Stability and Grounding: Represents physicality, stability, and grounding. It is associated with the physical world and the material aspects of life.
Practicality and Strength: Symbolizes practicality, patience, strength, and endurance.
Nurturing and Fertility: Connected to fertility, growth, and the nurturing aspects of nature.
Gaia: In Greek mythology, Gaia is the personification of Earth and the mother of all life. She gave birth to the Titans and other gods.
Geb: In Egyptian mythology, Geb is the god of the Earth, often depicted lying beneath the sky goddess Nut.
Pachamama: In Incan mythology, Pachamama is the earth mother goddess who presides over planting and harvesting.
Color: Green or brown.
Season: Winter.
Direction: North.
Astrological Signs: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.
Tarot Suit: Pentacles.
Animals: Bear, bull, snake.
Crystals: Emerald, hematite, jade.
Plants/Herbs: Oak, wheat, patchouli.
Elemental Being: Gnomes or dwarves, representing the spirits of the earth.