Vexalia's POV.
I'm having a friendly race with Zelda to celebrate my victory, and she's actually keeping up much to my surprise, "I thought you didn't like going too fast?" I questioned, remembering just earlier today, "It's a race! And I intend to win!" Zelda proclaimed as she spurred her Loftwing to go faster, and managed to surpass me, "So that's how we're playing? Alright!" I exclaimed, accepting the challenge.
To have a better shot at winning, I pulled out a stamina potion I got from the bazar and gave it to my Loftwing, allowing it to go faster and catch up with Zelda, "That's cheating!" She accused having seen what I did, "All is fair in flight and war!" I defended, laying down on the back of my bird.
Before Zelda could retort, a dark hurricane started spinning in front of us, "WHAT IS THAT!?" I screamed, prompting Zelda to notice the hurricane and also get panicked, "I've never seen a typhoon like that!" She exclaimed as she tried to get her Loftwing to change direction, but I got hit by a rock the hurricane pulled in and passed out, barely hearing Zelda scream my name.
I wake up in my bed with a jolt after another dream that this time only contained the light talking about me meeting my destiny, and it left me kin of dazed, "What happened...?" I wondered outloud, holding my head as I feel a slight headache coming on.
"Oh thank the Goddess you're awake." I hear d Gaepora say from the doorway, so I turned to look at him, "You sure are lucky that fatal damage for you is like a broken arm would be for everyone else." He commented, which didn't really clear my confusion.
Tilting my head at him I'm pretty sure my pupil turned into a question mark, "Right, you probably wouldn't remember what happened..." He rationalized, "You got caught in a storm and a piece of debris knocked you out, we managed to recover you, but..." He paused for a moment, looking pretty distraught, "We couldn't find Zelda..." He said, making my heart skip a beat.
The information prompted me to get out of bed instantly, "What do you me-Whoah!?" I was saying, but stumbled down since my legs weren't responding that well, "You just barely recovered from getting crushed, you should wait before trying to walk." Gaepora said as he helped me back to bed, "So... Do you have any idea where she might be?" I asked trying to mantain my composure, which got harder when the Headmaster shook his head.
"I know she's okay, as if something is telling me she is, but I don't know where she is." He explained, "...Having stuff told to me is becoming quite a theme today..." I muttered outloud, "What?" Gaeopra questioned confused, "Don't worry about it, I'll be going to sleep for my legs to heal and I'll join when I'm better." I informed, concentrating just a bit causing me to fall asleep instantly, much to Gaepora's amusement, "I still don't get how you do that..." He told my sleeping form before leaving me to sleep.
That Night.
As my sleep went on, I got woken up by a voice, "Follow me Vexalia." I heard, "What?" I let out in confusion as I got up from bed and got out in the hallway, and there it was, the light from my dreams, but this time, it faded, taking the shape of a cyan, blue and purple pupper-like girl, "Follow me." It repeated as it started backing away from my dorm room and up the stairs.
Not having any other context clue, I began following her to the exit on the upper floor, then onto the bridge and over to the Goddess statue, the access to which wa closed since it's night, but the puppet-girl went over to the right side, onto a passage I somehow never noticed.
Jumping around the side of the island where the statue is located, I froze when I notice the Mia was sleeping on the path, "Oh no..." I whispered, trying to make my way around her without waking her up, but a particularly dry patch of grass made a loud crunch that woke her up, much to my dismay, as she stretched and turned around, showing the feral side of the remlit that comes out at night.
"Oh shit! Good Remlit! Good Remlit!" I repeated twice as I ran over to keep following the puppet, climbing up luckily since the remlit wouldn't fly if it didn't fall of the island, "This better be worth it." I tell myself as I see the back of the statue when I climb over one last cliff.
Following the puppet in front of the statue, it stayed in front of a symbol embedded in the pedestal, which me and Zelda always joked it looked like a door, and after a moment it backed into it, phasing through and the part of the pedestal where the symbol was on disappeared, revealing that it was a door.
Entering there, I found that there was an ancient temple in it, pillars holding it up, some kind of suqare opening in the wall, and in the middle a pedestal with an aura in the shaped of a sword stabbed in it, "Vexalia, take the sword out of the pedestal and fulfil your destiny." The puppet instructed as it stood in behind the aura.
Weighing my options, I ended up deciding to do as the puppet said and grabbed the grip of the aura sword and I everything around me disappear and be replaced by a the sky, "Finally you arrived." I heard someone tell me.
Turning around I saw a short girl with glowing hair and eyes, wearing clothes made of light, "...You look like Zelda when she was little." I comment, looking down at the little girl, "I am Hylandra." The little girl introduced herself, making me realize something, she's the Goddess.
"You-" I was saying, but the Goddess put her hand on my mouth to shut me up, "Listen, your destiny is something you could never truly get a grasp of, but remember this, your power is incredible, more than you realize, and you will use it now to save Zelda." She said before everything turned back to normal, and I realized that I was holding something now, a sword made out of my own flesh and bone.
"So my feeling was right... You are the Hero." I heard Gaepora say behind me, "What does this imply?" I asked, feeling shocked due to how fast things were happening, "I'm not the one to tell you." Gaepora replied before looking to the puppet girl, "If anything you should ask her." He informed, ready to hear what the puppet had to say.