Altar Setup: A Hoodoo altar is a sacred space where rituals and spells are performed. It often includes candles, photographs of ancestors, and offerings.
Petitions and Prayers: Writing petitions and reciting prayers are common practices. Psalms from the Bible are frequently used.
Spiritual Baths: Cleansing baths with specific herbs and minerals are taken to purify, protect, or attract certain energies.
Foot Track Magic: Placing magical substances where a target will walk to affect them, either positively or negatively.
Mojo Bags: Small bags filled with herbs, roots, and personal concerns, carried for protection or to attract specific outcomes.
Practical Techniques
Protection Spell
Black candle
Devil's Shoestring root
Protection oil (e.g., Fiery Wall of Protection)
Create Sacred Space: Cleanse your space with sage or incense.
Anoint Candle: Dress the black candle with protection oil.
Place Devil's Shoestring: Place the Devil's Shoestring root at the base of the candle.
Draw a Circle: Sprinkle salt around the candle to create a protective circle.
Light the Candle: Light the candle and focus on the flame.
Recite a Prayer: Recite Psalm 91 or another protective prayer.
Visualize Protection: Visualize a shield of light surrounding you and your home.
Close the Ritual: Let the candle burn completely. Dispose of the remains at a crossroads or bury them in your yard.
Prosperity Spell
Green candle
High John the Conqueror root
Money oil
Cleanse Your Space: Use sage or another cleansing herb.
Anoint Candle: Dress the green candle with money oil.
Place High John Root: Place the High John the Conqueror root at the base of the candle.
Sprinkle Cinnamon: Sprinkle a pinch of cinnamon around the candle.
Light the Candle: Light the candle and focus on the flame.
Recite a Prayer: Recite Psalm 23 or another prosperity prayer.
Visualize Abundance: Visualize financial abundance and success flowing into your life.
Close the Ritual: Let the candle burn completely. Keep the High John root as a charm for continued prosperity.
Love Spell
Red candle
Rose petals
Love oil (e.g., Come to Me oil)
Personal concern of the target (if available)
Create Sacred Space: Cleanse your space with sage or incense.
Anoint Candle: Dress the red candle with love oil.
Place Rose Petals: Sprinkle rose petals around the candle.
Add Personal Concern: If available, place the personal concern near the candle.
Light the Candle: Light the candle and focus on the flame.
Recite a Prayer: Recite Song of Solomon or another love-related prayer.
Visualize Love: Visualize the love and relationship you desire.
Close the Ritual: Let the candle burn completely. Keep any remains as a charm.
Ethics and Considerations
Ethical Practice
Consent: Respect the free will of others. Avoid manipulating or coercing people against their will.
Intent: Ensure your intentions are pure and for the greater good.
Respect: Honor the traditions and practices of Hoodoo with respect and integrity.
Safety Precautnsio
Herb Safety: Some herbs can be toxic. Handle with care and avoid ingestion unless you are certain of their safety.
Fire Safety: Always practice fire safety when using candles. Never leave burning candles unattended.
Personal Boundaries: Protect your energy and space. Do not overextend yourself in your practices.