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Gun's n' dopes

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1 Act 1 Grand Theft Auto

Past Memories


Breaking News local authorities reported to the police A bank robbery in Yong wu street in Shau City till now the police

is investigating for any traced of the suspects on this robbery!

City of the Sinners

Shau City ran by people who has a lot of powers making the poor Unfortunate so surviving is the real deal even people who is rich has authority to own a slave its like 1899, All children knows is survival in this "City of the dead" has I like to say...drug dealers spread rapidly like a Plague and the Women sold there body for just some 2$ in the club, Then there some Gangsters who raid other Gang territories...This is an aiding life my name is Arthur Kaushin this is my Story.

It was 11:23am Me and Tashi run away from police that investigate the Shau City bank because we heist the place it was successful "Fuck! They still won't give up Arthur blast this motherfuckers!." He say in hurry voice "ok" I say I took my revolver on my pocket then I shot the other cops "Shit!" has there cars crash while other I blast there Brain off here skull "Rest and peace in hell" I say but the cops did stop following our trail no matter what path we take I look around the area of our car finding some useful stuff that mat be relevant too us but I found nothing, Tashi glared on the mirror of the car in a cold way then he steps the paddle hardly suddenly the car speed is 92 km a force of energy of the speed motion impacted me ''Aaahhh!" I say in a panic voice. We were in Dartu street without hesitation Tashi do a drift head straight forward leaving the cops out trailed "we did it we are not dead whoa my life flashed before my eyes you idiota!" I say in a angered voice towards him "man Arthur still a busta straight busta" He say "SHUT UP!" I say "cant stop me" He say "who can?" I say "whatever" He say "man this is childish" I say . We arrived at our base "we are here you bitch" he say I step out the car then go inside while Tashi grab a cigarette lite it with he's litter he looks at me "hey Arthur you want some this of this?" He say while grabbing another cigarette for me "eww!" I say he laugh. Then I go inside the was I step 4 meters Kain saw me he approach me "what's up Arthur my boy done from your heist? So where's the bag of cash?" He say "sorry I forgot its in the car" I say "good I'll get it we will split the money haft for us and other haft is for the poor who sleeps besides the cross walk" He say I smile "now Arthur go to the meeting room" He say while walking away from me he's heading to the door. So I decide I'll go to the meeting room Kobbie and the other group was looking at me kobbie look at me by he's eyes "yoo easay where's our leader kain?" He say I walk in the close the door behind me "he'll be here soon he's just getting the bag money bag me and Tashi stole from the bank its just mini bank so expect 5000$ be the money then followed by splitting up those 5000$ to even form so yeah it seems its not enough" I say in a confident voice, kain walk's in the room but Yuzu inform us she encounters a two person walking about "Sau Shin and he's men hideouts" kain was sock with anger and joy cause Sau killed Kain's Wife and two Sons that's the reason why he created "DR3" group to avenge he's family death and he also wants to make this is city a better place. He close he's eyes "Arthur, Yuzu, investigate this fine "men" capture them and interview them like a gentleman but if they resist to talk force shall be your savior" He say but I don't like the fact I'm partnering up with Yuzu cause she sometimes she doesn't listen to me even though I'm 14 and she is 24 I'm Kain's right hand man and She's just the reporter. I sight "ok lets go but I'll drive" I say

"ok Arthur hehe" She say. They went in the car "lets go" I say "so Yuzu any address of this guys?" I say while driving the car "for what I heard I want in the Gasin restaurant drinking some coffee then I heard this men talking about Shau and he's drug money then your "older brother" Kobbie your friend calls me in the right time" She say "I see, So to my judgment I think they left that area do you have clue were there heading or planning were they going?" I say

She looks at right window in the car "I heard them mentioning about attending a funeral on Hanzo street you know? The church there's a church there" She say "ok" I say "Arthur its weird your only 14 but 5.7 already in rate you must be in age of 18 or 19" She say and giggles, We arrive at the church we saw bunch of cars and bikes pointing out they didn't left "Arthur here" She say and giving me a walkie talkie "use this for communication I saw a ladder the left side of the church use that to get into the attic" she say "sure you'll here waiting for those guys" I say the she gives me a picture of those guys "this one dude looking like a homeless rockstar and the other one looks like Jeffrey Dhamer but Micheal Jackson reverse" I say then I climb the ladder left side of the church. I was In the attic it was kinda dark but duo to sun light exposion I sneak down for extra careful i look around then I was a small hole on the floor filled with dust I crouch down and take a peak at the hole revealing the down floor I was 2 men sitting and paying attention to the praist "Yuz it seems they're many of them judging by the tattoos they are coming from a gang I heard them before Kobbie tells me about this group "The Latunes" so we must not underestimate them" I say to inform Yuzu in this walkie talkie "roger that Arthur" she say, I look around I saw them having some weapons. I'm not really into Religion but my Mother is a Christian so I have respect for God but not the Praist cause they are like kids dressing up for Halloween but Instead of trick or treat its donate or hell. But something isn't right the Praist have the same tattoos "Latunes" tattoo on he's left neck I think too my self is this a cult? Whatever this is I can say "Father" got side quest I bet he has a steam account playing Far Cry 5 has Joseph Seed I waited for 3 mins and I check the clock on my right hand "time check its 6:00pm" I say then I fly was approaching on my with speed of light it enters my nose "achou!" I sneeze I quickly cover my mouth in calm state in just 4 second they shot the attic where I was in

They found out my location I quickly run to the ladder without hesitation I jump outside, Yuzu was wide like a window in shock "what the hell!" She say in panic I got no choice I grab her hands leading her to the car I quickly get in 'hurry! UP Yuzu no time to explain I've been caught!" I say has I put in the keys She finally entered the car. I step on the paddle and drove in high speed like 90 kms the reflection of mirror in the car showing 4 cars "so they following us shit this isn't good!" I say while driving high speed in a panic voice "don't worry I got my uzi" she cover her face then Yuzu blast the car "history repeats itself" I say then I cover up my face so that they won't able to know our identities

It was 6:04pm we where in Oxydoxy street having goose chase with some Latunes gang in 1 sec time just slows I saw a girl with glasses.... Time resume back to the present I speed up to 92 kms Yuzu was bothered by the impact of the

Air her hair keeps covering her eyes making it harder for her to see yet she still blasted some bullets on the cars. She hit the wheels resulting the car to be crash on the street light then in moment I saw a couple to broken wires and a Truck loaded with bucket of waters heading on our way. I shot the trucks driver making the truck unstable resulting it to flip right top of me it fells over to the wires were the Latunes gang is heading the truck's bucket of water spilled over the broken wires triggering a electrocution of the drivers inside the vehicle Yuzu laughs then She looks at the side mirror checking if they send back up "its clear Arthur" She say then I heard a truck honk "beeeeeeppp" we look

Behind and saw a freaking Truck! The truck was on the left side of our car I was in shock the truck was heading for us making a left Yuzu was wide up "were cook" She say. Were heading the tunnel so the Truck tightin the space by

Moving left side I got no choice I slow down the car and move backwards "ok this how this is how you play" I say while looking at Yuzu "Yuz take the wheel" I say in hurry voice "what!?" She say it in confusion "there's no time" I say. She slowly move to the starring wheel while me quickly open the door of my car in the left side "this is gonna be risky Arthur your gonna die!" She say in very worried voice I sigh "Women" I say then I jump over the Truck I grab the right side door of the truck by using my two hands, they saw me then before they can react I quickly draw my revolver and one shot but double kill then I shot the tank of the truck spilling some oil "Yuzu open the door left side of you" I say then she move to the right side sit I jump then grab the roof on the left side of the car and I swing my body forward order for my to get inside to my car I get in and I close the door I turn around I look at Yuzu "I'm...i... how did you able to that Arthur? That was amazing" She say while hugging me I pat her head she lets go then I focus on the car starring wheels I saw the truck stop duo to losing foil cause the oil tank drained for the truck 5 meters behind me I shot the oil with revolver causing it too created a fire I smirk. We arrive to our base at 7:32pm I park my then Me and Yuzu both get out of the vehicle. We enter our base heading the dinner room they look t us in suspicion

Yuri look at me in confusion "where have you too been?" He say then Yuzu sit down the chair Kobbie slap my back has a greetings "aa my easey where you been did you and Yuzu fecha? He say "real funny" I say while about to sit down. Then we eat drink and makes some jokes on the table and laugh....

The End