According to Imperial records it had been over a millennium since the capital of Lakashia had been laid siege. It had been the seat of the mightiest power in the universe for a thousand years, it was completely inconceivable that it would ever be attacked. Now they were facing a massive army of over 80 billion men.
"Set up siege lines around the planet's orbit, tell the rearguard to set up a perimeter around the siege lines to defend against enemy reinforcements. Speaking of which, are there any reports on enemy troop movements?" Toro asked as he getting his troops into formation.
"Yes sir. Our scouts reported that the two ministers of High Command had fled the planet before we arrived. Apparently they are currently gathering all the available Imperial forces in order to break the siege." A solider reported.
"It should take them a few weeks to gather forces of that magnitude. We shouldn't have to worry them arriving anytime soon." Another general added.
"That's true, but I wouldn't put anything past those two. Tell the rearguard to be prepared as if the enemy will attack any second." Toro ordered. "What are the enemy forces looking like?"
"They have two armies defending the capital. They have the Lakashian Silver Army defending the orbital perimeter. They have 22 billion men of the strongest auxiliary soldiers in the Empire. In the capital itself, they have 8 billion men of the Lakashian Gold Army which are highly trained soldiers that come from Lakashia itself. They were once feared as the army that conquered countless planets, but they haven't been deployed in centuries. I doubt there's a single man among them that had seen actual combat. Still, I'm sure that they're a formidable force." Toudou explained.
"I see, so these are the most elite troops that the Empire can muster. We shouldn't underestimate them, but we have a massive numbers advantage. We need to crush them quickly before their reinforcements arrive." Toro said. "Get the men in formation, and prepare to begin the assault."
"My lord, may I ask that you give the honor leading the assault to my men?" Asked Wenthur, formerly a military advisor to Venpa, and now was on Toro's staff.
"I appreciate your eagerness, but I will lead my men in first. Vercheg has the mightiest cavalry in the universe. They are best suited for breaking through the enemy lines." Toro replied.
"I understand of course, but I have some men who have been waiting for this moment for quite some time. King Venpa was holding off on sending them until he made it to Lakashia for the siege. Of course, he never made it that far." He said. As he was speaking, several large men wearing long ragged black cloaks road up to them on black horses.
"Who are these men?" Toro asked. "I can tell how strong these guys are just by looking at them." He thought.
"We are ghosts of the past. Remnants of an empire long forgotten." A cloaked man said. "I can assure you that our grudge against the Empire runs the deepest."
"Very well, you may start off the attack." Toro told him, and his men prepared for attack. "Who are those men?" He asked Wenthur.
"That is the Black Rope Riders. They are the last remaining descendants of the Neo Mongol Empire, that was crushed 500 years ago by the Celestial Empire." Wenthur replied.
"The Neo Mongol Empire?" Toro asked. "That doesn't make any sense, they definitely have some sort of connection to Earth." He thought.
"I'm not surprised that you've never heard of them, the Empire has all but erased them from history. According to the stories that the Black Rope Riders have passed down throughout the years, during the Second Coalition War the Neo Mongols led the coalition to Lakashia and laid siege to it. Apparently they had the Empire on the brink of defeat before the Imperials used some sort of trickery to defeat them, and the survivors descendants have passed down their grudge throughout the generations." Wenthur explained.
"I see, according to Imperial history, the Celestial Empire had not faced defeat in the 1000 years since it was formed. It makes sense that they would try to erase that defeat from history." Toro said.
The Black Rope Riders rode up to the front lines and caught the attention of the other soldiers.
"Who are those raggedy vagabonds?" Asked one of the many warriors that were amongst the nobility of their respective planets. "And why are they on the front line? Surely they don't intend to start the assault my sending them in first?"
"Perhaps they wish to use them as a shield to absorb the enemy's ammunition." Another said as the nobility laughed and mocked them. And who would blame them? They looked like beggars, with tattered black cloaks and pants. They carried bows that looked like they would break as soon as you tried to draw it. The only thing impressive about them was their physiques and the magnificent black horses they rode.
The first shot they fired silenced those who were mocking them. The arrow fired turned into multiple beams of blue light and obliterated several of the Lakashian ships that had formed a blockade. Another shot an arrow that grew to the size of a meteor that crashed down from orbit into the city and shattered their defensive barrier. Their arrow barrage put the enemy lines to disarray.
"Incredible, tell the men to keep up the bombardment. Get the our artillery firing as well. Keep them from being able to reform their lines." Toro ordered. "Men form up behind me, this is the perfect opportunity for our cavalry to cut through their lines."
Toro was followed by 10,000 Unicorn Knights the strongest warriors in all of Vercheg as well as another 200,000 Elite Heavy Lancers. The powerful Vercheg Calvary easily broke through the disrupted enemy lines and made their way to the capital's streets.
"How are they breaking through our lines so quickly?" An Imperial officer said in a panic.
"The situation is still under control." Said the Golden Army commander. "The Golden Army has never been defeated. Not to mention we still have the Royal Guard Squads. There's no way they will be able to beat them."
Toro kept charging through the streets and cutting down the enemy while heading towards the palace. When he got there he was challenged to a dual by the Golden Army Commander.
"Of course, I accept." Toro said.
Axe Form: Great Cleaving!!!!!!!!!
Toro cut the general in two with a single blow and was now just a single step away from the Imperial Palace. As long as he made it to the Emperor the victory was his. But before he could make it into the palace doors a massive beam of light crashed into him and knocked him away.
"As long as I draw breath. You will not step even a single foot inside the palace you fool." "Star" said as he appeared in front of Toro.