Chereads / resident evil: the man with the sas4 system / Chapter 37 - (26) Battle against birkin! who’s the little girl?(seres pov)

Chapter 37 - (26) Battle against birkin! who’s the little girl?(seres pov)

Well guys I managed to beat all the resident evil games I had access to, and watched almost all the resident evil games on YouTube, we'll all except resident evil 5, couldn't find one that didn't talk all the time, but I hope someone has a YouTuber for me to look into.

Btw there's a new series I made, so I'm thinking of having be updated the same day as this fic, it's called reborn with a doom slayer gacha system in final fantasy 7, feel free to check it out.

But enough talk, I've been keeping you all waiting for 3 weeks, onto the chapter!


(Seres) John we have a problem!! Some monster in a labcoat is attacking us!!

(John) that sounds like Birkin, aim for the eyes, that's its weak point, just shoot at a distance.

(Ada) Copy that, piece of cake.

"Everyone! Shoot at its eyes!! That's its weak point, and aim at a distance!" I shout to everyone as I fire a few rounds of my mustang pistol, firing 20 rounds into Birkin's monster body peppering it with the shotgun pellets that the mustang uses.

I still couldn't figure out how a pistol round for the mustang acted like a shotgun shell, but chalk it all up to future tech I guess.

"Grrrrrhhh!!" Burning screamed as he was bombarded by bullets, even as he charged at us with a pipe, it didn't matter because we ran the moment we saw him, and with my blood covered bullets I was sniping him from various angles that shouldn't be possible, but I can!

After a few minutes the form of Birkin was near the edge of the railing, and as Ada fired a round from handkanone we all heard a new voice.


"Ugghh…sheeeerrrryyy!!" Birkin said trying to regain his footing, but the mutated arm dragged him over the railing where he fell down into the abyss, and we see a little girl above us.

Leon being the only officer tried communicating with the girl, who we came to understand was sherry birkin, the daughter of the now infected William Birkin and Dr.Annette Birkin.

And while Leon was talking with Sherry I hear footsteps and see a girl wearing a red jacket and she was carrying a revolver, instinctively I aim my weapon at her as she scans each of us until she saw Leon.

"Leon!" She shouted catching Leon's attention as he looks at her and smiles, "Claire! Good to see you aren't zombie chow!" He said with happiness in his voice as he asks if her brother was here.

(Meanwhile in France)

Chris who was following a trail to an umbrella facility snapped his head toward the direction of raccoon city, "Claire fount someone to continue the redfield bloodline!" He said happily before going back to following the trail.

(You don't know how tempting it was to put this redfield bloodline meme In here, I caved and added it in!)

(Back to Seres and the others)

While Claire and Leon were catching up on events Ada tapped me on the shoulder and pointed at a corner of the boiler room and we see two molybdenum strongboxes were there, we both walked over and the strongboxes disappeared into our inventory showcasing a shotgun for me and an smg for Ada

"We can look at them later, for now let's regroup and find a way to nest, if I remember John said it's in the sewers." Ada said as I nod and head over to where Claire and the others are.

"Hey everyone! We got intel from John! " I say to everyone, Mark was watching over sherry as I explain the nest facility in the sewers.

"Good, we now know where we need to go, now we need to get there." Leon says as we all go up the nearby ladder and make our way to the parking lot of RPD.

The gate was open, and it looks like someone opened it recently, but before we could go far we hear howling and the skittering of animal feet and we see zombie dogs charging at us.

"Open fire!" I shout as everyone shot at the dogs, with mark hitting them more than the rest of us.

"Okay, we should get going, we don't want to stay in one place for long." Leon suggests as we make our way to the gigantic pipe and as we all were walking down we feel the ground shake below us as we hear the sound of something roaring.

"Proceed with caution, we don't know what we'll face down here." I say as I reload my mustang and slowly we walk down the stairs and into the poop water as we wade our way through the depths.

Sherry was being carried by Mark as we see in the distance a giant fucking alligator facing off against an evolved Birkin!


A short chapter but I figured I should keep it short considering it's late.

But anyways I hope you all enjoy this chapter and I'll see you next week, peace😁✌️