Getting out of the village we kept walking for 20 minutes about two kilometers until we entered a forest. Once we entered Frank said "I want all of you to keep your focus we don't know how dangerous this forest is. First thing look for water in leaves. Some of them might be bent and hold rain water, if anyone see an animals trail notify me". We kept walking for five minutes then we placed a some marks on the surrounding trees to find our way back.
After about an hour Margret says "Frank I think I hear something". We all listen closely and walk in the direction of the aound until Frank says "Cheer up boys we just found a river". We drink some water and then continue along the river for a while when Mark says "Frank I think I found a trail". Frank comes over and says "good job Mark that looks like a deer's trail and it doesn't look very old". Frank looks at us and says "Now we need to make a weapon look for thick branches and bring them to me we are going to make some spears". We bring about six branches one for each.
Frank takes out a small knife and starts sharpening the branches. Mark comes near me and says "I can't believe that we are doing this, a few hourse ago I was in my home doing some work when suddenly everything goes to shot and it looks like we are back to the stone ages", I keep looking at Frank and tell him "I guess we just have to adapt, the slower we adapt the lower our survival chances are". Mark then says "I just hope my family is alright they were in Germany". "Don't worry they should be fine just focus on surviving this and you can search for them".
After chatting for a while Frank says "all done" and gives everyone a spear it took him about an hour or two.Then we start following the trail carefully. It took us another two hours to finally see the deer. Then Frank says quietly "We need a volunteer here. Moving quietly is not my strong point".
Thinking for a moment I volunteer to take it down. I move as stealthily as I can and surprisingly the deer doesn't notice me. I keep moving until I am two meters behind the deer and then I hesitate for a moment before steeling myself and dashing at the deer's neck with my spear. The deer notices me but its too late to react properly and my spear hits true. The deer falls and I remain stunned looking at it. It was the first time I killed something.
<< You have killed a level 1 deer, your experience grows>>
I look at the screen a millon thoughts going through my mind Thinking that this system encourages killing and that has many implications that scares me a lot. I clench my fists I have to get stronger to protect myself and my sister.
Frank places his hand on my shoulder "good job there, you did very well" he continues "we need to take it back to the village but the smell of blood might attract predators. So we need to be fast. I will gut the deer and we will move back to the village". Frank guts the deer and the deer becomes surprisingly light. Two people can carry it easily.
Mark and another young man called oliver carry the deer. We move back through the tracks we left to the village. We exit the forest and move when suddenly when we are about 200 meters from the forest I get this uneasy feeling and look back there I see something exiting the forest.
Just exiting the forest is a tiger, but even from nearly two kilometers I notice that it is larger than a normal tiger. It looks at me and I screem "RUN!!". The tiger roars and runs after us. The group looks back and Henry the one carring the deer from the fron drops it and runs. I quickly replace him and look at Mark "we have to take it with us we can make it". Mark looks at me and quickly nodes and start running.
The tiger is very fast a lot faster than a normal tiger. We keep runing while looking back and the tiger is getting very near and I notice that it is nearly a meter and a half tall. The village wooden door is nearly there 30 meters.
We enter the village and the tiger jumps on us and then. The tiger was no more, it explodes in a rain of flesh and blood. A gigantic tiger just pops like a microwaved egg.