Chapter 4 - A Visit To The Target!

Chapter 4

[1%... 12%... 76%…]

[Binding Successful]

He tried his best to hold back the ecstasy that had built up inside him at that moment and also consider the fact that his plans may fail depending on her circumstances.

He watched the children train for a few more minutes before deciding to go home.

His hurry to obtain an external or light energy talent was due to very good reasons; it's a talent that most awaken at very young ages; ranging from from five to ten and no one has ever mastered any type of sorcery without that very stage coming first.

It had come as a surprise to many when he wasn't able to awaken said talent even after he turned five and it had become very disturbing for him as well.

He knew that it would only be a while before she would awaken her external talent; a month at most.

As soon as he arrived home, he took off his clothes leaving nothing on apart from his black trousers.

It was an act in preparation for another day's worth of training which didn't take long for him to begin; fifty pushups, sit-ups, and a kilometer run ranging from one to five.

He didn't train like so every day and there were sometimes when he would reduce the latter numbers to a bare minimum of five; this was mostly when he messed up his daily schedule.

This was to help his body become accustomed to all the stress he would put on it in a few years time; it was better to be safe than sorry when he would go binding with many characters in the story.

After he was done with his training, he made use of his towel and returned to his room.

He didn't have any knowledge of the world he was currently in aside from the few ramblings he heard from his friend so studying was another part of his daily routine.

For a boy his age, everything he did was practically impossible for any other person his age even considering the improved standards which the world had considered to him.

Most would drained from physical and mental exhaustion, even the likes of him. An early morning meditation was his only medicine but even he wasn't sure how long it would be before his body would finally give in.

After his daily routine, he went to sleep and woke up the next day feeling tired as usual; this was when he usually meditated and then a siesta would follow to aid him in his fatigue.

While he was still meditating, the door to his room was suddenly and forcefully pulled open.

He didn't react to this other than simply opening his eyes and refraining from his earlier hand position.

" What are you doing?"

He heaved a sigh as soon as he heard the feminine voice coming from the door. One which he had long gotten used to.

" Whatever. I just came here to tell you that mom won't be around for a while and I'm leaving." She said, quickly walking into his room, "You're free to come with me if you want."

" Yay!!!" He wanted to scream out loud.

He already knew that his parents weren't going to be around for an entire week but the news from her was a great surprise.

" How long is it before you leave?" He asked, quickly standing up from the floor.

" It depends – at most an hour from now." She replied before leaving.

He didn't say anything else before she left; his silence was all the answers she needed.


Now at the luxury of being at the house alone, he instantly canceled every schedule made mandatory for him.

This action left him with nothing to do but his additional daily routines of workouts and studying.

Though they were much obligated to fulfill their duties of helping him in one way or the other, Megumi was one big problem; his charm was almost irresistible and his words and voice were never one anybody could give deaf ears to.

It was already afternoon by the time he was done studying and he quickly got dressed, not in use usual attire but more plain clothes this time.

There wasn't anyone to watch him or scold him with the usual factor of him being the future head of the family so he could enjoy the liberty while it still lasted.

His destination was one that took him a while to get to without his guards as usual by his side but he did manage regardless.

Standing just outside the front door of the building, he breathed heavily as he slowly raised his hand to knock on the door.

All it took was three knocks before someone came running to unlock the door for him.

He was taken aback for a moment as he looked up at the girl standing before him. She was stunning with jade white skin and was a little taller than him; about one hundred and twenty-six centimeters in height.

She had emerald green eyes and hair as brown as tree trunks just like her younger sister; the one who he saw yesterday.

" Oh," she said, turning his gaze towards him, " you must be one of Yuki's friends. I'll go let her know you came by to pay her a visit. What's your name though... You can also make yourself at home in the meantime."

" Yeah... Sure." He said with a slight chuckle.

With that, he took off his footwear and slowly walked into the house behind her.

It was a decent house in his opinion. Not anything breathtaking compared to what he had seen so far; their living room could be easily compared to his personal room and still lose.

The furniture was just like that of most Japanese living rooms; the furniture was mostly low to the ground with tatami floorings and zabutons along with sliding paper screens that allowed rays of sunlight into the room while allowing privacy.

He sat patiently on one of the zabutons as he continued to look around the traditionally made Japanese house while he waited for her.

It didn't seem like their parents were around and it took a very good amount of minutes before he began to hear her footsteps heading towards him.

As soon as their eyes met, the first thing he noticed was that she was sweating and had a towel over her neck.

Her dress spoke the same as his thoughts; with the small cami and high waist leggings paired with supportive shoes, it was obvious that she had been training.

" What did you come to see me for?" She asked, slowly taking the towel off her neck.

" Well..." He said, placing his right hand on the back of his neck nervously, "You don't mind if I have a word with you right?"

Something went wrong.