nezu and Mr. Aizawa saying that I will be going to the U.A. I ask if we can go to my house and get some things. So, I told him the address and we went there. The portal opens up and it's my room. I grab my duff and backpack. I put clothes in the duff and stuffed animals and stuff in the backpack. I grab my stuff and I say goodbye to my room. A few minutes pass and the portal opens. Aizawa tells me to get behind him. so, I do, then Mr. Aizawa says that I did not come, then all of a sudden, I poked my head out from behind him. Mr. Aizawa then I say hi to everyone quietly and then they come running and I start running then ears and a tail pop out and I turn into a bunny I then run under the couch I come out and say I'm sorry and that I didn't mean to mina,momo,froppy,deku,kirishima and more except bakugou walk over to me and hug me Then Mr.aizawa says that I have to come with him to get my uniform so I go and leave my bags by the couch and Mr.aizawa walks to the school. and we walk in and walk to the office I get my uniform and then we walk to the designer room I start to think about my hero costume mia decides and I go to try it on I try it on and I walk back to the room the door opens and mia look at me and says it looks great I say I feel weird she says it's fine so I say ok the costume is a short top and shorts so I look on it and I ask if I can add gloves and a mask mia tells me I can she continues designing and she says I can go back I says ok and I run back to the dorms I come in and smell something good and then I have an idea I design to prank them I figure out how to change into a wolf and I do I walk slowly in to the kitchen growling Momo looks at me and says hehe hello little wolf would you like some food I sit down on the floor and howl I also wag my tail calmly deku hears the howl and walk in. and see the wolf, deku yells get away from the wolf momo-kun then I look at deku and find out how to change back I turn around and sit on the floor like a dog sort of I look at him and I have my ears and tail out he looks at me deku walks back as happy as can be kiri sees him and ask what is it deku points and kiri looks at me and says aww cute and manly and I change again Momo gets the food and she takes it to near the table bakugou,mina,todoroki and asui are at the table eating and they see me eating out of a bowl still in my wolf form asui asks are you ok "ribbit" I look at her and howl a small howl asui says i take that as a yes "ribbit" we all finish and I go to my room still in my wolf form I get to my room and change back I open the door and I walk to my dresser and grab some clothes I change my clothes and then I walk back to the living room. and walk outside I start walking to the school I change in to my wolf form and start running I run and run until I get to the school and walk to the designer room to check on my costume and mia took me to try on my costume I put my costume on and walk to the designer room then my ears and tail pop out and and I turn around and she sees that it fits great she tells me that I can head back so I walk out of the designer room and and down the halls hawks is in the school because he is walk with endeavor I wasn't paying attention and me and hawks bump into each other I stand back he asks if I was hurt I say no and I just keep walking hawks yells out bye and I wave 'weird guy but he's cute' I walk back to the dorms and I get there when I get in the dorms. I walk to my room while walking I hit bakugou with my tail he gets mad and gets up I start running to the dorm room I got to my dorm and shut the door mina yells out hey bakubabe stop it he's new and already want to kill him jeez bakugou replies fine whatever bakugou walks to his dorm and mina walks to mine she says hey you can come out now your fine i open the door and say that my name is Ash I slowly walk out and walk to the living room I say that I didn't mean to it was an accident and that I was going to my room my tells me I know don't be scared of him he is just a big angry Pomeranian I replied ok thx mina I decided to go to my dorm room I go to my dorm room and get in bed I start falling asleep I wake up the next day and get my uniform on and walk out into the living room where the rest of my class is I say to everyone that is there hey guys and good morning we all start walking to school we all get to school and walk to class we get down with the class and then the class before lunch is training with are quirks we start to get are hero suits on and we walk out of the change room deku looks at me and says aww cute I love your hero suit it looks good I replied thx deku I smile and we walk to the training course we all start training are quirks deku do his plus ultra-smash and bakugou does his blowing up thing and the rest of the class does their own thing and I do mine when we are done we all go to lunch I get my lunch and sit with deku,shoto,ochako and iida we all start talking and stuff then ochako say that there is going to be a valentines dance in two days 'a dance outside hmm maybe I'll go I don't know I'll go but just because I don't know if there will be villains and we want the Strong's students out there' I replied to ochako ok ochako I'll go we get done with lunch and finished the rest of the classes then I start walking back to the dorms and I open the door still thinking about the dance and that I don't have a dress when I walk into the dorms I bump in to this guy named shinso I say to him umm hello he replies back with hi I keep walking and bump in to bakugou I tell him oh sorry bakugou he replies with whatever now there's two goddamn nerds in here now I walk to my dorm and look at my phone and it's 12:00 in the night and I decide to go to bed I wake up the next morning and it's Saturday so I get dressed I put on some shorts that have rips in them on then I put on a t-shirt and a jacket I walk out my room running in to bakugou I say to him oh haha sorry bakugou he looks at me and blushes a tiny bit I ask him umm bakugou bakugou ugh bakugou he replies huh sorry where you off to I replied with that's none of your business bakugou he says back yes it is now tell me I say to him ugh I'm going to the mall because I don't have a dress for the valentines dance and I have two days to find something to wear to the dance he replies with well I'm coming with you bakugou drags me out of the dorms and out of the U.A. I yell let me go bakugou mina yells for denki denki denki I need to talk to you he replies with about what she replies with did you see ash and bakugou bakugou was holding ash's hand kind of dragging him but still the ship is sailing as mina and denki talk shoto was hiding around the Corner shoto whispers to himself bakugou was holding ash's hand I'm going to follow them shoto leaves the dorms and then U.A. and catches up with me and bakugou but stays behind shoto has a hoodie on so he puts his hood up so that bakugou and me don't notice or recognize him me and bakugou get the mall and so does shoto first me and bakugou go to a store with outfit in it I pick one that's black with red I walk out of the changing room and when I walk out bakugou looks at me and blushes a bit I ask him bakugou are you ok he replies with yea I'm fine you're getting that one I say back to him oh ok then I look at his face and see that he's blushing then I blush a bit and look away a few minutes pass and I go to buy the dress but bakugou pays for it for me and then we go to a store where we can get shoes so we go in and I pick a pair of shoes that are black with red on them we get them and then get something for bakugou that's match we then head to an ice cream shop bakugou gets me a mint chip ice cream after we get and eat the ice cream we hed back to the dorms we get to the dorms and I go to my dorm and put the clothes away I then think to get a tattoo so yea because it would look cool so i go to leave and bakugou asks me where im going and tells me that he's coming i say that I'm going to get a tattoo so me and him go to a tattoo shop to get one he says that he will pick it he picks a heart with are first letter inside the heart he has the a and i have the b when it's done i look at it blush slowly crawling onto my cheeks "bakugou why did you pi-" i wasn't able to finish my words because next thing you know bakugou's lips are on mine i blushes very deeply but i kiss him backhoe picks me up my legs around his waist he stops kissing me and puts me in his car to take me back to the dorms he gets in the driver side and starts the car and we drive to the dorms we get there i get out of the car and i grab the bags and head inside to the dorms and give bakugou his bags and i head to my dorm and hang my dress up to make sure it doesn't get wrinkled and put the shoes in my closet and i make sure to hid the tattoo from mina because she will fan and go crazy over it but mina has already seen bakugou's and hiss has a A in it and there is only maybe a few A's in this school in are class but she can already guess it's me she runs to my dorm excitedly and bursts in she says in a very excited tone ash are you dating bakugou i tell her no that im not that's when bakugou appears behind mina and tells mina that i am dating him i say that he is lying because i am not dating him then he comes closer to me and pins my hands above my head with one of his hands the other tickling me i laugh and giggle but then he stops gets eyes and lips height with me so he can kiss me i douge and weave some how escaping form his grasp i run from upstairs to downstairs and chases after me i sceam and giggle and laugh and i keep telling him no but hee catches me and kisses me deeply and lets me go to run away again so i run away from him because i don't want anymore kisses. I run to deku's room running from bakugou and i lock myself in bakugou's room escaping i hid under deku's bed he asks me what I'm doing i tell him a hiding from bakugou so that he doesn't catch me and give me kisses he doesn't find me all day so he just leaves it be and leaves me alone i walk out of deku's room and and go to my dorm room grabbing my nintendo and i go to the living room sitting on the couch to play minecraft i start up a world and bakugou walk in to the living room and kisses the top of my head and walks away he says he's going out with the boys he leaves with kirishima,sero,denki,and the rest of his bakusqaud i look as he walks away and i have a gut feeling that he is mad at me i end up getting upset as tears run down my cheeks upset that i think he is mad at me