Alchemy is an ancient philosophical and proto-scientific tradition that seeks to transform base materials into noble ones, notably the transmutation of base metals into gold, the creation of the Philosopher's Stone, and the quest for the Elixir of Life. It combines elements of chemistry, metallurgy, physics, medicine, astrology, mysticism, and art.
Key Concepts and Goals
Transmutation: The process of turning base metals (e.g., lead) into noble metals (e.g., gold).
Philosopher's Stone: A legendary substance believed to enable the transmutation of base metals into gold and grant immortality through the Elixir of Life.
Elixir of Life: A mythical potion that grants eternal youth and immortality.
Alchemical Symbols: A complex system of symbols representing elements, processes, and philosophical concepts.
The Four Classical Elements
Fire (π): Represents energy, transformation, and purification.
Water (π): Symbolizes intuition, emotion, and the subconscious.
Air (π): Denotes intellect, communication, and movement.
Earth (π): Stands for stability, practicality, and materiality.
The Three Primes (Tria Prima)
Sulfur (π): Represents the soul or the essence of a substance, associated with fire and masculine energy.
Mercury (βΏ): Symbolizes the mind or spirit, associated with fluidity, change, and the integration of opposites.
Salt (π): Denotes the body or the material aspect, associated with earth and preservation.The Seven Planetary Metals
Each metal is associated with a planet and a corresponding day of the week:
Gold (β): Sun, Sunday
Silver (β½): Moon, Monday
Iron (β):Β Mars, Tuesday
Mercury (βΏ): Mercury, Wednesday
Tin (β): Jupiter, Thursday
Copper (β): Venus, Friday
Lead (β): Saturn, Saturday