Chereads / The Paradisus Chronicles Book 1: Vengeance / Chapter 6 - The answer that will change everything

Chapter 6 - The answer that will change everything

I woke up from my sleep and I instantly knew what day it was. It was the day that I was to graduate as a fully respected member of the healer caste. In these last four years of my life, I have gone through a very intense amount of training to build up my body and stamina.

The next phase of my life would begin today after I went through the right of selection. For this event, the only information that I had been given was that there were going to be other fresh young individuals of the warrior caste that would be divided into different groups based on the type of talent that they have.

During the last four years, I have been studying to master the use of dual-wielding scythes that were short and fast. The male who oversaw the melee training was the same harsh man that I had met when I first arrived at this facility. Despite my dislike for his intense teaching methods, I can always appreciate him for making me much stronger and fitter than I was when I first came here.

All that truly mattered to me now was that I did well in this event since I knew that the heads of the main and secondary houses were going to be there today to observe the entire group. If I end up doing well, then I will most likely be chosen to one of the very high-ranking houses like Suco. If I ended up joining that house, I know that I will be able to have a much larger impact on the victory conditions of this active six-way war over the mineral of Paradisus.

When I was thinking about all the different possibilities that I must look forward to after today I had decided that I did not want to do things in my life alone any longer.

I grabbed a small back box that I could fit in my palm. After looking at it I noticed that I felt a massive smile grow across my face. It was time to do it. Today would be the day that I took my life one more step in the right direction.

As I sat back down on my bed with the small box still in my palm, I heard a few soft knocks on the door. I then put the small box inside the right pocket of my healer robe and walked to the door to see who was at the door of my room.

"Hi, Danny, do you have time before the selection to come with me?" Nora asked me as I opened the door.

Was this what I had been waiting for? Did she just give me the perfect excuse to do exactly what I wanted to make sure got done before the right of selection? I just knew that this was the perfect time.

"Yes, I wanted to take you to our spot before the selection so that we can enjoy the little bit of our time that we have together". I told her as I walked outside of my room and shut the door behind me.

The section of the building that was reserved for healers was state-of-the-art in design and layout. There were cleaning probes that moved magnetically up the walls and across the ceiling. I also noticed that there was a common area in the middle that was used by both genders as a means of studying and socializing.

I saw that Donivon dropped a glass on the floor as I walked by him. As soon as the glass hit the floor one of the cleaning drones instantly moved to remove the glass from the floor. This was amazing to me how clean they wanted to keep our healer living quarters.

Nora walked in front of me and out of the building, but before I could follow her Donivon grabbed me by my right hand.

"Danny, you go ahead and have a fun time with your lady. I am going to be waiting for you to finally prove yourself worthy as my rival today during the right of selection."

"I will do better than you in the placement of this event. After this event is over, I will start my journey to become the most famous healer of our generation." I said to him as I waved at him while walking out of the building.

As I walked out of the building, I saw Nova waiting for me with a massive smile that brought me joy.

"Come on let us go to our secret location". I said as I grabbed her right hand and walked down a side street that was to my right.

Then I noticed that the area around me was now a very active city that was full of life and energy. This was not a surprise to me at all since we were holding a very important event today.

I made my way to a small private garden that had a variety of different flowers in full bloom since it was late summer.

This area had a massive white wall that surrounded it. There was a terminal where I was going to insert my identification card that was used to track where I go and what I do while I am in this world.

After I inserted my card into the terminal, a medium-sized blue screen appeared, and I selected a few options that caused the garden in front of me to shift in colors and design. Then, a small door opened, and I walked inside with Nora's hand in my right hand. I knew that this was going to be a very intense choice that I was going to be making shortly.

As I stepped through the opening, I saw a massive garden that had a set of massively open walkways out of stone tiles. On the left side of the walkway, I saw a small garden of red-leaf trees. On my right side, I saw a tree just like the one on the left, but it had white petals on display.

Above me, I saw that there were dark purple lanterns that were floating around making this even better-looking appearance

I then started to walk down the stone pathway while I was trying not to sweat at what was about to happen.

When I guided Nova to the very back of the garden there was a shallow pond that surrounded a massive oak tree. The tree leaves were red on the left side but white on the right side. The water was frozen on the right side as well.

"This is amazing. No matter how many times you take me to this type of garden, I am always amazed at how amazingly accurately detailed these simulated gardens can be with our advancements in technology over the course of this active war.' Nora said to me as she ran across the frozen area of the simulated pond.

When I followed her, I noticed that the ice only slightly cracked as I stepped on it. Then as I made it to the base of the massive tree, I saw that the cracks automatically repaired themselves as if I had never stepped on them.

Under the tree, there was a picnic with ham and cheese sandwiches as well as hot tea.

As I sat down, I grabbed half of one of the sandwiches, and it tasted just like it was supposed to. This feeling was amazing as it slid down my throat. The fact that they had real wheat bread and ham reminded me that Nora was in the right mind to be amazed about the advancements that our race had achieved.

I looked at Nora, and it took all the courage to start to talk to her about what I wanted to ask her.

"Nora, I know that the last four years have been intense for us with all the crazy things that we have done during our last four years. Due to this, I have something that I have to ask you". I said to her as I put down one of the sandwiches and started to look for the black box that I had grabbed from my room.

"Yes, Danny. What is it?". She said to me in a calm voice that made it somewhat easier for me to ask her what it was that I wanted to ask her.

"Nora; I do not know what it is that will be happening to us after we go through the right of selection. Because of that, I want to ask you a question." I told her as I got down on one knee. Nora; will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

She looked down at me with a sparkle of joy behind her eyes. Then I saw that she started to cry. Had I said something wrong, did I misspeak to her in any way? As I tried to figure out what it was that I did was the right thing she jumped up and fell on top of me.

When I hit the grassy side of the garden, she French kissed me. I closed my eyes to cancel out other things that could distract me from her at the time.

After we finished kissing, she looked me deeply in the eyes. " I hope that you take that as a yes".

I then put the ring on her right ring finger. The ring had a small emerald, but it seemed to shine as I put it on her finger.

It was a massive relief to me that she had agreed to marry me. If she had not, I was worried that it would have affected my performance in the right of selection.