20 January 2031,
Inside City A, at the edge of Sector 17, inside a rundown building.
Amrita had this morning routine down to a science.
Her steps were precise, almost like clockwork, but today, that clock was mocking her.
It was 7:45 a.m., and as usual, her brother was running late.
She pulled her hair back into a neat ponytail and headed to the kitchen counter of her small rented apartment.
The place was a bit of a mess, with clean plates stacked up to dry, a jar of pickles lingering from who knows when, and her brother's favorite mug just sitting there, unwashed and forgotten.
As she chopped onions and whisked eggs, it felt like she was racing against time.
She popped some toast into the toaster and had a kettle of tea bubbling on the stove.
But really, her focus kept drifting back to the clock.
It was now 7:55 a.m.
With a frustrated sigh, she muttered under her breath about his constant tardiness.