Chereads / Missing Diamond / Chapter 7 - Missing Diamond

Chapter 7 - Missing Diamond

The wind blows cold,as lady Rose and Lady Amor sat on the car awaiting for the busy airport lane to clear,as they had a chitchat about all that happened while Amor was away.

 " O dear Rose,how I wish you had seen the beauty of the city,the colourful painting, the delicious dishes, and my favorites ice cream flavors,even duo I was sent off for another reason,I kinda enjoyed myself"

" Am happy to hear that,most especially now my baby girl is gonna get her name you know"

" O lord,help Rose to stop keeping promise's,I also promised same,but look,I named my son,his name's Marcus,nice name right sister"

" Yes of course, it's lovely,so am thinking of naming my daughter..."

being distracted by the horns,Amor cuddled Rose's daughter as she had her eyes and hair,and looked more dangerous than her mother

"You know Rose, sometimes I wonder, if things were different, would father had let one of us go"

" absolutely not,....have you forgotten when we were younger, than we would beg Dad to send us out,but all girls,he can't risk being childless"

THE both ladies laugh at their crazy joke,but just want back to driving in silence

" Lady Rose, your gas is about to run out,we should get some don't you think"

" sure"

" I will be right back"

" Sure Morin,be quick"

Rose rested on her driver's seat and ask to cuddle little Marcus, which she did 

" Wanna know who he reminds me Amor"

" I know,but John Deere is a monster Rose,so glad Michael killed him"

taking in a deep breath

" But we never found out who put John up to that"

" Forget it Rose, just forget it"

a knock on the window drove both ladies eye to the location,it was Morin

" Morin, what took you so long"

" still not done yet ma, we have a slight issues with the card,so I came to take mine"

" wanna pay for it"

" Yes, it's no big deal"

Morin left and silence quickly creeped back in 

"Why is it too quite Amor"

raising her head Lady Amor was shocked by the red dot pointing right at Rose

" What's with the face Amor, what's wrong"

" A red dot"

as shocked as Rose was,she looked down her body and there it stood,a red dot, pointing right at her

" No..

A bullet came crashing through their car causing it to tumble, hitting ever inch of the car to the floor,and glass breaking, making the little kid's scream,a loud scream came from the crawd as well before everywhere want blank 

" Lady....Rose...."

Morin ran straight to the crashed car hoping for a miracle,she tried to pull the car door open but no way

" Lady Amor, Wake up both of you..."

with tears in her eyes she begged for one,just one person to respond,

' Morin." 

a grunt was heard 

" Lady Amor, some one come help me"

people were too scared to come as the car would soon explode,not untill,a young man in his thirties appeared,and help pull out Amor,and the baby she held tight during crash 

" Help me get lady Rose out,pls sir.....pls"

 Pulling Rose seemed like a big task,as her legs got jammed with the weels of the car,and little Marcus,was in no good shape anymore

" Lady Rose Wake up, you, wake up for your little girl"

after few more second's of trying she woke up 

" Lady Rose, your awake, let's.... let's get you out of this car,pls ma,pls*

" No need for that,, know that....i.have"

blood worked it's way through her words making it hard to relate,she spits out the blood 

" Morin,....I .got ...for ...her, Monica,her....n.a.mes..Mon.ica,so pls..( coughs) protect my ... baby at all cost,pls Morin,pro..te. "

and that was it,she gave up,the young man dragged Morin away,but not that far before the car blow, people gathered and so did ambulance 


lady Stella's house was Burt, but she survived,lord Claudio was shot dead in his office and Amor in the hospital,Morin married the man in his thirties and trains Monica as her daughter, Amanda had put to bed,a baby boy, and lord Micheal has inherited lady Stella's business living her in a rehabilitation center, and marrying Amanda,as he is the father of her son.while Amor still stay in coma.

 Is Time for a new Don