Ha im finally in namek wow this look awsome dude
5 -hours later
Yesss goku finally became the super saiyan amazing Lol huh a portal wait wha- -..
where the heck am i? this doesn't look very familiar ugh i was about to watch goku beat freiza come on im so unlucky
hey! are you new here,huh ahhhh wow she look pretty uhmm yeah im new here great wanna explore,sure i would love too.
well that was fun, yea it is well see you later gogeta.
yes i give her this character name her name was gina and her white hair and red eyes look so cute anyways oh a guild i wanna apply this would be easy to apply.
-after applying-
okay so i need to collect a task this should be very easy im a N rank so this N rank quest should be fine i need to kill 3 flying slimes oh that should be really easy let me go find them oh there they are
wow I one hit them oh a gem i think i need to collect this and bring it back here is the gem miss.
-Thanks- -here is your reward 2 sliver coins-
nice i got a sliver coins now what should i do?