Chereads / The Luminous Codex / Chapter 168 - Detailed Descriptions of Psychic Senses and Their Functions

Chapter 168 - Detailed Descriptions of Psychic Senses and Their Functions

Psychic senses, also known as extrasensory perceptions (ESP), are extensions of our regular senses, providing insights beyond the physical realm. Here are detailed descriptions of each psychic sense, their functions, and how they can manifest.

1. Clairvoyance (Clear Seeing)

Description: Clairvoyance is the ability to gain visual information about an object, person, location, or event through means other than the known senses. This can manifest as mental images, symbols, or visions.


Remote Viewing: Seeing distant or unseen places as if you were there.

Seeing Spirits: Perceiving spirits, auras, or other non-physical entities.

Symbolic Visions: Receiving symbols or images that need interpretation (e.g., seeing a dove might symbolize peace).


Mental Images: Pictures or scenes that appear in the mind's eye.

Flashes of Light: Brief visions or flashes of light, often out of the corner of your eye.

Dreams: Receiving messages or visions through vivid, often symbolic dreams.

2. Clairaudience (Clear Hearing)

Description: Clairaudience is the ability to hear information beyond the normal range of hearing. This can include hearing voices, sounds, or music from the spiritual realm.


Hearing Guidance: Receiving messages from spirit guides, angels, or deceased loved ones.

Psychic Sounds: Hearing sounds or music that have a psychic significance.

Inner Voice: A strong inner voice or thought that is distinct from your own.


Voices: Hearing distinct voices that provide guidance or information.

Sounds: Hearing sounds like bells, chimes, or footsteps that have no physical source.

Inner Thoughts: Receiving clear, distinct thoughts that seem to come from an external source.3. Clairsentience (Clear Feeling)

Description: Clairsentience is the ability to feel or sense the emotions and physical sensations of others or the presence of spirits. This is often referred to as being empathic.


Empathy: Sensing the emotions or physical state of others.

Environmental Sensitivity: Feeling the energy of places or objects.

Spirit Presence: Sensing the presence of spirits or other entities.


Emotional Waves: Experiencing sudden emotional changes that are not your own.

Physical Sensations: Feeling physical sensations like tingling, temperature changes, or pressure without an obvious cause.

Gut Feelings: Strong intuitive feelings or hunches about people, places, or events.

4. Claircognizance (Clear Knowing)

Description: Claircognizance is the ability to know information without any physical or logical basis. It is a sudden insight or knowledge that seems to come from nowhere.


Sudden Insights: Receiving information or solutions spontaneously.

Instant Knowledge: Knowing facts or details about people or situations without prior information.

Inner Certainty: A strong sense of knowing that something is true without any evidence.


Epiphanies: Sudden realizations or aha moments.

Certainty: A deep, unshakable sense that you know something, even if you can't explain how.

Mental Downloads: Receiving large amounts of information quickly, as if downloaded into your mind.

5. Clairgustance (Clear Tasting)

Description: Clairgustance is the ability to taste a substance without it being physically present. This sense is often used by mediums to receive information from spirits.


Tasting: Experiencing specific tastes that convey messages or information.

Association: Connecting certain tastes with specific memories or information.


Phantom Tastes: Tasting flavors like blood, alcohol, or specific foods without consuming them.

Taste Impressions: Tastes that bring about certain feelings or memories.

6. Clairalience (Clear Smelling)

Description: Clairalience is the ability to smell scents that have no physical source. This can be a powerful way to receive messages from the spiritual realm.


Smelling Spirits: Detecting the presence of spirits through smells associated with them.

Environmental Sensitivity: Sensing the energy or history of a place through its smells.

Message Conveyance: Receiving specific scents as messages from guides or spirits.


Phantom Smells: Smelling flowers, perfume, smoke, or other scents without a physical source.

Associated Smells: Smells that trigger specific memories or feelings, indicating a message.