"The Deity of Deception and Cunning," Hokage Masayuki, along with his comrades "The Slayer of God" Raiden Kazama and The Green-Faced Ashura, were imprisoned in the dungeon of the Academy of the Gods. Darkness enveloped them. The pitiful silence stared back at the three notorious villains, feared across the three vast worlds. Suddenly, they heard footsteps. The sound grew clearer, indicating someone was descending into the dungeon.
"Who are you, and why have you come here? I thought this dungeon was a secret even to ordinary students of the academy!" The Green-Faced Ashura asked weakly. He had been resisting the head deity of the academy by fasting for days, and his voice reflected his weakened state.
"Do you think I am an ordinary student of this academy? I am here to help you three worthless fools!"
"You don't look like a traitor, Shark God Kaiyo no Kami! How can we trust a deity whose eyes exude a radiant aura of integrity?" Hokage Masayuki remained suspicious of the only deity to visit the dungeon in over a month.
"It's up to you, Hokage Masayuki! I don't like you, but I despise Snow Sky-Dog even more!"
"Alright, we trust you! We can't just sit here and let 'The Progenitor of the Gods' take us to court and sentence us to death. Tell us, how will you help us?" A sinister smile formed on Hokage Masayuki's lips as he looked at Shark God Kaiyo no Kami. (Perhaps he wasn't as cunning as he thought. To 'The Progenitor of the Gods,' his schemes were mere childish pranks. He often prided himself on his intelligence but paid dearly for it every time. 'The Progenitor of the Gods' was his nemesis!)
Shark God Kaiyo no Kami pulled a letter from his pocket.
"The Green-Faced Ashura, I know you are the leader of an army of three-headed, six-armed Ashura warriors. They are fiercely aggressive. But now they are in chaos because you aren't at your base to maintain order. So I took the bold step of writing this letter on your behalf. It calls them to attack this academy to rescue you and the other two half-witted rogues imprisoned here. Just sign at the end of the letter, and I will ensure it reaches them. In three weeks, your savage army will attack the academy. All three of you will be freed, and they will seize all the magical artifacts that Snow Sky-Dog's team worked so hard to acquire for 'The Progenitor of the Gods,' handing them to you, their leader, The Green-Faced Ashura. Doesn't this sound like a perfect plan?"
"You're quite clever, Shark God Kaiyo no Kami! You're just like me, a great betrayer!" Hokage Masayuki was completely convinced by Kaiyo no Kami's words. Yet, within Kaiyo no Kami, he thought: "A great betrayer? I am not a shameless deity like you, Hokage Masayuki! 'The Progenitor of the Gods' had to persuade me extensively to abandon my prestigious position to play this wretched role!"
After The Green-Faced Ashura signed the letter, Kaiyo no Kami immediately left the damp, musty dungeon and swiftly headed to the principal's office.
"Headmaster, 'The Progenitor of the Gods,' the three foolish fish have taken the bait! Here is the signed letter from The Green-Faced Ashura."
"You've done well, Shark God Kaiyo no Kami!"
"Headmaster, I had to exert all my effort to play this damned role! That bastard even called me a 'great betrayer.' If it weren't for my acting, I'd have shown him the devastating power of my shark teeth!"
"Haha, I've put you through a lot, Shark God! I am very proud of you, my student!" The headmaster then turned his meaningful gaze to the Fire God Hinokagami no Kami and spoke in a deep but powerful voice.
"Hinokagami no Kami, the next step of this plan's success depends on your abilities!"
"Don't worry, Headmaster, I won't let you down! Last time, I acted rashly, and you had to mobilize other students to rescue me from that bastard's grasp. This time, I'll achieve a victory to repay your help! I am determined to return the misery Hokage Masayuki caused me. Your plan is excellent, Headmaster, 'The Progenitor of the Gods!' The reason the Heavenly Kingdom's army couldn't destroy The Green-Faced Ashura's three-headed, six-armed warrior army is because of their formidable defensive position. If we lure them out, the warriors of the Jinn family (an ally of our Fire Deity Clan) will certainly annihilate them."
"You're right, Hinokagami no Kami! Now, you have my permission to begin our plan!"
"Yes, honored Headmaster!" Hinokagami no Kami released a carrier pigeon. This pigeon carried the letter signed by The Green-Faced Ashura to his aggressive but foolish army. (An ill-fated army! The moment they leave their base to rescue their equally foolish leader, the mighty Jinn family will destroy them!) The pigeon flew swiftly through the starry sky of the World of the Gods, heralding the impending victory for the deities involved in this perfect plan.
Kaiyo no Kami stood silently, watching the pigeon soar into the distance, carrying the crucial mission he had worked hard to accomplish. He could not forget the determined look in the headmaster's eyes when assigning this task. Despite his inner worries, his absolute faith in the plan and loyalty to the headmaster dispelled all doubts.
"Master, I will not disappoint you," he whispered, his eyes growing more resolute than ever. "We have taken a significant step toward reclaiming peace for the World of the Gods."
Hinokagami no Kami approached Kaiyo no Kami, gently patting his shoulder in encouragement.
"Kaiyo, you've done excellently! We have only one final step left! Believe in yourself and our strength!"
Kaiyo no Kami turned to Hinokagami, his eyes filled with gratitude.
"Thank you, Hinokagami! Together, we'll complete this mission and bring peace to our world."
The flames in the principal's office flickered, illuminating the determined faces of The Progenitor of the Gods. He stood up, gazing at the two young deities with pride and hope. "You are the future of the World of the Gods. Your sacrifices and bravery will lay the foundation for lasting prosperity and peace."
Kaiyo no Kami and Hinokagami no Kami replied in unison.
"Yes, Headmaster! We will not betray your trust."
As night fell, Kaiyo no Kami returned to his room, where the dim moonlight filtered through the window, casting a serene glow. He sat down, gazing far into the horizon. Mixed emotions stirred within him - joy at completing the task and anxiety about the challenges ahead.
"In the coming days, a new battle will begin. I must be stronger, and more decisive! For the safety of the World of the Gods, I will not hesitate!"
The moonlight grew brighter, a beacon of hope. Kaiyo no Kami felt strength from nature, the sea, and his unwavering loyalty. He knew that no matter the difficulties, he would overcome them, fighting for justice and peace.
This chapter closes with unanswered questions but opens a promising future. What challenges will Kaiyo no Kami, Hinokagami no Kami, and the other gods face next? Will their plan succeed, or will unexpected events unfold? All remains a mystery, awaiting discovery in the upcoming chapters.
The night wind whispered the words of destiny. Kaiyo no Kami closed his eyes, preparing for what lay ahead. In the darkness, his eyes gleamed with hope and determination. His journey had only just begun.