Chapter 20 - 20

Several eternal fleet shttles dropped out of hyper space , Each one carrying twelve knights as they entered coruscants atmosphere . The pilots avoiding large amounts of traffic as they covertly made their way tot heir emperors current lodgings .

A very well off and expenisve series of apartments known as the kaldani spires apartments , A penthouse suite had been provided for their empror as they moved to protect rheir lord and high justice .

Landing on the large personal landing platform , The golden armoured kngihts leapt from their ships and expertly moved to their positions as one by one the ships dropped off their occupants before once more leaving the planet empty of their cargo .

The guard captain tyreece maintained her professional attitude as she looked over the blueprints for the suite . A long corridor connected to eight rooms on the first floor , Guards situated at every entrance . At the end of the corridor it took an sharp right and opened up to three more room and a stair case at the end which led to another L-shaped floor above.

The second floor had only four rooms, Only one was the lor lords bed room , One of the others was the kitchen and eating areas , The third was a hanger which housed their emperor's X-70 B phantom and the final was an office for their lord to conduct business .

" I want two Knights guarding every door on the second floor , Cameras are to be spliced and controlled . Skytrooper units will be stored in two of the downstairs rooms adjacent to the stairs ready for immediate deployment . The emperors safety is our top concern " Tyreece ordered as she made her way to the second floor to personally guard their emperor.

Apon entering her lord office , She spotted a muun whom she recognised went by the name of Hego demask whom happily conversed with her emperor , Both situated on two expensive couches as they shared a bottle of wine .

Another of the room quickly drew her attention , A female standing a few feet beside her lord .

' This must be high justice Vaylin I heard joined our Lord ' Tyreece thought , Having had no chance to meet the woman due to her duties at the spire on Zakuul .

The woman slowly looked in her direction , Tyreece withholding the shudder that threatened to overwhelm the guard captain under the eyes of the powerful individual .

' Can she ... Hear my thoughts ' Tyreece thought as the woman squinted before returning her attention to their lord , Tyreece gulping before coming to stand on the opposite side of the room , Arms crossed behind her back , Prepared to fight in a moment's notice .

" I admit , The boy is a danger . But he can be guided , He is vulnerable and i have placed myself as a figure of great importance to him and his mother , He will eb easily dealt with . And we will be prepared for whatever is to come at us " Nox stated as he took a sip and relaxed into his chair , The Muun nodding before doing the same .

" Sheev doesn't share my worries , He felt the boy and girl in the force and wants to convert them to our cause " Hego stated , Worried about what his apprentice would attempt .

" Lord creath is smart enough to know of his manipulations , And even more not to test my forgiveness , It's her own goals and feelings that would betray her . And Anakin ... Whoever he joins it matters not " Nox stated as he swirled his glass , eyeing the red liquid before tipping it back in one gulp .

" You've trained the girl well , She is powerful , Smart and cunning , That much I can sense , But she hides a great deal of it " Hego stated as Nox nodded.

" It's one of the first things I taught her , Never let anyone know what you're truly capable of . She has taken it to heart , Along with the concealment techniques she constantly uses , She is worthy of the title of lord of the Sith , She isn't the strongest , But will one day become something to be feared " Nox stated as he ran a hand through his hair .

" Do any of them know of your secret " Hego asked as he eyed the other tenants within the room .

" Four , You , Scorpio , the high justice behind me and the creature athla'giroth . Not even lucieal or Lord creath knows my origins , And it will remain that way . My apprentice and anyone else will know only if I deem fit to " Nox reluctantly stated , Slowly as to get the point across the muun nodded in agreement .

" A fitting course of action , Fret not , I will take your secret to the grave " Hego promised as Nox nodded in gratitude.

" Indeed you will ... I've had a vision Hego " Nox admitted as The Muun sat up straight and looked at him with curiosity .

" I expect you not to trust or intake any wine after this little meeting until our next , Especially for any celebrations , Be mindful of betrayal " Nox stated as Hego nodded , Looking sad but resolute.

" Thank you , I appreciate your advice my friend and will take it to heart , Now ... Since I am not to have any after this meeting , I plan to have as much as I can " Hego smiled as he kindly asked for another bottle .

Qui Gon sat before yoda , Each sitting in a small dark room with two cushions for comforting .

" I believe it to be a sith who attacked me , Or someone of equal standing in the dark side of the force " Qui gon stated as he looked to the grandmaster .

" Believe this you do , Why" Yoda asked as Qui Gon thought oevr all the evidence .

" The individual held a red coloured lightsaber , This isnt exact proof but he Yellow eyes of the sith and the dark presence lead me to this conclusion . I believe it to have been a sith lord " Qui gon admitted , There wasnt much else to say about the attacker with no definitive proof .

" Defer to the coucil , We will " Yoda stated as he waited for Qui gon to leave , Whom eh realised wasnt leaving " More to say , Do you "

" Apon my travels on tatooine . I discovered a vergence in the force , Two to be exact " Qui Gon stated as Yodas ears rose in curiosity .

" A vergence in the force , Two " Yoda questioned as Qui gon continued .

" A young boy , And a teenage girl . We could jto accurately guage their midiclorion count . They are well over twenty thousand . I worry for the girls state and future . Her emotions get the better of her . But her strength in the force cannot be denied , I know not if her claims of being untrained are true , But non the less she holds great potential . The boy on the other hand , He is easier , He is kind , Loving and cares for those around him . It is mine and his own ... wish for him to be trained in the jedi arts " Qui Gon finished as Yoda squinted , Nodding slightly as he rubbed his ears with his three fingered hand .

" Bring them before us you will . The council will make a decision" Yoda stated as he slowly rose .

" I do not know if the girl will come but i will endeavour to try " Qui Gon stated .

" Do or do not , There is no try young one " Yoda chuckled as he made his way from the room .

" Of course , Master " Qui gon bowed before he moved to fetch anakin and kanya .

Palpatines suite

Padme sat on a small couch as palpatine paced before her . Kanya standing directly behind her as several maids stood throughout the room

" There is no stability , Only politics. The republic is not what it once was . The senate is full of greesy , Squabbling delegates who hold ko interest in the common good " Palpatine announced as Typho walked in and stood in the corner of the room " I must be honest your majesty , There is little chance the senate will act on the invasion "

" Chancellor velorum seems to think there is hope " The young queen stated neutrally .

" If i may say so , The chancellor has very little real power . He is swamped by baseless accusations of corruption . The bureaucrats are in charge now " Palpatine informed the young woman who looked unsure.

" What options do we have " Padme asked as she felt Kanya's hand on her shoulder to soothe her .

" Our best choice would be to push for the election of a stronger supreme chancellor . One who could control the bureaucrats and give us justice . You could call for a vote of no confidence on chancellor velorum " Palpatine stated as he now came to a stop Infront of the young lady who withheld her shock .

" He's been. our strongest supporter " Padme passive aggressively retorted as Palpatine backed off and continued .

" Our only other choice would be to submit a plea to the courts " Palpatine relayed .

" the courts take even longer to decide than the senate , Our people are dying senator , we must do something quickly to remove the federation " Padme bit as she looked as if she bit into a lemon .

" To be realistic your majesty , I think we're going to have to accept Federation control for the time being " Palpatine stated somberly .

" That is something I cannot do , Now if you'll excuse my I must prepare for me appeal " Padme dismissed and stood , Preparing to leave the room as Anakin and Qui Gon walked in with another older Jedi master whom wore a kind smile .

" You majesty , I apologize if I am interupting anything , I have been requested to bring Anakin to the Jedi council and would like to ask if Kanya would like to accompany us " Qui Gon asked as Count Dooku stood to the side and eyed Kanya warily .

" My apologies master Jedi , I do not wish to join you in the temple , I have important matters to discuss with the queen " Kanya denied as Qui Gon nodded and quickly left with Anakin .

Padme sat in the senate building , Dressed in expensive and regal clothing as she reviewed scant slips taken from naboo .

" They're taking my people off world to cato neimoidia " Padme stated as Kanya nodded , Sitting next to the girl younger than she .

" They won't get away with this Padme , I assure you that " Kanya soothed as Padme held her head in her hands.

" If the senate doesn't agree there is nothing we can do " Padme stated , Nearly on the verge of a breakdown as her worry crept .

" Padme , I must ask again , Do you trust my judgement " Kanya asked as Padme looked at her , Unwavering as she nodded.

" Then , regardless of what happens within the senate , I will arrange a meeting with someone I trust who should be able to help you " Kanya stated , Padme looking unsure but nodding non the less.

" A speeder " Anakin finished as Mace Windu put down the device and nodded to master yoda .

The Jedi master's around the room each astounded by the presence released by the boy .

Qui Gon watched proudly as Obi Wan stood beside him , both watching the boy in interest.

" Hmmmm , How feel you " Yoda asked as Anakin stood in thought.

" Cold sir " Anakin responded confidently, Hands held to his side's.

" Afraid are you " Yoda asked as he leaned forward slightly .

" No Sir " Anakin once more replied .

" See through you , we can "Yoda continued as Anakin shook lightly at the admission .

" Be mindful of your feelings " Mace wisely stated as , Not trying to appear mean to the boy .

" You thoughts dwell on your mother and to your sister " Ki adi mundi stated , His eyes nearly glaring at the small boy.

" I miss mum , Kanya is here on coruscant " Anakin admitted as Yoda nodded .

" Afraid to lose them , I think " Yoda proposed as Anakin slowly became stand off ish .

" What does that got to do with anything" Anakin retorted.

" everything , Fear is the path to the Darkside . Fear leads to anger , Anger leads to hate and hate leads to suffering. I sense mush fear in you " Yoda finished as Mace leant onto his right hand , A thinking pose and glinted eyes .

" Please , Master Qui Gon , Allow the council to discuss our course of action " Mace stated as the Jedi bowed and lead Anakin from the room .

" Don't worry Anakin , You will become a Jedi , I promise you that " Qui Gon promised as Dooku joined up with their little party .

' It's certainly kriffing big enough ' Kanya mused internally as she stood in the podium with Padme and Palpatine .

" The chair recognised the senator from the sovereign system of naboo " A blue skinned alien announced from the centre of the large circular room . hundred of people in their booths as camera drones flew throughout the room for people outside to watch .

" Supreme chancellor , Deligates of the senate , A tragedy has occured . It started right here with the taxation of trade routes and has now engulfed out entire planet with the oppression if the trade federation " Palpatine began his argument as their booth flew forward .

" THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS , I object tot he senators accusations " A neimoidian yelled as he and his kind came forward .

" The chair does not recognise the senator from the trade federation at this time " Velorum sternly admonished the alien .

" To state our allegations , I present queen Amidala , The elected ruler of the naboo who speaks on our behalf " Palpatine Introduced as murmurs broke out throughout the room as the queen came forward .

" Honorable representatives of the republic , I come to you under the a gravest of circumstances , Naboos system has been invaded by the droid armies of the trade " Padme began as the neimoidian came forward once again .

" I OBJECT there is no proof " The man confidently announced as Kanya withheld her temptations to leap across the gap between their pods and snap the aliens neck " I recommend a commission be sent to naboo to discover the truth "

" The Congress of malastair concurs with the honorable commission from the trade federation , A commision must en elected " The pod of three, three eyed aliens stated as they came to the defence of the federation .

' I could kill all of them , Here and now , Everyone , And they wouldn't be able to stop me ' Kanya raged internally as Palpatine looked at her , Easily able to sense her anger .

" Excuse me chancellor " The blue skinned alien leant into velorums ear and began whispering .

" Enter the bureaucrat . The true rulers of the republic , And on the pay roll of the federation I might add . This is where chancellor velorums strength with disappear " Palpatine whispered to the slowly realising queen , Realising the republic would not rule in her favour as her people suffered .

Slowly the queen tilted her head as her eyes connected with her friend .

' I will arrange a meeting with someone I trust that I know will help ' Whispers played within Padme's ears as she became resolute in her choice.

' I hope you're right Kanya ' Padme thought ' But I must see this through first '

" The point in conceded , Will you defer your motion to allow the commission to explore the validity of your accusations " The alien announced as he looked won on the queen with hard eyes .

" I will not defer, I have come before you to resolve this attack on our sovereignty now " Padme announced heatedly as her regal voice wrung throughout the room , More murmurs breaking out " I was not elected to watched my people suffer and is while you discuss this invasion in a committee , If this body is not capable of action , I suggest new leadership is needed . I move for a vote of no confidence in chancellor velorums leadership "

The murmurs throughout the room devolved into near shouting as velorum slowly sat into his chair , Shock evident on his face as he slowly looked at the scheming Palpatine .

' So this is your play ' Velorum thought as he resigned himself to what came next .

" ORDER " the bureaucrat yelled out as Palpatine leant into the queens ear .

" Now they will elect a new chancellor , A stronger chancellor , One that will not allow tragedy to continue " Palpatine pointed out as the queen nodded slightly to his words .


Kanya looked around the room , A Sinister smile apon her face missed by all as everything played into her lords hands.

Night descended over coruscant , And at the Jedi temple , The master's and Anakin stood with obi Wan and Qui gon to decide Anakin's fate .

" The force .. is strong with him " Ki adi mundi stated as Qui Gon nodded .

" He is to be trained then " Qui Gon inquired as Yoda closed his eyes .

" No ... He will not be trained " Mace said firmly , casually resting on his chair as Anakin looked at his with a piercing glare .

" No " Qui Gon asked , Shocked as he placed his hands on his hips .

" He's too old " Mace continued as Anakin's emotions slowly started to bubble .

" He is the chosen one , You must see it " Qui Gon argued as he stepped closer to Anakin .

" Hnnn , Clouded this boys future is " Yoda soothed as he closes his eyes and sensed the boy through the force .

Qui Gon puckered his lips as he stepped forward .

" I'll train him then I take Anakin as my Padawan learner " Qui Gon announced , Silently trying to ignore the betrayed look his own Padawan sent his way as he tested his hands on Anakin's shoulders .

" An apprentice you have , Qui gon . Impossible to take on a second " Yoda argued as mace sat forward .

" The code forbids it " Mace backed up his old master .

" Obi Wan is ready " Qui Gon announced as Obi Wan reluctantly stepped forward to defend his master's decision .

" I am ready to face the trials master's " Obi Wan put forward his judgement .

" Our own council we will keep on who is ready " Yoda retorted .

" He's headstrong and has much to learn of the living force but he his capable ... there is little more he can learn from me " Qui Gon kept arguing as Obi Wan looked appreciatingely at his master .

" Young skywalkers fate ... will be decided later " Yoda finished as mace leant forward .

" Now is not the time for this , The senate it voting for a new supreme chancellor and queen Amidala is returning home , Which will put pressure on the federation and could widen the confrontation " Mace announced as the three standing in the middle of the room nodded along .

" And draw out the queens attacker " Ki adi mundi stated as Qui Gon nodded at their thinking .

" You will go with the queen to naboo and discover the identity of this dark warrior you told master yoda about . This is the clue we need to unravel the mystery of the Sith " Mace finished as he leant back into his chair .

" May the force be with you " Yoda concluded as the three in the centre bowed before making their leave .

" We must go , Alone . They're secretive about who they meet and only permitted the two of us " Kanya stated as Padme looked unsure .

" I'll leave sabe to be my double " Padme announced as sabe bowed and went to change.

" I don't agree with this course of action your majesty " Typho stated his disagreement as he came forward " It could be a trap "

" I trust Kanya , And of she trusts whoever we are meeting then I have my faith in her , Now we don't have much time , We must depart at once " The young queen. stated as she dressed herself into less regal clothing to play off as not being the queen .

" Very well , Let us depart " Kanya announced as she got into the speeder taxi , Followed closely behind by Padme who hopped in beside her , The speeder soon flying through the coruscant skies .

' She's excited ' Padme thought as she looked at Kanya , The woman looking forward with a smile obviously happy.

Throughout the trip the two sat in silence as they took in the nightlife while Kanya guided them .

" We're nearly there , are you ready " Kanya asked as they quickly approached what appeared to be an apartment complex .

" I am , Appreciate all you've done for me , I won't soon forget it " Padme stated as they approached a landing platform at what appeared to be a pent house .

As they landed on the platform , Padme took notice of golden armoured minutes marching towards then in a line of two , Surrounding a dark grey outfitted woman with glowing yellow eyes .

" Greetings it is a pleasure to meet you both lady Kanya , Your majesty , Come along with me " Vaylin urged as the two hopped out of the taxi to be escorted .

' They're those Knights Kanya showed me ... it can't be ' Padme thought , Hope beginning to blossom. in her chest as they followed the woman who led them through the corridors of the building .

" I am sorry to hear about what has occured to your people your majesty . To have a group do that is horrid and must be stopped " Vaylin announced as she wooed the queen as they made their way up a flight of stairs .

" Thank you , It has been a stressful series of events " Padme admitted as she looked at the Knights in their armour , spying their sabre staves and exotic armour .

Kanya herself observed the woman she had not met , Brown hair hidden behind a grey hood and obvious to die for gorgeous figure under her garments .

' Who is she ' Kanya thought as she sensed the obviously powerful woman through the force and nearly recoiled ' Where did she come from '

Eventually they came towards the final door at the end of the hallway , The Knights stopping and moving to their posts as Vaylin turned to them both .

" He is inside " She stated as she opened the door and led them through .

Padme observed the lavish office room , Two sets of expensive couches surrounding a table , Ornaments and sculptures on display cases at four points in the room . A single desk in the far corner of the room sat empty with a computer embedded into the desk.

The room was lit with low orange lighting via crystals hanging from the roof . The far wall from the containing days disk's and holos as well as several other assortments withing he wall build shelves .

And to their immediate left was what appeared to be a bar and balcony with a single figure standing looking far across the city at the Jedi temple .

Padme noticed the figure seemed to be wearing white armour the was as regal as it was impressive . ( Valkorions armour from the trailers )

Padme's eyes widened as the figure turned to them , The burning of her cheeks all tok aware to her and thankfully hidden by the dim lights .

" May I introduce to you the emperor of the eternal empire , His majesty Obrunik Kallig " Vaylin introduced as Padme nearly lost all air in her lungs .

' There's no way he's her father , He's too young ' Padme thought as the ebony haired man stepped forward for her to Openly ogle at .

Fluorescent blue eyes peered kindly at her , Almost glowing in the dark as his young , Handsome and chiseled features appealed to the young queen. His black hair swept back while two bangs hung beside the sides of his face .

He stepped forward and offered his hand to Padme who shook her head and took his hand , Feeling the gentle touch it offered as they shook .

" It is my pleasure to meet you milady , Kanya has told me much about you " Obrunik stated , His voice fine as silk as he guided them towards the couches of the room .

" A good I hope , Kanya says you're her father , I apologise but you look too youthful for such a thing " Padme asked to date her curiosity as the man laughed a joyous laugh .

" I assure you , I am older than I look , Genetics I suppose , I have looked like this for quite some time " The man stated as he and Padme sat down opposite each other .

' Genetics my pretty little ass ' Padme thought as the man across from her motioned for something to drink , His gaze peering at her with curiosity .

" I've been told of your predicament your majesty and you have my sincerest apologies for what has occured " Obrunik stated as Padme accepted a drink offered to her and slowly drank from it .

" Yes , I loathe to admit it but I am in desperate need of assistance , The republic won't do anything in time . Kanya here has stated you might be able to help and I humbly asked for your assistance , I am aware of your fighting force . Please , Lend me your help and I will do whatever it is you request as payment " Padme physically withheld herself from grovelling in the man's presence as he took on a concerned look .

" Your people are in a great lot of turmoil , I'll help you in whatever way you need . Would you care to accompany me to Zakuul to personally oversee the forces which will be accompanying you in the defence of your home " Obrunik asked as Padme suddenly looked unsure , Placing her drink slowly apon the table at which they sat .

" My entourage will be departing shortly to gather in defence of my home , I must depart with them " Padme reasoned as Obrunik nodded and took a drink from his own glass .

" Kanya will happily go in your place and report whatever happens , Your double should be able to accurately dictate any decisions that you make or ask Kanya to ask you personally . I also assure you that we will most likely arrive at naboo before or just after your personal transport , So I insist " Obrunik soothed as Padme slowly looked at Kanya , Kanya herself easily noticing the look and nodding .

" I promise you Padme everything will be handled and they will be safe . Father promises you help , I'll do my part " Kanya assured as Padme slowly sat back .

" If you can promise their safety in my absence then I'll have to take then chance " Padme mumbled as Obrunik nodded .

" Kanya , You have your task , Please ensure it is completed with utmost importance " Obrunik ordered as Kanya bowed and made haste to leave .

" That girl , She's so eager to please she doesn't take time to relax " Obrunik mumbled as he relaxed and rolled his shoulders , His entire demeanor changing and appearing to become a different person .

" Please , Forgive my attitude earlier . I tend to handle professional business as it should be , Professionally. Outside that however I live my life as I please . And I advise you to do the same , You'll stress too much , Age quicker if you don't relax . Please be yourself I understand , Monarch to monarch what we must represent at times , But we shouldn't allow that to dictate who we are in our personal lives . Nobody is here to judge you , There are no cameras or reporters , Just individuals who have similar experiences and know what it's like , So please Be who and what you want to be when we aren't discussing something important , I've met too many who are always so high strung and serious , Not my favourite people " Obrunik smiled at the girl as he stood , Still stretching as his muscles popped .

" I'll ... take your words into consideration ... thank you " Padme smiled slightly as she considered what he had stated .

" I'll prepare your ship at once my lord " Tyreece bowed as Obrunik sighed .

" Always so serious " Obrunik rubbed his head as he made his exit from the room, Towering over Padme who followed behind him quietly.

" You're not what I thought you would be when Kanya mentioned you " Padme stated as she attempted small talk with the important figure accompanying her .

" Ha , and what did you think I'd be " Obrunik asked as he sent a small smile towards the queen .

" Old , Wise , grey hairs" Padme admitted as the man chuckled , Padme relaxing further in his presence as he didn't take offence to her.

" I'd say I'm wise , Though I do have much to learn as anyone does . An I sure as hell am glad to not have grey hairs " The man chortled as Padme herself withheld a small giggle .

" Modest too I see " Padme couldn't help herself as she commented . The warmth coming off of the man calming her nerves . Taking his advice . ' Surely it wouldn't hurt to be myself for once . no body is here to judge and to see but a fellow monarch in a similar boat '

" My lord we are ready to depart " Tyreece bowed as Vaylin walked onto the X-70 B .

" Of course " Obrunik turned to Padme and offered his hand " Milady "

Padme gave him her hand and playfully held the other over her mouth .

" Glad to see you're taking my advice " Obrunik commented as they entered the X-70 .

" It'd be foolish not to take advice from such an esteemed ruler such as yourself " Padme responded as Obrunik snorted .

" I don't agree with this " Typho stated as he walked with Kanya , The royal shuttle hurtling through space as they made their way to the queens double .

" It was the best course of action . Our enemies are sure the queen is here . They'll be after us , She'll be more protected than the chancellor while she accompanies father . They'll meet us at naboo with help " Kanya told the security chief who reluctantly saw her point as he grumbled .

" So we hold off everything they have until your father arrives , We'd need an army for that " Typho confided in hopes of seeing her opinion .

" Isn't there already a warrior species on naboo " Kanya replied as Typho slowly saw to what she was saying , A small smile playing on his lips .

" This we should defer to the Queen With this " Typho stated as they both chuckled and entered the queens solar .

Padme couldn't help the dropping of her jaw . The strange method of travel deployed by the ship once in deep space had been the quickest mode of transport she had ever experienced .

And now before her , A fleet of innumerable ships stationary in space in groups of fifteen . The ships covered the stars as far as she could see as they approached the planet below .

" You could ... take over the whole systems with a fleet like that " Padme stated as she turned to the relaxed man laying on a chair behind her , Tossing grapes into his mouth.

' I could but I don't want too . It's better to be loved that feared I say " Obrunik stated as he offered Padme a vine of grapes who slowly accepted both the response and fruit.

She felt an odd sensation prickle at their skin as they approached the planet and Obrunik himself noticed it .

" Interesting " Obrunik commented as Padme turned to him in curiosity .

" What " Padme asked as she plopped a grape into her mouth and ate it .

" What you just felt was coming into proximity to a force nexus . And to experience any sensation from it you must be at least initially receptive to the force. Padme you may not be particularly strong in the force or sensitive to it in any meaningful degree . But I'd say you are at least receptive to it in the barest of ways . More than a civilian but of course much less that someone who can actually use it " Obrunik stated as he took her arm and showed her the tiny hairs on her arms standing on end " Had you been born here I'm sure you would've been capable of using the force "

Padme flushed under the contact before he slowly let go of her arm , Hiding the blood rushing to her cheeks as she looked at the planet with towers visible above the atmosphere.

" It's beautiful " Padme mumbled to Obrunik as the X-70 approached the emperors tower .

She looked towards what appeared to be a cyclone in the southern hemisphere and towards the red moon orbiting the planet .

" It is , isn't It . It has nothing to the open fields of naboo and the plainlands .But it does have it's own beauty " Obrunik said as the young girl looked at the towering spires .

" Damn , Time to be professional again " Obrunik mumbled as Padme giggled lightly as they landed .

' The gungans , They had been hard to find , But with he help of the creature jar jar , They had located the warriors species of the planet.

It had been even harder to get them to agree to help , But they had agreed to assist thanks to lady Kanya persuading them , And now here we are , Sneaking through this blasted city with a bunch of rebels to get to the palace ' Obi Wan thought as they snuck around a corner , waiting for the mounted speeder to fire apon the federation tank Infront of them .

Obi-Wan watched as the speeder across the way fired apon the tank , Destroying it in the process as the droids attention was drawn away from the royal party towards the rebels .

" Let's go " Sabe ordered as they crept past the droids and through the blast doors to the corridors of the hanger.

" Anakin stay close " Qui Gon ordered as they ran into a hanger and opened fire apon the droids within .

" To your ships " Sabe yelled out as the pilots followed the queens double orders and took to the fighters , Flying off into the atmosphere as they lost a few shops via federation tanks from the ground.

With the fighters now in the air , The royal party went to move on to their second target , However they were stopped by Kanya who raised her hand as they stood infront of a set of closed blast doors .

" He's right behind it " She relayed as the Jedi's eyes widened .

" Anakin , We split up here . Go with the queen " Qui Gon ordered as Anakin went to stand next to sabe .

" We'll take the long way " Typho mumbled as the blast doors began to open .

" As you will " Qui Gon responded as he and Obi-Wan ignited their lightsabers , The black robes individual staring at the menacingly .

With their parts done the royal party split from the Jedi and departed .

The Sith slowly pulled out his lightsaber before igniting the double blades weapon and went to engage the Jedi .

" Your majesty " Kanya jogged to a stop beside sabe .

" I must split from you " Kanya didn't offer any more as sabe nodded her head while Kanya took off in the direction they came from .

Obi-Wan and Qui Gon were hard pressed against the Sith .

The aggressive form of the individual successfully batting off both Jedi , Knock Qui Gon to the side and into a pillar as Kenobi was kicked to the side .

The Sith leapt back to the edge of the generator rooms platform . Blue beams of energy flowing vertically in the background as the Sith growled .

The Sith back flipped to an adjacent platform with the Jedi following , None noticing the forth individual entering the generator room as she calmly approached , Lightsaber in hand as he presence was muted.

" The deflector shields too strong " A goggled pilot yelled through comms as they battle the vulture droids and command ship in space .

The tiny fighters they were in being picked off one by one .

" What are we going to do " A female pilot asked in fear as she fired apon another droid fighter .

" Please tell me this wouldn't have been your idea " Obrunik asked as they dropped out of a gate aboard the eternity , Nox himself deciding the subjugation would have had the opposite affect of what he wanted to achieve , a small armarda of fleet vessels behind them , Still cloaked as they approached the battle station .

" I ... Those fighters are all the naboo have , We're a peaceful people " Padme admitted , Embarrassed but fearful as she watched her people battle the humongous orb like ship .

" There is a difference between being peaceful and being prepared " Obrunik offered the queen his advice as they stood in the eternities bridge .

" I'll take that into consideration " Padme responded as the display showed the cloaked fleet vessels pulling ahead of them ready to engage .

" Pull your people out , They don't need to see this " Obrunik stated as Padme did what she was told , accessing a nearby terminal to relay her message .

" This is queen Amidala , All nabooian fighters are to withdraw back to theed palace and help with the ground battle " The queen's voice wrung over the speakers of every fighter in orbit , Catching many off guard but following her orders without question as they broke formation and dropped through the atmosphere.

" Sir , We are receiving a transmission from an unknown source " A neimoidian stated as he looked towards his higher up within the battleship control room .

" put it through " The alien responded as a man shimmered into existence on screen .

" Pull all your forces away from naboo at once or be destroyed . This is your one warning " The young man ordered as he gazed at them with an emotionless face.

" Who are you to challenge us , We we're promised this system in reward for the crimes your people commited against out viceroy when he was in the palace " The general stated with angering his voice.

" Interesting , Still I take it you refuse " The young man asked as he got the affirmative from the neimoidians " Very well , Prepare to be eradicated "

" I'm sorry Padme , We tried ... now it's time for action " Obrunik said as Padme nodded sadly as the fleet warships surrounded the battleship before de-cloaking .

" Fire when ready " Obrunik stated as the female esk droid behind him eyes glowed for a second .

Padme watched as a green haze surrounded the formations surrounding the battle ships , Obviously building towards something as one by one the formations took on this haze .

" That ship has exceptional shields , What are they doing " Padme enquired as Obrunik looked to naboo .

" Shields can only take so much before faltering . The ships are drawing power from each other to focus on on the centre vessel , I assure you that ship is as good as gone , Fire " Obrunik ordered as the first formation let loose a green bean of energy that struck the opposing battle ship , Causing the ships shields to flicker before the second repeated the process followed by many afterwards .

The battle of force users continued their battle across the generator rooms walkways , Both Jedi on both sides of maul as they attempted to get a strike through his guard , The assassin's expertly blocking each strike with easy as he mocked them .

The Sith knocked Obi-Wan off of the platform with a kick to the chest to another walk way storeys below before he himself was knocked down by Qui Gon himself thanks to a backhand to the head , Qui Gon leapt down to the red skinned siths level , Intending to split the Sith in half but was unsuccessful as the Sith rolled to the side , Jumping to his feet and locking blades with Qui Gon once more , The Sith leading Qui Gon down the walkway to a red shielded set of door ways .

Obi-Wan himself pulled himself up from dangling from the platform he was on before he leapt from the platform below up to their own and ran to catch up with his master , The two now battling through the open hallway before the red shields engaged and seperated the three of them .

Obi-Wan himself making it halfway through the shielded walkway before he too was stopped by their activation .

" No ... I don't think this will do at all " Obi-Wan's eyes widened as he turned to look at Kanya who stood at the entrance to the shielded walkway .

" What are you doing here , Leave you're in danger " Obi-Wan stated as he grew even more worried .

" I don't think so " She retorted before making a crushing gesture with her hands , The hallway they stood in shaking as the two immediate closest shields sputtered and disengaged as they were torn from the wall and tossed to the side .

" I apologize for lying earlier " Kanya stated to Obi-Wan's confusion , Only for it to double as Kanya activated a yellow bladed lightsaber and stated walking forward , The next two shields being torn from the wall in the same process .

" Young lady you have alot of explaining to do " Qui Gon quipped as he noted the Sith become more and more agitated at her relentless approach .

Qui Gon began to meditate as he waited for the shields to disengage , The Sith pacing back and forward as he got angrier and angrier .

Of nowhere the shields disengaged , Qui Gon and the Sith resuming their battle as Obi-Wan and Kanya took a dead sprint to join .

Kanya herself hefted her lightsaber to the side before tossing it , The weapon sawing through the air in a circular blur .

The Sith was caught of guard when the weapon sliced through his shoulder blade , Nearly removing his arm from his shoulder as at the last second the shields seperated the group once more .

" Give me but a second " Kanya stated as the room shook once more , The shields torn from the walls and dropped into the shaft Infront of them .

Obi-Wan intercepted a killing blow meant for Qui Gon , Breathing a sigh of relief as the Jedi master stumbled to catch his breath .

" You can't with Sith " Kanya stated as she slashed at the ground with her lightsaber as it spun .

The Sith looked at Obi-Wan as he held his lightsaber , Standing beside the woman with Qui Gon slowly coming to stand on her other side .

With a growl the Sith leapt at Kanya , The woman hefting her weapon , Crashing her lightsaber against the Zabraks .

Qui Gon moved behind the Sith and attempted to slash at him from behind z The Sith shifting himself to block both weapons before he was kicked across the shaft be Obi-Wan .

" As I told you , You're out matched " Kanya stated as the Sith stood to his feet and hefted his lightsaber and leapt across the gap , Arms wide , Lightsaber above his head .

The siths eyes widened as Obi-Wan crossed his path , The Sith grunting mid air as his upper and lower half seperated and tumbled into the depths below .

" Good riddance " Kanya mumbled as she deactivated her lightsaber and placed it on her belt .

" So not trained huh " Obi-Wan stated as he deactivated his own blade , Running a hand through his hair .

" Not by the group's you were implying when you asked . On my Homeworld we have a order of force sensitives that use the force for justice not the light or dark . I trained under them in the ways of the force and blade " Kanya explained cryptically as Qui Gon squinted , Not knowing what to make of her answer but deciding to give her the benefit of the doubt after sending no negative emotions from the woman towards them .

" I believe the Queen is in need of assistance " Obi-Wan announced as the decided to make their way back to the palace .

The battleship was nothing but shards in the sky , The queen announcing that she people had been the ones to destroy and bring victory to their planet .

All records of the space battle had been destroyed with the battleship . Viceroy Nute Gunray had been taken off world as boss nass conversed with the queen.

The celebration was well underway as the people flocked the streets with the gungans.

The Jedi and Kanya stood at Padme's side with Anakin Infront of Qui Gon and a newly knighted Obi-Wan .

Kanya herself had been left alone by the Jedi due to how much backlash would have been caused by interrogating the woman due to the queen's protection plus being vouched for by Qui Gon and Obi-Wan himself had helped .

On the opposite side of Padme stood Palpatine as boss nass approached .

Receiving a glowing orb from the gungan held by the queen as the people went haywire , Streams and fireworks going off in the distance .

Padme herself along with Kanya and anakin looked towards a balcony in the distance , All three smiling at Obrunik as he nodded and turned to leave the planet .

" Questions for you , I have hmm " Yoda asked as he stood next to Kanya , Propped against his walking stick as he waved at the masses below .

" Another time , Later after the celebrations " Kanya responded as the grand master nodded happily .