Symbolism and Allegory:
Sacred Texts: Esoteric Christians interpret biblical stories and teachings symbolically rather than literally. They explore deeper meanings and allegories that convey spiritual truths and inner transformation.
Parables: Jesus' parables are seen as containing hidden wisdom and spiritual lessons that can be applied to personal growth and enlightenment.
Mystical Experience:
Union with God: Esoteric Christianity emphasizes direct personal experience of God's presence or the Divine within oneself, often through practices like meditation, contemplation, and prayer.
Divine Immanence: Focuses on the belief that God is present within each individual and can be realized through inner spiritual practices.
Gnostic Influences:
Gnostic Elements: Incorporates elements from Gnosticism, such as the search for hidden knowledge (gnosis) and the concept of salvation through self-awareness and spiritual awakening.
Dualism: Views the material world as distinct from the spiritual realm, with the latter being the realm of ultimate truth and divine consciousness.
The Role of Jesus Christ:
Christ Consciousness: Sees Jesus Christ not only as a historical figure but also as a symbol of divine wisdom and enlightenment that each person can attain.
Inner Christ: Emphasizes the indwelling of the Christ spirit or consciousness within each individual, representing the potential for spiritual transformation and enlightenment.